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Everything posted by Anishor

  1. Anishor


    lol not even close to the amount of range that a concealment operative can cover. You're not forget what their lolRoll does right? Anyways carrying the hutball should add the hindered debuff. (ie what happens when you get electroneted )
  2. Veng is great if you like topping charts with fluffy damage and being really survivable. But in actually pressuring or bursting a healer it's pretty bad. Unless you get a lucky string of crits you're never bringing a healer down. Now you get that same string of lucky crits on a rage and the healer will melt in three GCDs.
  3. Still no spiritual successors to SWG that are being done by large accomplished dev teams on the horizon. A sandbox where playing in the world was your end game and you could choose what that was whether RP, PVP, Crafting, Decorating, City Building, or PVE ( granted no raids but still was some challenge ) SWG as it was when it closed with a better ground combat engine would have been awesome. Star Citizen will likely be my next MMO. Was excited for EQ-Next but the dirth of information there has lowered expectations quite a bit.
  4. Intercede is a big key to staying alive, I pickup the heroic talent for it and I also use a no alacrity no accuracy build. Sure I miss occasionally but with force attacks and riposte I don't notice it all that much. I would say I enjoy it and feel more effective on it than when I play my AP Powertech, and I still do out damage myself vs when I'm running DPS Immortal. But the squishiness is noooticable. But I think all the tank specs in DPS gear are WAAAY over performing atm anyways. Best thing they could do for us is some DOT protection in our path ( could add it to the 5% dmg reduction we get ). DOTs are literally what destroy me. It almost feels like a berserker spec when there's a lot of madness around because I almost always have 5 stacks of pooled hatred.
  5. Biggest balance is not low slash but Sorc/Sage Healers, and then probably the over-performance of Tank Specs in DPS gear.
  6. Saereth you better not be fooling me! Or I'll do something crazy
  7. And this is why ultimately I think sandbox MMOs will be the next phase of MMO development. Something in the vein of SWG that hopefully will have an actual functional ground combat system ( no Pre-CU was borked as hell and you know it) more content and sandbox systems ( ie the GCW Meta game and underworld factions) at launch and a little bit more accessibility. You need player driven economies and content in a virtual world to keep player retention high to keep your hardcore players satisfied enough to continue investing in a game and a world to draw people in, and the star wars IP is one of those that do that almost automatically. Now you have a functioning game world that is kind of self perpetuating, then you can add things on top at a natural slow development pace like Raids and Story and not get a raft of crap from the players for it. Here are some of the key things I believe that would help create a fantastic sandbox: 1. Persistent Player Housing and Cities. - Nothing builds community more imo. Instances can exist but I would use that to have apartments in npc cities, to increase the accessibility of the system. 2. Player Event System - in SWG this was the storyteller system, allowed players to spend in game currency to obtain things normally only GMs and Designers have access to for a temporarily time to create events, whether decorations, NPCs, costumes, ect. I would expand this with the ability to generate notifications out of game to advertise and subscribe to events. 3. Player Crafted best Items (requiring combat obtained components of course ) and Player Driven economy 4. The ability for all player types to affect the game world, whether be PvPers and PvErs, Non-Combat Social game play, or crafters. Everyone is important and everyone should be able to contribute and affect any meta level systems of the conflicts that arise. 5. Non-Combat, Non-Crafting Social game play systems such as dancing, bartending, music, mayors 6. A dynamic world of NPCs where player actions affect the state of the game world. SWG had this a little but could be much more expanded upon. EQ-Next is claiming to trying to do something like this. 7. The acknowledgement and design around that players interaction with other players and the game world create far more memorable stories and these are as valuable an asset to the game as finely written and developed stories and gameplay experiences crafted by the developers.
  8. source? I mean it does make sense that they would introduce something like SWG 2.0 covering the new movies right around the time the third in the new trilogy launches.
  9. They could do a few things - have remote detonator replace the grenade so you can't stack them as easily and remove its delay, reduce the dmg on mag pulse so sustained goes down to closer to what Rage is.
  10. That is a fair point. I concede it to you. My worry is BW's track record, is they'll nerf the spec but in the wrong way so it'll become useless, like when commandos got their original grav round nerf.
  11. Eh, it's not too bad, Sorcs Healers aren't any worse than Operatives were in their heyday, and APs aren't worse than Smash was. There are problems but it's not the worse it's ever been. 1. Yes AP and Sorc Heals are too strong and need adjusting down. 2. Lightning needs a buff to its burst. 3. Focus/Rage could use some defense against DOTs and a slight buff to its sustained for pve sake really 4. Deception's Low slash should be made melee range again and have dmg returned to it. ( given shadow step makes up for their lack of mobility ) 5. Lethality Operative still has a bit too much setup time for their dots. If the improved backstab applied one of the dots it would help a lot. 6. IO Merc has button bloat. 7. Pyro PT should either have flamethrower be deadly cleave again or needs more defenses. 8. I think Concealment is balanced but kind of useless. It's too defensive now and because it's so strong defensively it is balanced around that and isn't too much of a threat in pvp. 9. For the other healers its hard to say when Sorc heals are so damned strong. 10. I think engineering and marksmen snipers are in a pretty good place 11. Marauders are in a pretty good place though I would increase Anni self heals to 25% of dmg done. 12. Madness/Hatred are in a good place if those in other places are brought up/down.
  12. It's world pvp and probably the lowest priority thing Bioware has on their list and regardless any stealth class is more than capable of destroying every other class in world pvp because they can so easily reset the fight for their liking. So just relax and enjoy the game this part isn't gonna get balanced because it's not that big of a deal.
  13. open world pvp has'nt been a concern in years and companions in open world pvp are even less a concern. Look at the last Open world PVP thing they did, the gree event, the open world pvp part you can't have companions. I would guess the needs/wants of those doing heorics far outways ppl doing world pvp. Not that I'm against open world pvp ( I started on Jung Ma and I played most of my AoC Career on Cimeria, and I was almost always overt in swg... ) but it's just reality that few world pvpers <<< ppl doing heroic pve content.
  14. Anishor

    Burst vs. DPS

    Both are relevant and viable in a general sense just different means of achieving the same goal. In ranked, burst teams mean hard switch strats and sustained are try to outlast and burn the team through attrition.
  15. Can now also craft boots and gloves.
  16. Sranîshor (Republic) Sranishor (Imperial) - Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Chest (220 dps) Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Leggings (220 dps) Exarch Overkill Mk-26 Helm (220 dps) Working on getting the entire set up there, it's expensive to craft but does provide operation quality, Free with mats.
  17. I'm selling pants, chest and helm on TEH for about 4.5mil each seems to be a good price point. Probably could go higher but I get most of hte mats myself.
  18. Please introduce an item that would force hoods not to display but has no appearance.
  19. While not a large of a whale, I can speak from my experience that the new pack crate system is a turn off. Most of my guildies usually buy one to two crates a release, I'm usually in the three to four range. But now, with these new crates it is no longer worth it. The Rep, Jawa Junk, Cartel Certs, Credit booms were all good things to have in the packs. To make the current format viable you need to, a.) Increase the amount of deco per item for the NPCs and small to medium furniture ( ie give 4 chairs instead of 1 ) b.) Make all armor rewards a single box. c.) Reintroduce the Rep, Jawa Junk, Cartel Certs, and Booms into each pack on a separate roll from the current items.
  20. Eh, it's more feasible ( economicly and from a engineering standpoint) to just make a new MMO, say SWG 2.0 (sandbox) for the new movies' timeline and allow SWTOR to continue along as it is with story updates. That way the two mmos could coexist because they try to achieve different goals.
  21. happened to me and a guildie both in our own strongholds. They need to let us have a way of ejecting all players from a stronghold from the stronghold management screen and a way to get characters to log into fleet from the char select if they are in the infinite loadscreen. There's no loading bar when this happens just the spinning wheel
  22. Would prob be end up attached to the aoe taunt.
  23. frankly if you're not bringing AP or MM you're gimping yourself. Also I'm not a big fan of Veng anymore. I don't feel like it's pressure is all that strong anymore and I've been playing Veng since 2.0 and when JM was actually full of good players was considered one of the better Juggs. I feel that with the nerfing of Ravage, Veng Sustained isn't that good. I haven't noticed Veng dots being dangerous, maybe a total of 3-4k on crits totat? Which means most of your pressure is gonna come from slam since ravage took the nerf bat to the face. And yes Rage Jug could use some defenses against DOTs, or heck maybe something out of the box, like increased damage while dots are on you.
  24. Dummy DPS != PvP Viability. I would say Rage/Fury is the BEST Knight PVP Spec atm by a margin because it can actually burst healers down. Vigilance imo is a fluff damage spec in pvp. Annihilation is better because its dots can actually provide pressure ( getting about 5-7k in per pulse pressure with all 3 dots running with crits. ). Carnage also has decent burst but suffers from what it always did, sooo easy to control and break if you cc them during gore windows.
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