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Everything posted by Anishor

  1. Eric have there been any discussions on removing the chat restrictions between factions? I know both as a pvper and an RPer the chat restrictions are quite damaging to organizing events and activities. Removing the restrictions would be a great step for the RP community and certainly help with things like Group and Solo ranked on smaller servers like Jung Ma.
  2. We would like to congratulate our newest members who just joined who can already be seen making a positive contribution to PVP and our active members that have been promoted. Great work everyone.
  3. was at work and opening imgur is toooooo risky. Even from someone as classy as Autrus ( not like opening something from Baldie )
  4. It could be better stated as, why as a guild do we continue to support SWTOR as a group of friends who want to play together when the social aspects of the game are getting minimal updates?
  5. Balanced class right? ( Pyro or AP btw? )
  6. They said story was a 4th pillar, they're ignoring the other 3, and guess what happens when you remove make one pillar too long compared to the others. Your structure collapses. Also if they're pivoting to an online Kotor RPG, I want SWG back in DBG Austin's hands, because with this new direction it ceases to be an mmo.
  7. Actually I would call the story ppl the locusts. Look at launch. Social aspects are what keep people playing and vested in mmos. The top raiding guilds may have that behavior but the majority of people who raid and pvp aren't that. Also in my experience the two most loyal groups of customers are RPers and PvPers ( because their content is derived from other players )
  8. This is a horrible analogy for software development.
  9. This sums up my reading of the articles as well. ( PS the last time a SWG MMO changed it's target audience didn't go over too well )
  10. Your choices don't matter. They don't affect the game world outside your little instanced bubble. You cannot share your choices with your guildies. You and your friends cannot shape the game world together.
  11. Oh I don't doubt the story decision tree will be wider, but it's still one story line. ( Just like in Mass Effect )
  12. I want one of the optimists to show how this is going to be any different from launch of the game? They drastically underestimated the amount of time content would be consumed in and did not focus on the parts of the game that actually generates retention and increased play session time (role playing, multi-player PVE and PVP ). To me it's deja vu ( and reminds me just a little bit of some of the poor decisions that drove the NGE in swg.)
  13. Seems to be there will only be one storyline for all the classes ie that of the outlander. But unlike SoR or RoTC it will be as in depth as the class stories were. I agree with you that is it sad that they're seemingly abandoning or just keeping the status quo on the actual MMO parts of this game.
  14. obsolete? hard to say. Though everything that's being released so far seems to indicate that the non-single player story elements of this game ( you know the actually mmo parts ) aren't going to be receiving much attention.
  15. Exactly, except it sounds like now the 'everything else' will be in maintenance mode. So it goes back to the beta question a lot of asked, 'why is this an mmo again?'
  16. What you're discounting about a game like swg is how the non-combat aspects appealed to casuals and non-traditional MMO players and those systems helped create a sense of community that lasts to this day.
  17. So basically all the MMO players playing SWTOR are getting screwed?
  18. I'm not saying it's bad, I think it could be wildly successful if they can keep a high content delivery pace. I'm saying it's not for me any longer, focusing away from the few MMO features it had. Also sandboxes aren't dying there's a few in development (star citizen and crowfall come to mind). There's just nothing in the current generation that have been successful. Though to be fair none of their failures should be linked to the sandbox design. Archage for example just didn't properly plan for the housing boom or the lengths westeners would go to cheat and hack. SWG ( last generation mmo )was an amazing game that had barely baked ground combat system that caused it to fail. P.S. I would love this new format if there was another Stars Wars MMO for me to get my individual ( ie MY STORY of my playing my characters in the Star Wars Universe not me playing through a single player campaign written by someone else )
  19. This all reminds me of the spirit of the NGE. Focusing on non-MMO elements and I believe incorrectly characterizing why people enjoy Star Wars games so much. We who grew up pretending to be Jedi and X-wing or Tie Pilots want to make our own adventures in the star wars universe. Essentially the game really ceases to be a star wars quasi-alive universe and is a lobby for our single player story, Instanced PvP, and Instance PvE. I hope this endeavor goes well for Bioware, but honestly I think it makes me realize swtor, a non-sandbox mmo, isn't for me anymore.
  20. I would love for these schematics to be purchasable in the future. Make em 20k comms if need be. But frak please take them out of the boxes with that horrid drop rate.
  21. I agree with Sae here, x-faction could surely help eliminate yolo q-syncing. To the OP, if all we are getting is what is leaked, I would be very disappointed, but I doubt it.
  22. Has anyone else noticed that massacre seems to have issues with high alacrity ( ie > 40% ), especially in a high movement fight? I notice it a lot in voidstars when I chain a lot of them after another ( usually the end of my berserk chain ). It's like the animation can't quite keep up with both the alacrity and high amounts of lateral movement. I notice no such issue btw on my Sent with blade rush. I see every attack clearly animate and land.
  23. I'm not sure I would play my Jugg again then lol.
  24. I have two ideas for anti-Mando burst ( dps only, medic commando I think would be unstoppable if they had a good anti-focus ability tbh given their bursty heal nature. ) 1. Fixing Kolto overload so that it has a nice dmg reduction attached to it so that it actually has hte power and time it needs to heal the Merc/Commando. ( I would give this one to IO ) 2. Give Gunnery commandos a new talent in their path that increases the dmg reduction on it to 50% on the energy shield and when the duration expires an AOE dmg effect is generated for about 30% of the pre-dmg reduction incoming damage, if the commando dies during the effect of it, increase the AOE pulse to 50% or something like that. So effectively it is a hybrid of saber reflect and and sorcs barrier.
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