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10 Good
  1. I want a character with whited out eyes like Kreia from KOTOR 2. Or also blacked out eyes like Darth Traya. Surely it can't be difficult to just have solid white or black eyes.. Also.. No cyber eyes? I seriously feel this game is heavily lacking in eye variations for a star wars game.
  2. Anyone else get this vibe? On my sith sorcerer in the fight with Arcann in the last chapter, i used a shield...A shield! Yes, the big presumably final battle with Arcann and you need a shield to defend yourself against his awesome might... I'm supposed to be a master of the dark side of the force, why would i use a shield? Surely my force powers should be a match for Arcann's to show that i've actually progressed to his power level; but no, you need a shield, in a lightsabre duel..Really? Way to make the outlander look super weak. Actually, there are lots of moments where this happens; like being unable to open a door with the force..While Vaylin is ripping through everything to get to you. I want to feel like i've beaten Arcann with my own power, not with some temporary item placed there specifically for that fight. Even after defeating Arcann, it still appears as if my sith sorcerer outlander is weaker than Arcann in terms of force power; which is supposed to be the sith sorcerer's specialty. If i'm so strong in the force, why do i need a shield?? Also, why not let us shield with our lightsabre? Atleast then it wouldn't look totally nonsensical seeing a force user carrying a conveniently placed shield. I don't want to feel like i've cheated to win the fight, let me fight it properly with my own abilities and power....One thing you did do right was have the fight be one on one, so well played in that regard, but the rest? Onto my second problem with the fight...Why do Arcann's powers look so ****** compared to mine? I'm running around with a dinky shield while Arcann is blasting lighting from all over the place in some visual spectacle, where as my powers have next to no visuals other than force lighting; which also looks weak when compared to Arcann's lightning; all i can hope to do is cower behind some shield while he pummels me with his force powers. The underdog thing can work great, and it works especially well for non-force users; but with force users if you're going to play us as the underdog, we need to overcome them during the fight properly. It's like an underdog boxer fighting the champ, would it be a legitimate win if the underdog was on drugs? No, it wouldn't; it'd be like cheating; which is exactly how it feels when my force user character needs to pick up a convenient shield to defend themselves from Arcann; using something outside of just boxing to win the fight. Or use some bs temporary force powers that i gained from training. The problem with adding these temporary powers is this : When time comes for me to do something outside of that fight, where did those abilities go? Why can't i use them again? It makes no sense, and is thus a total immersion killer. Look, i don't mind it if you put overpowered force users in the story, if i get to eventually beat them with my OWN power. It being my OWN power is the important part. When time comes to defeat Valkorion, please do not make the same mistake.
  3. wrong; it isn't worthless, merely standing somewhere could be the reason you won.
  4. I agree with op; arenas should not be forced on us.
  5. I just don't understand what people don't get about this... Their are too many things at play for a players performance to be summed up by what the scoreboard shows. Countless times i've seen people say "your dps/heals/protection sucks" to me; and other people, and it is the most ham-brained statement that seems to have plagued pvp communities across the galaxy; and i believe it also encourages bad teamwork to an extent. Why score doesn't mean skill is pretty self explanatory; as stated above the score can't take into consideration every dynamic at play during a game. Your positioning; how frequently you are attacked/cc/healed, your positioning, your teams positioning, aoe, build, gear; even your name may have some psychological impact on the outcome of how a player responds to you; even your outfit. Maybe the lighting in the room you're playing from; maybe the mouse and keyboard you're using... You get the idea. Why i think people taking the score too seriously is also bad for pvpers is simply because it encourages them to play in a way that is not necessarily beneficial to the success of the game; trying their best to up their score to prove themselves for whatever reason. I'm well aware a lot of people don't let the score get to them, and are already well aware of what i'm saying here; but it seems a lot of people also aren't aware. You can be the reason your team won; and have the worst score on the board so...Stop taking the score seriously please; it doesn't really mean anything; and can't accurately gauge ones "skill"; it is better off being ignored completely.
  6. Okay; but had consumables never been in pvp to start with; would you mind? Would the game go amiss if it dropped them from pvp? The problem i have with them is that it creates an unnecessary divide in the playerbase : those who refuse to use them/don't know about them, and those who do. Unfortunately for those who refuse to use them, they put themselves at a disadvantage and are more likely to end up giving up pvp due to feeling cheated, as opposed to those who do use them; and only use them because they're there, and likely wouldn't quit pvp (or even care that much) if they were removed; because afterall that would close the divide to a level playing field (and i think that is what most of us want). Its the type of thing i can only see hurting the playerbase in the longterm for what seems an unnecessary reason.
  7. ..If they're not fun; i don't see why they're in pvp. It is just faux depth; an addition we'd all be better off not thinking about. I've seen people state "its just that little bit extra for those who want to gain the edge in pvp" but why bother when pvp would be more fun without them? People who use them would no longer have the hassle of acquiring them; and people who don't use them won't have to feel cheated when someone cheaply pops a stim.
  8. lol; healers are broken; one dps should = one healer, no more, no less; otherwise heal stacking will always be the best tactic. The game is fundamentally flawed due to it being designed so healers can out heal damage; and so it breaks when stacking occurs. 1 healer does not = 1 dps, even an amazing dps... Take a healer who is also "amazing" , it doesn't matter who your dps is; they're not dying unless the crit gods are shining down upon you (and i mean REALLY shining).
  9. Streamlining a game is in no way making it simple in terms of how much you need to think in terms of gameplay; it is cutting out the part where you have to battle the interface so you can get to the actual game. Just because a game has too many abilities does not suddenly add more depth to the game, it is just unnecessary hassle. Look at a game like dota 2; it only has four or so abilities plus items and many would argue that holds more depth than any mmo. Dumbing down? I think not.
  10. The sheer amount of keybinds required is ridiculous; and i'm talking specifically about combat when I say this. It is a nightmare for new, and returning players to get back into; especially when they find all of their abilities have been switched around from previous updates; or new abilities have been added. I shouldn't have to battle with the interface to play the game. I've played many mmos and can say this one is one of the worst for keybind requirement; some of those abilities can easily be reworked/merged/removed so that it isn't such a hassle. Even by the time you're used to the keybinds you have to perform keyboard acrobatics to use them; and it is not a comfortable experience... and it only gets worse if you have multiple characters.
  11. "Heals aren't broken! it must be all those bad dpsers!" I guess all the "good" players must only play healer...
  12. I never said dps was useless, i was merely reflecting your logic for healers being uselss if they were to ever have defense as weak as dps. In other words; even if healers had low defense they are not useless; afterall,preventing people from dying also prevents you from losing. In that regard it is just as important as dps. Also; you can't do damage if you're dead.
  13. By that logic does that not make dps pointless? Why is undoing damage less useful than doing damage? It is just as effective. One stops death, the other causes death; they are merely opposites; and should be treated as such. The only difference is damage has no utility when used on yourself, unlike healing; which is where a difference comes into play.
  14. No, its the game. It is no surprise that all the people who main healers come charging in to argue for their cause; the simple fact is, healers have more influence over the outcome of a game than a single dps. Which is why the game breaks when you have multiple healers on one team; they never die. Oh and to those mentioning that people who make mmos know what they';re doing... Honestly, most of them don't. They're all just copying wows frame; too afraid to deviate. The players accumulate the knowledge on how the game really functions, not the makers. Open your eyes please; one role should not be more useful than another, grow a brain. Might i also mention i also have a healer; so there is no bias; its just the facts; they're quite clearly broken.
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