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Everything posted by Dominoris

  1. Umm, yeah. Like it hurt DA's sales and all that ....
  2. While 10K is max, you will still see the popup affection gains during a conversation.
  3. According to the developers, you can mistreat Vette to the point that she litterally spends all her time on the ship crying. I would call that broken. I tried it in beta but never got that far.
  4. There is no way to remove a companion in any manner and no way to avoid recruiting any companion while progressing your class quest.
  5. She's on the same ship as Holiday! Anything less and she would sound prudish
  6. Qyzen is not the only Aim oriented melee companion. "Aim" is nothing more than "Trooper-Stat" and has nothing to do with sighting down a ranged weapon despite how the name sounds. Qyzen wears heavy trooper armor and thus gets Trooper-Stat from his gear. You can even buy him Trooper armor if you want and he makes good use out of it. But the whole techblade deal is unique to Qyzen. Even T7 gets an orange weapon.
  7. Naw, the Jedi Knight's TK driod should prove that wrong. A ranged tank to assist a melee character? It is a pain working with T7 even after you turn all the tank stuff off. Then there are classes like the Trooper. They can eventually play all three roles of tank, healer and DPS. How can one companion be the best fit for all versions? If you want a universal rule of thumb, it would be closer to say the healer companion is the best companion any class can get.
  8. Tharan is about par with all the other healing companions out there. Be sure to put him in his healing stance to get the most from him. On the other hand, Holiday is freaking awesome. She is the only reason Tharan is not sucking vaccum in the airlock.
  9. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-p55iNDcOpGw/TyR3DKViViI/AAAAAAAABQY/jZ7is5rdg-M/s1600/alligator.jpg
  10. Rather than clicking the Attack button, send him in with his charge. It has been awhile since I used Qyzen but I *think* it is Ctrl-9. Or was that what we had to hit all the time to make him stop using his EMP pulse .... anyway, just pull up his list of abilities and find the charge skill. Send him in first with that and then go to town. He won't do the 3 steps forward, 2 steps back dance he usually does that way.
  11. Any class can solo with the right companion. Really. Not just folowwing the fanboi line here, you can solo with any of the classes. Some are easier than others but if the story means anything than don't sweat the class. For ease of play and self sufficient 1-50, the bounty hunter and trooper make the best solo classes. However, the BH class quest can be a bit of a yawn-fest and the Trooper's story is not much better. [ETA] The hardest is probably the Smuggler/Imp Agent. The smuggler has some seriously funny moments and a nice story, even if chapter 2 is a bit forced. Even as the hardest to play, you can walk through the game if you learn to use your interupts and CC correctly. but then, everyone needs to use interupts correctly or the story bosses will crush you. Bottom line: my opinion of the eaisest to play is a Bounty Huter Powertech tanking for Mako followed very closely by a Trooper Vanguard tanking for Elara.
  12. I have not had the 150% damage bug since the patch. Don't read anything more into than that because I have used it maybe 5 times max.
  13. BW likes the Empire better? Oh hell yeah! Best starter pets (Vette and mako), better itemised companions (did you know Elara still has Cunning on her weapons? - she is a trooper and needs Aim, BTW) All that does not mean I don't like what we have on this side of the fence. I'm here to have fun. I have played imps and loved it. I have played pubs and been engrosed in the stories. It is easy to see there is a bias, but it is not so skewed as to make the good guys unplayable.
  14. This comes up a lot. Here is a quick run down. Willpower: This beats all. More is always better. No known cap. Endurance ... just whatever is on the willpower gear is all you need. Power / Force Power: Effects both heals and damage. There is no cap or diminishing returns. More is always better. Crit Rating: soft cap at 30%. Not 30% crit chance, but only the part associated with rating. Mouse over the crit chance on your paperdoll screen to see the break out. Crit rating giving you more than 30% is hard to come by and counter productive. Surge: capped at +50%. Like Crit Rating, this is only for the portion associated with the surge rating. - Note: crit and surge go hand in hand. Each needs the other to do any good. Alacrity: Shortens cast times from those spells that actually have a cast time. Speeds up ticks of channeled spells. Does not affect the 1.5 sec global cooldown. You may be able to cast Benevolance faster but you will never be able to cast it more often than once every 1.5 seconds and you can do that without any Alacrity. I am firmly in the camp that Alactity is a bad choice because it does not increase the size of your heals nor the amount you can heal per point of force. Other people disagree and state that casting our biggest heals faster is never a bad thing. I don't think there is a consensus on Alacrity but there is an agreement that Power comes first followed by Crit/Surge with equal importance. Alacrity is last. Defense is not even on the list for a healer. If the item has defense on it, then it is not ours.
  15. That's all well and good, but a skilled healer can get more out of a sorc than he can an op. We are compairing classes her, not players.
  16. Vette - Funny. She has the best lines. In beta I could not stop myself from shocking her any chance I could. Mako - Healer for first companion? Yes, please. Corso - Mildly annoying and slightly ammusing. Makes an OK tank. Kaliyo - Same as above. Qyzen - Repeat the other tank comments but there is nothing ammusing here. rather bland when not annoying. No understandable voice. Khem - A special needs Qyzen. T7 - It's not really all that bad to be down here on the bottom, but it just does not fit the knight play style. Being forced to take it along on important and difficult late game missions adds to the "don't want" factor. Aric - The only starting personality I truely hate. Does an ok job in a role you don't need; as soon as Elora comes on, Aric will sit in the weapons locker for eternity getting -1 during ship holoterminal conversations.
  17. If you are gettng out healed by this -- and I have never said this on any forum -- you suck at healing. Anyone with biochem can do the same thing with higher burst heals by swapping gear. Juggers can out heal a consumption spamming sorc and often do.
  18. I am starting to feel the same way about my gunslinger.
  19. You can sleep with all the planet based NPC's you can get. My Smuggler is tied to Corso but she gets around on shore leave. One in every port as they say.
  20. With the Sage, what makes them seem so OP is the utility they have. CC, heals, combat sprint, knockback, ranged AoE with no cooldown, single target damage and as a quasi-religious order, jedi maintain a federal tax exempt status. With talent points and watching for procs they can keep a steady stream of strong damage going without depleting their force power. In my opinion, they don't match the damage output of a Commando, but they they can quite literally run circles around anyone.
  21. Well, the social items vendor on Drummand Kaas sells formal pants but for some strange reason I an kill on sight there.
  22. Passion and romantic involvement are the things forbidden by the jedi order. A quick romp with no attachments is no problem at all
  23. I tried that before. Didn't like it. Went back to party frames. YMMV
  24. Voss Guard: "Excuse me, Jedi. I need to talk to you." Jedi: "What seems to be the problem?" - Affection gain: Nadia +102 Voss Guard: "Have you been to the cantina?" Jedi: "No. I have just arrived" - Affection gain: Nadia +102 Voss Guard: "Be sure to stop by and relax from your journey." Jedi: "I think I might like that." - Affection gain: Nadia +102 Voss Guard: "Farewell." Jedi: "So long." - Affection gain: Nadia +204 Don't worry about affection gain from Nadia. Srsly.
  25. Press N to open up the crew skills window. Click the arrow just to the right of the companion you wish to use.
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