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Everything posted by Dominoris

  1. I have been away for a while so maybe I'm not familiar with the new culture but is it some sort of contest to see who can find the most posts over a year old to necro?
  2. Geeez! Enough with spamming your link already.
  3. I wish this could be stickied. I'll just have to bookmark it instead.
  4. It's not just SI, but I understand what you are saying. No matter what sclass you play there is a point where "there is only ever one blah-blah named every 400 years and this time it is you ... and 3.5 million others." But for you there is only one story. Your story. Were all those other Inquisators in you story when Darth Xxxxx fell? (trying to avoid spoilers there) No? Well then you are Nox and all those other sith are just posers They have their own problems, struggel to rise above their own Masters and fulfill their own destinies. Don't worry about them. Your story is the only one that is canon. This is knid of the Bioware philosophy in most of their games anyway. The only thing that is canon is your canon.
  5. ... who was also using the Dark Side. Since both are using the Dark Side, you can effectively remove that from both sides of the equation. IF Untrained Dark Side Luke beat Trained Dark Side Vader THEN Untrained Luke beat Trained Vader. The only thing you can deduce is that when using similar Force, Luke is better than Vader. However in the earlier fights, Light Side Luke lost to Dark Side Vader. The only change between the two situations is whether or not Luke used the Dark Side of the Force. Light Side Luke = loss, Dark Side Luke= win. Since Luke is common to both, you can remove him from the equations as well. Light Side = lose. Dark Side = win. It is cannon that the dark side is stronger. That does not make it preferable. It means the light has to fight harder. It is not the easy path. We can debate wheter it is the better path if you wish but Dark Side is more powerful than Light. The whole underdog vs the overwhelming regime looses its foundation otherwise. Episodes IV - VI was a David vs Goliath story, after all. For the little guy to win he has to be the little guy.
  6. It's kind of a moot point now I bought 1 and the unlock. It's not like I display any title but I figured I might want to someday. 15 CC for what amounts to a souviner is not bad.
  7. Theran? I thought he was devoted to Holiday and turned you down before you could finish a romance.
  8. Well done. You have sucessfully necroed a year old post with nothing more than in icon.
  9. 1. They are also newer looks so would be more ppular no matter how they are aquired. But true, the Cartel has significanly changed many crew skills and not for the better. 2. This is much the same as it was in 1.x versions. The game released with what I thought was an obvious quirk that at level 10 I could get a Black Talon jacket that would hold me for the rest of the game. Upgrade as needed. Artefact gear has always been harder to find, more costly and usable for a limited time. 11 commendations later my Black Talon jacket is top of the line again while the artefact drop is vendor trash. 3. If you have characters with all crew skills, why are you buying mats from the GTN? Some of this is also just needing to know the market now. For starters, the 400+ missions don't work like the others. You only get critical scusses with Bountiful and Rich (and Wealthy from mission discovery) missions. If Thermal Regulators are selling well on your server -- the market is getting saturated on mine -- run Slicing missions. Look at what is costing you the most to aquire and start gathering those resources for your use or for sell. 4. With Legacy rewards, you can get a vendor driod, a mailbox and a GTN terminal on your ship. Everything you need to run missions and craft with except for a supply of First Aid kits and the like. Those vendor bought crafting components up in the GTN are not targeted at the unknowing newbie as much as the veteran recluse crafter. When you are running missions and having to relog to get the right missions, it goes much faster when you do it all right there on your ship. 5. Schematics from mission rewards will get you enough to have something to level up your skills with. Getting beyond this takes some serious effort. And BTW, thanks for the post. I can tell you are frustrated with the state of crew skills but giving us details is sooooo much better than just the old "krew skilz sux" posts that we usually get.
  10. Actually it was mentioned that they wanted to adjust the amount of credits the 400+ lockboxes returned. They did not say whether this adjustment would be an increase or a decrease. In either case it has has not been listed in the patch notes any time since.
  11. Best? I would say the Imperial Agent. They get Scorpio late in the game but she (it?) has a high damage output for being a tank. Best for most of the game ... I would say either Sorcerer or Scoundrel. While smugglers start with Corso and then pick up Bowdar (either of wich can tank for your class quests) the Sith start with Khem who is a strong tank and does good damage in the early game.
  12. Just an FYI, Corso's annoying harpoon has been changed into a leap. He does not drag your targets on top of you any more, he jumps forward and tanks from there. This change alone makes soloing with Corso so much nicer. Also, I always thought the female smuggler's voice had the perfect level of sassy to it. She has great lines with lots of truely "laugh out loud" comments.
  13. Two? I know there is Felix near the end ... who is the other?
  14. Don't take this as any sort of definitive answer because some of the differences are too small to measure but ... 1. Operative 2. Sorcerer 3. Mercenary Mercs are marginally better at healing on the run. As far as who will top the meters? I don't give a damn. Topping the heal meters is not exactly the mark of a good healer. There is much more to healing than cranking out numbers; that's a the job for DPS.
  15. Just because one click is as far as you can see, don't assume that one click is all it takes. There are countless hours and stacks of creds behind that one click you see. Until you have lost a week's worth of work and well over a million credits just to RE items and still not have the schematic you need, try not to be so short sighted as to assume all it ever takes is a single click.
  16. Sage then. I like the female troop voiceover better but then I have a thing for Jennifer Hale. The Consular female is well done but the consular male is so falt to me. I unserstand calm and peaceful as a jedi and I know it is very hard to pull off while still being compelling but the male consular is almost sleepy sounding at times. If you want to use the ligtsaber more, you might think about a Jadi Consular Shadow. They have a very strong DPS and use two lightsabers. You lose the ability to heal but gain stealth. Being melee damage instead of ranged you will use your lightsabers alot!
  17. It does not change the answer. The reason you see 15K as the minimum price for rank 2 blues is because the ones priced at 14K have already been sold. A better question would be why are people paying that much when you can get the same result for 1/10 the price? I don't know. But they do. Because my gifts are selling.
  18. Yeah, Sith are evil. Evil, evil, evil. They tempt you early in the stories with some light-side choices but all the fun stuff is making people suffer! If the [shock Her] button does not make you giggle ever time it comes up, maybe Sith is not for you. Are you wanting to heal or DPS? Male or female toon? Do you care about romance sub-plots or companion stories?
  19. What makes you think they are not selling? I'm selling rank 5 purples as fast as I get them.
  20. There are a few things to know. This is intended to be given to a new character of yours. The weapon is bind on pick up so you need to mail the kit to your other character. They can turn in the kit to get a level 14 purple weapon. You trade the kit for a weapon with an NPC called a "Legacy Vendor" You can mail this kit to a Republic character -- the republic Legecy Vendors are on Corouscant, near the start with the other vendors and the cantena. It is an OK weapon that will last for the next two planets so go ahead and turn it in for a new toon some time. Some people will say it is not worth the time to stop by the Legecy Vendors on your way off the capitol world to pick it up but it is still a small bit of content you can use to help tie your role play together. Just don't expect much more than that from it.
  21. Any time someone asks about DD classes I always assume they mean PvP. DPS in PvE is not really all that critical. If you do more damage than Vette and can move out of the fire, your good enough for most things.
  22. KurtDunn, Click on the poster's name on the left side of th post. Then on the bottom right, click "Add xxxxxxx to your ignore list" Not only will this make your forum expierence less confontational, with conservative and selective use it will eliminate the number of posts you have to wade through by half and the amount of text on your screen by 90%. And you won't miss a thing. Seriously.
  23. I have noticed this as well and it does not seem to be connected to Legacy unlocks. Different classes will have different options for cybernetics. When I started playing again, I made an Agent with implants that look like shades. I wanted to mimic that look with my Smuggler but they do not have that option. They don't even have half as many implant choices as their complimentary class does. I don't know why it is that way, I just shruged and went on.
  24. http://dulfy.net/2012/04/22/companion-gifts-and-crafting-bonuses-for-1-2/ Favorites are Republic Mem and Cultural Artifacts. Loves nothing.
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