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Everything posted by Dominoris

  1. Are we still doing this? Can't we leave Diabliospeak in the 90's?
  2. It's because of Vette. She's the coolest companion in the game.
  3. Ah yes. But assault guns are not turreted. The first assault guns were in fact converted tanks made by Germany later in the second world war since they could produce a support vehicle with reduced cost and manufacture time. Modern assault guns would fit in the are light armor catagory. Medium armor for swtor terms. Wikipedia page on AFV's. It does not have assault guns tho. Odd. (BTW, thanks for the gun-nerd banter )
  4. Don't forget the pilot gear you get with fleet commendations. They are either Social 1 or Social 2, I forget which. However, I like my skirts. They give the boys rome to breath
  5. EA really does not give a rat'a *** what happens as long as the project is in the black. Bioware is aware.
  6. Really? How about this? "So my light side jedi that follows the code and has never made a darkside choice is romantically involved with his padawan?!" Not everyone speaks English as their first (only .. lol) language.
  7. Actually ... An armored vehicle with a cannon that can be fired a mile away is called a self-propelled gun. It is the close range, direct fire weapons that make it a tank. Tanks are heavily armored close assault vehicles.
  8. I have already seen all this, tho. I just look at it and go "spam for another web site" ... then proceed to ignore it.
  9. I picked those up after level 40 when I was finished with the seer tree. You can level straight healer spec 1 to 50 without any problems and no, it is not as slow as people try to make it seem.
  10. Unlike the bounty hunter which have to wait for their healer until level 7.
  11. One time through is not enough to say this world drops commendations more and this one seldom drops. Too few iterations of the RNG. I think we all agree that the plural of anecdote is not data.
  12. Slave girl top from the social vendor. Yes, it is modable. My smuggler wears that dress top with a pair of black pants. It is just enough flash without looking like a ... well, she looks good.
  13. Most are. That's why a collection of information is called "dater" or a clever thought is an "eye-deer."
  14. There's your problem. Quit playing in the street!
  15. I did not put any points in TK and managed just fine. Just have to learn to manage your force power and don't let it get below 60%
  16. My expoerience is almost the exact opposite. Finishing the bonus missions not only yield more experience than the main mission for killing what you have to fight anyway, it is also the fastest way to aquire commendations. I moved off of Tatoonine when the missions were starting to give 5 experience and I abandoned several missions left unfinished. I skipped most of Alderaan past the opening area where I just finished the class quest and moved on. But then I never respond well to political manipulations anyway. So in the end, there was never a need to grind anything.
  17. I don't recall any jedi wearing white robes off the top of my head. Biege tunics and brown robes were the most common. A few wore green; fewer still wore black or gray.
  18. Nadia's is +2 Critical where Risha is +15 Diplomacy. Those are actually different bonuses. Neither means diddly unless you are sending companions out on Diplomacy missions of course but they each affect the outcome in different ways.
  19. It is on the test server only. Read the patch notes sticky on the test server forum for more details.
  20. Of the three trees available to a gunslinger, one is cover orriented. Saboteur builds are actually very mobile. The whole cover mechanic is different and some people never get used to it. I find it a lot of fun. But then I'm weird.
  21. No, nothing to worry about. I think he was trying to convience other people to try something else so he could stay a little more unique. There are not many slingers out there. The story can get lost at points when it just feels like a series of unrelated missions but the smugglers have some of the best lines! Lots of character.
  22. No target of target. No smart casting. No assisting. I really do not undersatnad why.
  23. My opinion is still the same as it was in the old thread. There are 4 Republic classes that can equip a lightsabre; 3 of those clases use it often, one is a ranged caster. I picked Sage because I weant to be a ranged caster. If you want to use a lightsabre more, please pick one of the three classes that have this option. If they change the Sage to use use his lightsabre more I will no longer have the option to be a ranged caster. Please do not change boot to the head into yet another glowbat swing.
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