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Everything posted by DarthVarrak

  1. Pro-Skadge. As a matter of fact, Skadge for President!
  2. Everytime I see this complaint about "no neutral relics" I log in, look at my character's relics, and notice how neither of them require an alignment. Then, I come back to the forum, re-read the OP, and I shake my head silently to myself in despair.
  3. I have read at places on these forums that Cybertech can make BiS Earpieces if they crit an augment slot on a piece. The schematic for the piece itself supposedly drops in HM Flashpoints. I was wondering if anyone has actually seen these and if so where have they dropped?
  4. OP makes me lol. Merc healing is fine. A bit weak on the AoE perhaps, but that's why were are first and foremost Tank Healers. Every healer has a niche, as it should be: Operative/Scoundrel: Raid Heal Merc/Commando: Tank Heal Sorc/Sage: Toolbox Heal (a.k.a Utility Heal, as in they can heal and provide a lot of utility) *Note: The above is for Operation healing. All 3 Healing classes do absolutely fine in HM Flashpoints.
  5. Well, he did help you get Zale Barrow, so he kinda in some way helped you clear your name considering that was a required class quest to do so. Maybe you could work something about that into your story? As far as trusting him, don't. You don't trust Gault Rennow either, but he stays with you. Personally, I like all of the companions. They all complement each other wonderfully, and Skadge brings the only thing the crew was missing: A mean, rough, tough, killing machine.
  6. Crits from Rapid Shots also apply Critical Reaction, and since RS seems to crit more often because it hits more than once, we can basically keep Critical Reaction up at all times. So in all the benefits are: -Free sppot Healing, giving us time to reduce heat while minimizing damage taken. -Constant 5% Alacrity increase -Build CSC while healing or damaging with this ability. The only downside is we can't shoot ourselves in the foot so we have to annoy our group/raid members with green bullets to the face.
  7. It's a good idea, not the first time I have heard it, but it would be fun. Off-topic: Please, please stop calling the Republic rebels. They are not rebels in this game, and wont be for thousands of years.
  8. My guess would be because it is about a Rakata and the Infinite Empire which are pretty popular subjects for fans of Knights of the Old Republic. You run into one or two other Rakata in other areas of the game.
  9. Need more information. Are they doing it by battlegroup? If so, how will they determine battlegroups? Personally, I think they should choose battlegroups by server names. The server forums are already divided that way, just rename the subforum for each to the name of their Battlegroup. Example: Go to the server forums and currently you see the subforums; PvP, PvE, RP, RP-PvP. Click on one of those and it brings you to another list of subforums, for this situation lets use the PvP server forums. You then receive the following list: A-C, D-H, I-N, P-S, Ta-The, Then-W. BW would rename the latter subforums to the name of their new Battlegroup. This would allow us to keep what community we already have (Since I'm assuming if you read server forums you occasionally notice stuff from other servers in your group), and prevent mixing server types (PvP paired with PvE for example).
  10. I love the security key. Main reason I bought the thing was for the Fleet Pass. Other reasons include: Imperial Dancer outfit on Mako. Companion Customizations Mouse Droid The previously AWESOME now WORTHLESS Rhythm Augmentation Droid
  11. The Bounty Hunter ending changes quite dramatically. Can't say about other classes, since I haven't completed any other story.
  12. I can't recall any Force ability that is presented as Light Side having any visual effect, but I could be wrong. You would be better off going with the Jedi Code, or a memorable line from it. Such as "There is no death; there is the Force" or something like that (may be wrong on that line, I only know the Sith code, never liked the Jedi).
  13. Ok. Stop. I have been level 50 for about 3 weeks now and I still don't have all Champion gear. I have read the first few pages of this post and I couldn't take it anymore. Free gear before patch? You do know the definition of random right? That means some people got gear, some people didn't. End of story. A lot of people from before patch didn't get lucky with RNG and get full Champ sets. You have 280 champ commendations and you get more every single day and you're complaining about the item drops? Also, stop saying "you peoples get free gear for you and your companions." First, the first part of that sentence is flat wrong as EVERYBODY has told you. Second, gear for our companions doesn't mean anything. Can you use your companions in warzones or ilum pvp? No? We can't either. Most of my companions are in their starting equipment because there is no point in gearing them after level 50. So stop whining about nothing. You have it much easier than you think you do. Sorry, but if they upped the drop chance in bags for tokens people would literally be able to farm Champ gear in two days. People wanting that make me sick.
  14. Oooo, I got one. What if Yoda used himself as the model for the clones instead of Jango Fett.
  15. Lightsabers can't cut through anything. Not immediately anyway. Cortosis and Mandalorian Iron just to name a couple.
  16. Everytime I do a quest where the NPC bad-mouths aliens my BH pulls out his gun and says something like "Wanna say that again?". lol It's awesome talking tough to people who think they are better than you.
  17. Might just be me, but all of my companions have grown on me (except that stupid ship droid). Mako: Sweet, optimistic, played by an insanely hot actress. Gault: Clever, opportunistic, all about the creds, straight-up conman like The Music Man but without the musical. Torian: Honorable, Mandalorian, and he looks up to you as a superior hunter. Blizz: He's a freaking Jawa, and everything he says is gold. "Blizz like Boss new game. Kaboom!" Skadge: Only true Darkside companion, rough, tough, mean, "original gangster" type guy. Was the only thing missing from the crew to make it complete.
  18. Mountain Dew during the day, Screwdrivers at night. I know it's not a very manly drink, but I love orange juice and when you add a couple of shots of Grey Goose in it just makes it magical.
  19. I'm interested to see what you prefer for healers? There is a sticky in the Healer sub-forum of the class froums called Healing Niches. After a lot of talking and explaining it lists the following healer and their niche: Mercenary/Commando: Single-target Heals (a.k.a Tank Healer) Operative/Scoundrel: Raid Healer Sorceror/Sage: Toolbox Healer. Do you agree with these summaries and if you do, which combination do you prefer to have in 8 and 16 man Operations?
  20. In answer to your question, I learned by reading and doing. I had a friend that already played, but I received no help from him other than one run through Deadmines. He said learning on my own would make me a better player. Even today, I still regularly read the class guides, talent trees on torhead, ability descriptions, and everything I can get my hands on to learn more about each and every class. Why learn classes other than your own you might ask? If one day you become a group or raid leader you will need to know the classes you are leading so you can direct cc, interrupts, situational positioning, etc.
  21. This, since the day I re-spec'd heals 4 years ago I have only had one complaint and it was immediately after cata launched.
  22. IF you can lock it down as you say (never been done to me, so again I'm gonna call doubtful) then it is by definition NOT idiot proof. I agree that Arsenal needs a redesign.
  23. False, no interrupt has that short of a cooldown. Back when I played Arsenal I was never locked out entirely from getting my stacks up. Matter of fact, the only characters I ever had trouble with were Sorc and Marauder. As a Bodyguard the only character I have trouble with now are 3 or more dps at once. Btw, I never said designing the tree around using TM at least 3 times wasn't flawed. I stated quite clearly that it is flawed. Point being, TM itself is far from OP. And if you lock it down consistantly as you said, why are you calling for nerfs? I smell troll.
  24. No I realize this quite well, seeing as I level'd to 50 with Arsenal then switched to Bodyguard. And that player never said good results, he said decent results. What most of you don't realize is a Madness spec'd sorceror can do the exact same thing with Force Lightning. Nerfing Tracer Missile is not the answer. The answer is to rework the tree so we dont have to spam Tracer. Tracer's damage itself is unremarkable, it's average at best.
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