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Everything posted by DarthVarrak

  1. Eh, if he just got the Unload proc with his last TM Unload is way stronger than TM.
  2. Everytime I see you in a Merc thread you make me lol.
  3. If they knocked you back 3 times in 20 seconds then they have Rocket Punch talented as a knockback. Rocket Punch knockback is only ~4 meters. Keep away from the edge and this shouldn't give you trouble. Secondly, if you grappled him and he was still on the catwalk, your grapple is broken, as that should pull him to you (therefore pull him off the catwalk). In short, charge him and do some damage, he will knock you back off the platform, pull him down to your level. No more platform problem. From there, you can take him down. When I was Arsenal melee were my worst nightmare, especially Marauders.
  4. Now this is ridiculous. 1. His "mission" wasn't to kill Anakin, he snuck on-board that ship to locate Anakin and try to make him see the Light, failing that he would do his best to defeat him. 2. Emotionally, he was a wreck. He was fighting a man he had spent every day for years with, they were practically brothers. I don't even like my brother, but I wouldn't cut his head off. 3. Anakin was laying on a slope, no legs, one arm, burnt beyond all recognition, and catching on fire more every second as close as he was to the lava. In Obi-Wan's mind, Anakin was already dead. You telling me you would have thought "Oh, I should probably chop off his head just incase some people find him in the next minutes and throw his burnt behind in a bacta tank and fix him up with a life-support suit." If you are, you're full of crap.
  5. Not to burst your bubble (Sorc pun ftw), but the healing bullets (Rapid Shot) only heal for whatever our bonus healing is. It's good for a top off, tiny spot healing, and to prolong the tank's life while our heat regens so we can pop a big heal, and it builds CSC charges, but that's it. I personally don't care about the in-combat rez. I just wanted to shed some light on our "free heal". The only REAL free heal we have is Emergency Scan, which does decent healing, instant, and free on a 21 second cooldown.
  6. Bring them on! Just let me respec to Arsenal first so I can haz tracer missile and heatseeker missile. I'll mess them up!
  7. If he was spamming Tracer he was only half Heals/half Arsenal spec. That is a very deadly combination, but full Bodyguard spec will last a good deal longer than it and do ~the same damage via power shot (free for 10 sec if spec'd right).
  8. "Something something something Darkside, something something something Complete!"
  9. All the above posters are completely right. One thing I would add is: I seem to get more purple quality mats from the missions unlocked via Mission Discoveries provided by the Slicing skill. Obviously, you have Cybertech, Scavenging, and UT (a.k.a no Slicing). In this situation, these Mission Discoveries are available to us via the GTN. Though, they do sell for a moderate amount on my server (between 20k-30k per mission) but that leads to Mandalorian Iron selling for 9-10k a piece.
  10. I'm a bit torn on this topic. Playing as a Resto Shaman for 7 years, I am used to not having an in-combat rez. I am used to a lot of things. What I REALLY think would improve Combat Medic/Bodyguard healing is 2 things: 1. I believe our AoE shouldn't have a player limit on it. I understand it heals for a flat amount instead of a tick, I understand it provides 5% increased healing on the targets that it effects. I don't think either of these is a logical reason to make it a 3 player limit. A.) It's a missile (bomb for Commandos). I have never in my life heard of a missile that can only hit three people (never heard of healing bullets either but meh). B.) As single-target healers, the 5% healing increase is nice on the tank, but if the tank is holding aggro well the dps won't be needing that extra 5% anyway (should be removed to balance removing the player-limit on AoE heal). C.) The fact that it heals for a flat amount instead of ticking is also not a big factor, considering the flat amount is weaker than the total amount healed by the tick AoEs. Sure, it adds good burst healing when combined with a Sorc or Operative's AoE heal, but only to 3 people, which doesn't seem to have a point when you think about it. All in all, I think Kolto Missile should have the player-limit removed, the 5% increased healing stripped from the ability, and maybe the heat increased by 5. 2. We need a ranged interrupt. No ability lockout, 15 second cooldown, 30 meter range. Talented, 5 second cooldown reduction. It's more of a quality of life improvement as far as PvE is concerned, but for PvP I believe this is a balance issue. Yes, I realize suggestion #2 isn't a healing concern, but I figured I would throw it out there while typing #1. Sorry
  11. As a BH, I think you hit our story dead on. There are a couple of funny moments in there though. The end of Chapter I has an absolutely hysterical moment (for me anyway). Here, I will post it:
  12. The Infinite Empire's prejudice towards other species was basically the same as the Empire now and the Hutt's. All three groups are racists towards any group they consider "alien" considering these "aliens" as lesser forms of sentience.
  13. Endgame and PvP relics have no alignment restriction. Just food for thought, I am Neutral.
  14. As a Merc healer, I support this message. Waste your interrupts on my uninterruptible heals!
  15. Merc healing is pretty cool. I can usually keep 3 pretty well-geared dps off of me long enough to get help. The heals are a little slow, but we make up for it with our one instant single-target heal, our instant aoe, kolto shell, supercharged gas, and our defensive cd.
  16. No, I'm not joking at all. You could have interrupted, you didn't, you could have LoS'd but didnt, you could have stunned but didn't. This means you literally stood there and took 5 non-crits to the face. I do more than the damage you listed with Power Shot and I'm Bodyguard spec, so I don't even have Tracer Missile.
  17. On topic, be grateful that you have run into open world PvP OP. This is what it is all about. I remember when I was level 45 I run across this level 48 Jedi Guardian. I was on Voss, the 48 was in a room I had to go into to finish a quest in that Voss temple thing. So, I cc'd his companion for 60 seconds and took him out while my companion Mako healed me. I finished the quest, left conversation, the same 48 was standing in the doorway. He charged to me, I cc'd his companion, and took him out while Mako healed me. Then, I get back to the neutral town, get to the transport vehicles to fly away, and the same 48 is standing at the edge of the neutral town. I /wave, he charges, I cc his companion for 60 seconds, and the guards and I take him out while Mako heals me lol. Best day ever.
  18. So...5 hits...no LoS...no interrupt....low damage being called big damage....reroll PvE?
  19. Excellent, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton!
  20. Thanks for this. I thought having the healer do turrets was a bit reckless. But they insisted that was the smart way to do it, considering both dps were melee. As soon as I can go on a recruiting spree I plan on replacing one of the marauders with a ranged, preferably a sorc.
  21. We couldn't get past Krey. We were fine on interrupts, and I was shooting that ship as soon as it came close, but Krey did some ability that just took chunks out of our health one by one, and it always happened when the ship came close. I couldn't cast 3 heals and shoot the turret at the same time.
  22. I agree with this, bubble be darned
  23. Hi there, I am a Merc healer. I regularly run with a Powertech tank, and 2 Marauder DPS. So far, we run BT every day easily. So, we tried to do HM False Emp and we got absolutely roflstomped. The tank was having a hard time holding aggro, my heals were going too slow to keep everyone up from the damage they were taking, and one of the dps liked to stand in AoE. I can teach the dps to get out of AoE, the tank can learn to hold aggro better, and my healing will be a ton better when I only have to focus on healing one person (aside from the inevitable spot heal on dps and myself). My question is, which HM are we supposed to clear after BT? The difficulty levels between BT and FE just seem like there should be a learning curve somewhere between them. Personally, I have cleared BT, BP, and Foundry. One of the DPS has cleared BP also. Should we try BP or Foundry? Thanks in advance for any advice on this matter.
  24. He may have said it the wrong way, but he is right in the sense that it was fixed. The cooldowns are the same now.
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