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Everything posted by DarthVarrak

  1. Start with the prequels. Girls dig Anakin and Natalie Portman. Plus the "romance" between them tends to hook girls more than the "I am your father" stuff. It all depends on what kind of girl she is really. You have said she is not a nerd, so starting with the OT will just turn her off to SW.
  2. This was actually my favorite flashpoint while leveling. I so wish there was a HM version of this. It was new, different, exciting. Sure, we got manhandled the first 2 or 3 times, but we had never been there before and didn't have a clue that the turrets fired automatically so we kept accidently getting off the turrets.
  3. How could you nerf it? Put a time limit on stealth? Breaks class. Not allow stealth within 10m of warzone? Punishes players for using tactics. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the stealth thing since: 1. The stealthy has to come out of stealth to catch the ball. 2. Every class has an AoE (most of which use a targeting reticle) to bring enemies out of stealth. 3. Bounty Hunters and Troopers have an ability which only has one purpose, and that purpose is to reveal stealthed enemies. This ability uses a targeting reticle and lasts for 10 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. So, there are several ways to counter this tactic, your team just has to be smart enough to use them.
  4. If they had 3 stealthies waiting on a pass then it was 8vs5. If your 8 people couldn't take down the enemy's 5 people before they were able to pass the ball....working as intended.
  5. Why do all the fun threads start when I have no popcorn? /cry
  6. I would say the Dark Council member. At the moment the Emperor is in an undisclosed location doing who knows what. He has been absent for quite awhile. The Dark Council has been pretty much ruling in his stead ever since this absence began, which is natural for Sith. The answer sounds more obvious when the question is phrased like this: Who has a higher position, a Dark Council member or the Wrath of the Absentee Emperor.
  7. We will see. Apparently the Mercs, Cammandos, Scoundrels, and Operatives are all getting healing buffs and Sorcs/Sages are getting a little Nerf because they have "healing capabilities beyond what is intended" I am extremely happy with BW/EA today.
  8. Brothers and Sisters, I present to you from the Feb 17th Q&A responses:
  9. This will be useful for known botters or afkers, certainly. But did anybody see what their solution to people leaving WZs was? "In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards." This may stop some of the leavers, certainly, but it's far too little of a solution for far too big of a problem. I am hoping BW takes a more decisive stance on this. Don't get me wrong, I am all for new medals and getting rid of the stupid "Win 3 Warzones" quest.
  10. Or if you are a person with an AoE knockback you can just knock everyone else out of the circle and intercept the ball
  11. Heavy armor is barely anything worth QQing about, you can have it for all I care. The sheild lasts 12 seconds (15 with pvp set bonus) on a 2 minute cooldown, also barely worth QQing about (since he obviously isn't damaging you while he is healing), and knockbacks are also available to Sorc healers too. Take theirs, we have no escapability. Give me stealth and vanish and you can have the shield and knockback too.
  12. Hate to tell you man, this has already been said quite a few times. Someone also suggested that Healers healing themselves to keep themselves alive (so that they can heal their team) shouldn't count towards their Total Healing for the WZ.
  13. Nerf the MO part of MMORPG! How dare people make friends when I don't! Rageeeee!!1
  14. Geez man, little harsh don't you think? It's not like he is bashing the OP or anything, he is simply providing info that could lead Devs to figure out if this is an isolated incident or not. Besides, who are you to tell people when and why they can/can't post? I don't see yellow text or a yellow user name indicating that you're a CM, so calm down a bit alright?
  15. lol this thread reminds me of another warning. To all Imperials: When you are running the flashpoint The Black Talon, be careful on your trip back to the Black Talon from the republic ship. The shuttle provided is FAULTY and has a tendency to leave the door behind on the republic ship.
  16. I can hold off 3-4 guys for 15 seconds while my interrupt immunity is up, but after that I need help. I'm seriously considering recruiting a pre-made so I can win more.
  17. Really? Player Characters attacked a Player Character and this isn't PvP? Why? Because they outnumber their enemy? Because they were able to ambush their enemy? I hate saying this, because it sounds so elitist, but you might wanna reroll PvE man. Fighting isn't fair, never has been fair, never will be fair. Even in real life. The army with the best weapons/numbers/tactics at it's disposal often wins. Want to know who fights fairly? The dead guy.
  18. Quoted for truth. A dead healer heals nobody. Why punish healers for keeping themselves alive long enough for their idiot pugs to realize they need peels so that they can help everyone else?
  19. I'm confused. Is Lol-K-Noob actually DEFENDING Mercs for once? If so, this makes me EXTREMELY happy.
  20. Does every healing class have this? I was fairly certain that only Mercs/Commandos did.
  21. DarthVarrak


    Seems to be Troll, since OP is ignoring several posts by people correcting him: -The Assassin/Shadow knockback is for Inquisitors/Consulars, it is not AC specific, which means that Sorcs/Sages do get this ability also. -The armor increase is for tanks only -Jedi Guardians and Sith Juggernauts also get a pushback (which knocks the enemy back much further, albeit it is a single-target instead of aoe pushback) than the Inquisitor pushback and also knocks down the enemy, it also resets their Force Leap btw.
  22. Mercs don't have a yank, you might be mistaking us for Powertechs common occurence, don't worry about it.
  23. Originally they were a race on the planets of Korriban and Ziost, yes. Long story short, there was a group of exiled Jedi who found Korriban and enslaved and ruled the Sith species. This is probably where the title Lord of the Sith originally came from. Over time, the Sith species and the Exiles mated, and then more outsiders came to the planet and mated, and Sith blood became less and less in each new generation. This is also referred to in the Sith Pureblood race in this game. These are Sith with enough original Sith blood to show characteristics of their ancestors. Eventually, the Sith species did die out and the Sith become more of a philosophical order (some people say religion, it means the same thing to me, they don't actually worship the Force though). So, if your friend is a "hardcore fan" of the movies only, than yes it is a "religion" but as far as Extended Universe canon goes, the Sith were originally a species.
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