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Everything posted by DarthVarrak

  1. Agree completely. In addition, the abilities are boss. Nothing makes you feel more manly than dropping a Death From Above into a crowd of enemies and watching them drop like flies! Beard? No thanks, I have missiles!
  2. Great read OP, I agree with the SARCASM wholeheartedly! Call of Duty, that was epic lol. Only thing missing from the post is "lmaowtfL2PbbqsauceNOOBZ"
  3. Use your stun as an interrupt in PvE, then proceed to use jet boost, and then (if the target is alive and if you are talented for it) rocket punch provides a knockback as well which can be used for an interrupt. Since we are ranged we can do all of this while never losing more than a gcd for dps, unless the caster is at range in which case we gotta run to them for the knockbacks. Rocket Punch is on a fairly short cd and does ok damage so it would be the best bet, but dont forget the other two unless you are saving them for something.
  4. Best thing about RS before Target Lock is that it is instant cast. It hits decently, instant, low heat cost, but a bit of a cooldown. I have heard that it improves exponentially after obtaining Target Lock, but I don't know yet (level 22). Still, even if it is = TM at that point, it is instant. Throw 5 casted TMs and one instant RS, you are basically going to be doing 6 TMs while only casting 5. 6>5, always.
  5. Jawas are coyotes? Interesting. They look like mini-people to me. No but in all seriousness, I can't WAIT to get Blizz!
  6. You do realize that subscribing now wont actually charge you until your free time is up right? It just saves you the hassle of doing it 30 days from now, to allow a smooth transition between free time and pay-to-play time.
  7. the merc runs off of a completely different base class than the gunslinger/sniper. BH = Trooper. Imperial Agent = Smuggler. You are comparing oranges and apples. Yes, the Agent/Smuggler is gonna be better than us at some things, but the BH/Trooper is also gonna be better than they are at some. Single target, they probably have us beat. But throw a DFA into a crowd and watch the enemies fall before you. It's the manliest feeling possible. No beard required.
  8. Pretty much this. The Jedi Code always sounds to me like they wanna take away my humanity by telling me to set aside my emotions. It has just always rubbed me the wrong way because I believe that emotion and passion are what drives Mankind to greatness.
  9. I actually just read a BW post about maintenance starting tonight at 6pm CST. I also checked the server list and yours is the only one down, no clue why. Might wanna roll on another server for giggles until yours comes back up.
  10. You would probably be better off going with Slicing, Cyber, and Underworld Trading. That mods for from Cyber are very useful, and the money and schematics from Slicing are obviously awesome. Plus with Cyber you can make a group summon device, upgrades for your ship, mounts, etc. Arms and Armormech wont give you anything that wont be replaced by FP and Operations, but Cybertech will be useful forever. Afterall, all of that gear from FP and Ops are gonna need mods aren't they? As for the ship upgrades, the better the ship, the easier you will get the Space Battles done, which are a pretty good source of xp and credits. You will also be able to make Droid stuff, which will be useful selling to people with droid companions.
  11. You sir, are the smartest man in General Discussion tonight.
  12. I have always seen the Jedi as the true bad guys. Wanting us to push down our emotions all the time, basically turn us into droids with flesh. The Sith is where it's at, embrace your emotions, they are what makes you human (or humanoid sentient species), what makes us strong in times of struggle. Mothers with children in danger can do extraordinary things because of emotion, like lift a car. If those mothers were Jedi their children would die. Actually they wouldn't even have been born cause Jedi aren't supposed to have children.
  13. Keep in mind the Darth Bane trilogy was canon years before ToR was even thought of.
  14. I vote for the Sheldon Cooper ****-Novus Particle
  15. Its more than being a Master though. It's a symbol of understanding of the ways of the force, the true meaning of the Sith. In the time of Darth Bane, the Darth title had fallen into disuse after Revan disappeared. Darth Bane was the first one to actually take the title when the Brotherhood of Darkness was done with. Of course, he was also the Sith'ari.
  16. A lot of the more welathy Hutts use hoversleds to move or palanquins or something of the sort. They live an average life span of about 1000 years, coming into adulthood somewhere around the 400-500s. They are not so much slave masters as incredibly wealthy jerks. Their slaves are actually indentured servants, who are under contract for so many years but the contract can be extended if the servant does something bad. Slavery itself is illegal in Hutt law because its not profitable. While slaves do cost very little, they are not so easy to control. Insubordination, rebellion, and competition killing off the slaves make slavery very costly to the Hutts. Hutts are also indigestible, which is why the Sarlaac cannot eat them. There have been skinny Hutts, but they are seen as weak, since size is a symbol of power to the Hutts. There have also been Hutts with hair, but they are seen as abominations and shunned.
  17. This is not a bug, this is working as intended. All Imps have an invisible vortex placed in front of them so people cant force jump to them. Silly force users, your abilities are outdated and weak.
  18. One question: What's the point in posting all of that without offering any suggestions of how the playing experience could be improved? The scenario reads like this- Disgruntled Player: So tired of killing stuff and finding things in a game made for adventure and defeating enemies, FIX NAO! BW:...What would be better? Disgruntled Player: NAO! Posting complaints without offering suggestions for improvement is a waste of your time, a waste of my time for thinking it was going to be a constructive post and reading it, and a waste of BW's time for the same reason as mine.
  19. IF this is real, then I will try to suggest things to do other than MMO gaming: Women Hackysack Horseback Riding Pool Air Hockey Women P90X Dodgeball Race Car Driving Women
  20. Mainly the Dungeon Finder is an enabler for trolls and griefers of all sorts. See, in a server-only community, you could weed out all of the trolls and griefers and simply not put them in your groups, and there were less trolls and griefers overall because of that. When the Dungeon Finder came out, all the groups were random unless pre-grouped or guilded, and it was cross-server. This allowed the trolls/griefers to play and harass with impunity, causing a massive decline in the community of the game. This is evident on the WoW forums as well, being able to post on a level 1 alt instead of being locked to the same profile. Most people, myself included, would take better community over "quick groups" anyday.
  21. I noticed the droid and wookie too. If you recall, Han Solo also told C-3PO that Wookies are known for being sore losers, and Chewie supposedly once ripped a droid's arms off for beating him in a game. If you look at the table between Chewie and 3PO, there is a game board with 3POs arms laying on top of it.
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