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Everything posted by deusBAAL

  1. The OP is a flamer and a troll. The article is a repost brought uptodate from end of december, I think. Guess he didnt unsub then, either.
  2. First of all: Add a mailbox to every ship! I like the idea of a LEGACY ship, with a dock for every of your alts small ships. 8 docks would make it a rather big legacy ship though. Any yes, Republic and Empire chars would meet on these ships...but would that be really a problem? After all people already using the Nar Shadaa GTN to trade items with their other faction alts. There could be some space missions for the legacy ship later on, too. Taking out Star Destroyers and other capital ships. 8-) Also, I wondered why the player ship wasnt more involved in teh class quests... when my Tropper landed on the Gauntlet a short space combat flight would have been cool, ending with landing in The Gauntlets hangar.
  3. ^^This. Plus I can not identify myself with a female char the way I can identify myself with a male one, even though the female one is better to look at... the improved "visual experience" gets old rather fast and I dont like acting female ingame.
  4. You are seriously comparing a long range DOT to a melee dps ability? Seriously? Thats like comparing apples with plums and contemplating while one is bigger the other gut the harder core. If you dont want that extra DOT and shortduration root, that you obviously use on range, then dont spend the point on it. (BTW thrash dps on 30m is ZERO, no matter how many points you spent on it.) If you want to analyse CT ask why you would want it to cast it instead if crushing darkness (which has a long cast time and very short duration) and any other 30m spell you got.
  5. What Sylow said. I deactivted the auto-target feature for good after pulling adds a few times while in a group... really embaressing. :S (With auto-target on > Target dies before your attack connects to it with other mobs in range = add pull or CC breaker ...and you dont want that)
  6. That said, I started a trooper just to check him out, and got pulled into the story and its miltary feeling that I didnt make it back to my Sith Inq until the Trooper was all done with his story. Also, for PVE leveling I advise using armormech as crafting skill, since youself and every companion uses heavy armor and AIM.
  7. This thread is about orange gear where only light-medium-heavy matters and not the class. Just remod it the way you want it for your class and spec.
  8. What I dont get is this: I just got my Artificer to 400... why in all the galaxy are there 48! enhancement recipes for the last 3 tiers EACH!? Thats more like 2 screens of scrolling on the crew skill window for each tier. Comparing stats is close to impossible, besides most of the enhancements having the absolute same stats on them. (at least on green tier) BW should simply remove 75% of these recipes.
  9. I always hit ESC whenever a negative affection hit pops up and try the convo again, maybe even with a different companion. But what I am curious about, is there a way to not get a companion at all? Like when the Sith Inq gets Ashara he actually has the option to kill her... anyone ever dared to try that one? 8)
  10. I have only done this one once before. Took several wipes but was doable. Anyone know if gear effects the turret dmg? (crits, fire rate, crit dmg multipilier) Or can one do the turrets "nacked" to safe on repair credits?
  11. As in the last Q&A confirmed there is an improved LFG tool on the way. So I figured, we - the playerbase - should give the devs some feedback about what is really important to us in a sophisticated LFG tool. So, if you dont like to hang out in Fleet for hours and spam general chat to find a FP group, please do add to this threat what features you wish for in a really good LFG tool. Here is my wishlist: - LFG flag should be visible on char pic just as the PVP flag(right now you can only see it if you target yourself) - the LFG flag should auto-deactivate once you join a group - LFG flag should allow you to show if you want to do tank, healer or dps role - It should be possible to flag quests in the missionlog and then search for others who flagged the same missions, too - there should be a LFM tag for OP and groupleaders with a flag which mission/FP/OP the group is doing. This one should auto-deactivate itself too once the group or OP is full. Maybe add another tag to it that allows the leader to state what roles are needed still. - if the LFG tool stays being part of the "who window" please add quickfilter buttons for "LFG" and "inzone" What I dont want would be an automatch tool that simply places you in a group with others.
  12. And you dont have to read or comment on posts that you dont like, now do you. 5 pages of replies do tell me that I added something to this forum, that includes some very good pro-voice chat posts. This thread also shows shows that I am not the only one disliking voicechat, though "we" are obviously a minority. Also BW did take notice, since someone just moved the thread from general discussion to OP/FP discussion.
  13. SWTOR is a casual game, live with it. You want a real challenge? Go play vanilla EQ and play a human at night and enjoy your corpseruns
  14. With most guilds making TS (or whatever vc tool they use) mandatory, it got everything to do with SWTOR. I have to thank most of you for the constructive discussion that makes me actually soften up a bit and considering using a voice chat client, too. At least for OPs. I just gonna claim that I only can write but not speak proper English and stay mute. (since I am still not gonna buy a mic or headphones)
  15. Seems I hit a nerve. And yes I expected all them trolls here posting their brainless, pointless and insulting comments. So i say: thank you, trolls, for the bumps. I am pondering the thought now to use a voicechat client, if I have to, and blocking everyone but the OPleader. That could be a compromise for me. Thank you for that hint.
  16. Think whatever you want. MMORPG players did 90+ man raids way before TS even was available. (raid groups in EQ were 12 groups of 6 chars = 72, and some guilds brought extra groups) My guild on EQ, Saviours on Bertoxx, did those raids with half of that manpower and without voicechat and kept up with progression just fine. If have done OPs in SWTOR already, without voicechat. Worked just fine, too.
  17. If you feel the same, please post here. I do hate voice chat in games, including and especially in Operations/raids, and this is why: - I dont want to hear people chitchatting while I play the game, neither wants my girl-friend who is doing stuff on her laptop (that wont run SWTOR! No clue why not, but I gave up on it) in the same room with me. We watched a few OP boss fight vids with people doing TS in the background and gosh! it is so annoying. - I should not have to use any kind of 3rd party software to play the game (fake argument actually, if BW adds an ingame voicechat I am gonna be seriously p...ed off and still not gonna use it) - I definetly should not have to buy the hardware for TS (micro and headphones) - I raided a lot in the past without any voicechat. 3 years of Everquest and 2 years of Vanguard endgame raids with an asian-pacific guild, we rocked and voice chat was never needed. - If you dont have the 5 mins before a fight to explain fight mechanics and assign jobs, then you wont do any better by rushing in and shouting at people - If you want to shout at people for underperforming, use CAPS. My old guildleader was big at throwing fits after fails, with a rather motivation effect and better guild performance on the re-runs. 8-) If someone shouted at me via voicechat, Id simply leave. - to all that add a personal issue: I am ex-military and used to radio discipline and getting very irritated if people dont live up to that standard And for Christ sake! If someone joins your guild saying that he doesnt do voicechat then dont wait 2 weeks before you tell him that TS is mandatory for guild OPs! On a side note: I am waiting impatiently for the custom UI and I hope that we will get macros in game soon, too. Hotkeys that allow chat message like "Attacking %target, assist me now" and "starting CC on %target now" are really needed (at least by me)
  18. Are we playing the same game? Seriously? Most H2 can be soloed (with companion) Group setup was never an issue for me for any H4, finding enough people (of any role) however usually is. Though on planets thats not really an issue either... I just keep questing until someone else is interested in a Heroics too. And yes, sometimes you wipe... thats part of the game and keeps it challenging (besides that death is totally neglectable in SWTOR) And dont ya cry about the few credits for repairs, wear greens and its totally cheap while custom gear is a lot more expensive. And if your tank got guard on you, you shouldnt draw aggro as a healer at all...... besides that you got a crap load of skills that safe you (stuns, detaunts, whatever) SWTOR is totally easy and shaped for casual players, unlike many other MMORPG. If you need a full group to just kill any trash mob in a zone and if you loose 1/4 lvl on each death THEN you can come here again and complain that the game is too hard on you. In Everquest you could even delevel by dying... (which was actually rather funny with all the "reding" running gags)
  19. Bioware PLEASE do NOT nerf PVE gameplay experience because of PVP!!!
  20. I am social, I play MMOs and you are a troll.
  21. How could a sophisticated LFG tool ever be anti-social??? And asking for a good LFG tool does not mean that the tool got an auto-match&group feature but simply allows you to easily find other people for FPs and OPs without having to hang out in Fleet for hours without end!
  22. Yes... your Crew Skill windows tell you the level range of the resource. (drop down to select the grade) And your Galaxy Map tells you the level range of the planet. Resouce Node spawns are of the same level range as the mobs in the area +/1 (random) one grade.
  23. And you dont think people would rather want to watch the BW tutorial vids? If you want to do make manuals make them for mid lvls and high end, the starter stuff will be done by Bioware themselves.
  24. And you got a "hate" parser to prove that it is broken? You are sure that you are using all your thread, guard and force attack skills? And that the "aggro-stealer" is using his detaunt skill? And that the encounters you are complaining about are not with mobs that self-delete/randomize/shuffle their hate list all the time by intend/script? So far, I had no issues controlling aggro, be it as a lowbie tank or high lvl dps.
  25. One of the things I miss the most is a sophisticated LFG tool. I love doing Flashpoints, but as it is now, to do a Flashpoint one has to go to the Fleet and spam the general chat to find other players. Usually I am too impatient and leave for a planet after like 10-30mins of what feels like wasted time and not doing a Flashpoint. (Yes, there is the LFG button and Yes, one can use the "Who" Window to search all "LFG" players serverwide, but hardly anyone is using that feature. Besides that it doesnt work anymore if the player changed the LFG text and that one cant read all of the LFG comment in the "Who" Window.) Thus my question: Will you be providing a LFG tool? What will be its features? How will it be intended to work and when can we expect it to go live? (Id love a tool where players could simply check any available heroic/FP/OP mission as LFG, allowing others to simply search for others being flagged LFG for the respective mission. Also please raise the cap of the missions in the mission log, 25 is just way too few!)
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