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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. High end crafting missions for UWT, Bio, Scavenging, and Diplomacy run for between 10k and 25k per mission. Diplomacy and scavenging generally run for 10 to 15k and Bio UWT tend to run 15 to 30k.


    Cost of missions was so prohibitive on my server, that I am actually leveling up a slicer now so that I can go out and get my own missions.


    Leveling slicer is SIGNIFICANTLY CHEAPER and faster than leveling up any other skill that I have. You don't always make your money back, but you usually will make a high % of it back and sometimes more. I'm pretty sure anything that I'm losing, I'm at least making up by slicing boxes out in the field.


    UWT trading mats, although they are priced high, I doubt are selling for what some are asking for them. For the record, it's a pain in the arse to get purple metals of any tier, and if you do get them it's often two at a time. It generally takes 4 to make one recipe. So if you are actually crafting with them, which I'm assuming many are, it doesn't leave a whole lot to sell.


    The only reason I will sell my rares on the GTN is to make back the cost of an expensive crafting mission.


    Slicing does not suck.

  2. Early April release now? Not surprised.




    This gem is priceless:

    "Soon there will no longer be any daily or weekly quests to visit Ilum, the end-game open PvP area. Ilum will still exist as a destination for those interested in open PvP, but it won't be a place to earn commendations for end game PvP armor. "We're keeping Ilum as-is. But I think almost all of our problems that occur in open world PvP are because of the fact that the rewards there, the behavior was less about having fun in that area and more about exploiting to get the rewards faster."




    "We don't know how to fix Ilum so we're abandoning it."


    My translation was exploiters ruined the zone for everyone else so they could get their phat lewtz. There will always be people ruining something for others, it's the way of the world.

  3. no, you're making baseless claims. video of you attacking a tank and not getting one hit. otherwise you're a liar.


    I don't have a screen shot, but I can back him up to some degree. I'm also not complaining.


    In a mix of champion and raid gear I have seen miss, miss, absorb, absorb and then gotten my face melted pretty quick. Conversely if untouched I have touched many in their naughty parts and dropped them to your news. L2 switch targets is basically the only advice I can give.

  4. And we provide class. All those siths running around getting all sweaty and burning energy, and the Bhs all bottled up in their tin cans, its really left to us snipers to be the classy ones. find a nice spot, lay out a drink maybe an ashtray for our cigars, and proceed to melt faces. I mean come on, It doesnt get much classier then a Sniper. I think that its just an important as all the above mentioned advantages we bring.


    A snuff box and crumpets don't hurt either to be honest. Snipers bring the sexy.

  5. I knew something was wrong in the open beta, but I didn't cancel because I'd been following the game since 2008, and I was bound and determined to make this work, even if I found a lot of the game's design to be backwards and uninspired.


    Unfortunately, my patience has just run out. I'm not having any fun at the cap, and I'm not having any fun leveling an alt to the cap (just so she can persist in not providing any source of enjoyment once she hits 50).


    A shortlist of problems:


    1) The engine sucks.

    2) The game world is sterile; the leveling arc predictable. It was a chore the first go-around, but it becomes intolerable the second time through.

    3) I hate feeling like nothing is tied together; like no dungeons take place in the actual game world; like absolutely nothing is part of a greater universe. The fleet is the perfect example of this -- it's stale, removed, and lifeless.

    4) PvE is dumb. Most of endgame PvE is horribly bugged.

    5) World PvP is dead. The small server sizes and sharding of zones ensures you almost never see another character while leveling.

    6) Ilum is terribad, and in the next patch it will be nerfed into uselessness (Bioware's tacit acknowledgement that it is 100% fail, I guess). WZs are drab, and can border on the infuriating.

    7) Class balance makes no sense. Juggs/Guards are everyone's ***** in PvP, even when they get gear. Why are sorcerers the strongest class in the game?


    I could probably type up 20 more without breaking a sweat. The simple fact of the matter is: most of what is wrong with TOR is wrong on a basic, systematic level. Most of what is wrong with TOR cannot be fixed; core game design decisions that can neither be undone nor rectified. They are what make this game the mess it is.


    These mistakes are the game.


    Thanks for writing, you'll be missed.

  6. So, you are suggesting that is better to hand out valor 60/BM because a few people exploited? Sorry, but not everybody exploited that day. It was the first half of the day and then they removed the speeders to Ilums pvp area. It was investigated and trust me, people did have valor removed. It is wrong for you to suggest that more people exploited BM in that half a day than people who obtained it legitimately like myself who was 60 pre 1.1.


    What you see here, is a BM trying to explain why other BMs will quit. Take it for what it's worth. I am not quitting, but rest assured, I know people who have already quit and people that are just waiting on the sub to run out.


    My point was, BW should not take end game pvp gear and make it 1/3rd the grind/time to get. Especially, only a few months after release! At least Warhammer and WoW waited until the expansion that raised the level cap was right around the corner!


    Never said I didn't want people to catch me. What I am suggesting that I want people to grind like I had to.


    Listen, if gear progression is not important in SWTOR, why do we even have gear? Why don't we just have innate armor? Why don't all weapons do the same damage? Why did we have such a huge grind for better gear at launch?


    Listen, I'm not quitting, I am just here for the ride. If the game crashes and burns, I will be here with it. I can't say the same for the people that I know in game though...


    That might all be true, but it doesn't account for epic levels of kill trading on Ilum. Unfortunately BM means d***ck in this game from a respect stand point, because no one knows who took the easy way and who did it the right way. I would venture to say that most at least participated somewhat in the easy way.


    Not that I really care tbh.

  7. No dps meter no problem. I'm in an 8 man raid, HM's die before enraging, I'm not in the raid not so much. I'm the only sniper in my small guild. Our ranged dps is tight, we have good temp survivability, we are great for add detail, we have a shield for the raid that blocks 20% damage, and most importantly we are sexy.


    What else do you need?

  8. I think the question is, why aren't people running dailies? How are people funding their characters?


    There is crafting, and gathering. That's about it. Dailies are the easiest thing to do to make money. Hands down.


    50k plus for running the top 3 space missions. It's a nice break from regular grind, you get tokens to eventually buy prototype 50 gear bag with item that sells for a ton, and it takes just about a half our. I also only have to travel to my ship and stay there and do it.


    I'm pretty much all set with running dailes on 3 planets. I don't really care either way, I have really nice 49 mastercraft implants.


    I still think it's stupid that you need to run daily quests to have the credits to raid, I think that the raids themselves should at least provide some credits. I have enough credits, so it's not a big deal to me personally.

  9. Doing sh***ty repetitive dailies in order to raid is not the answer. I can afford the 100k repairs for one night of raiding HM learning getting gear etc, but not all people play as much as I do. Raiding in and of itself is the game for some people, it should not be cost prohibitive at the level it is.


    In the 3 MMO's I've played, the repair expense in this game is the most BY FAR. I don't think the solution is to make repairs cheaper, the solution is to make "some" credits and vendor fodder drop in the raid zones. I don't care if it's enough creds to cover my entire bill, BUT it should at least cover some of it.


    There really is no excuse that level 20 garbage mobs drop more loot than trash in a raid, or that there is security chests just sitting there in open world ripe for the picking, but none in raid zones.


    I try to experience all the content, but that is not a decision for us to make for other players.

  10. Ahem.


    No, players aren't asking for a mythical beast that's never been seen before. Players only wanted the things they HAVE seen before, and in fact use every day in WoW and other games. It just wasn't delivered...


    Players can understand bugs and lack of content, those will be taken care of over time. But a bleak feature set means they're always going to be playing catch up (and never will, because the competition isn't standing still.)


    Such as?


    What does WoW have that SWTOR doesn't, ranked WZ? Aside from that I think what's being offered is pretty similar. Zones to quest in, instances, raids, and PvP.


    You mean there isn't 7 years of increased content in a game that was released 2 months ago? Any MMO is going to be playing catch up to EQ2 or WoW from a content stand point. Thus you will NEVER get what you are looking for and you should either stop gaming or go back to WoW. Or you can enjoy the ride and be part of something new as it grows. You can also wait and come back in 5 years.

  11. Now thats just ridiculous, you dont have to move your stuff, all you need to do is to open ah with your inventory on the left hand side, post all the unobscured stuff from the left then close and reopen inventory, so it pops from the right side and finish up! Freaking easy.... Oh make sure none of your pets are due to return while browsing. I fixed that issue by not bothering with sending them out anymore, since theres absolutely no point in doing that


    Or you can work around the bug by positioning yourself when you click on the GTN instead of doing all that. Slightly to the right when you open. Is it perfect? No. But some people are smart enough to figure out how to work around it.

  12. That has nothing to do with it... I'm not sure "putting up with it" is the trait of a gamer at all. Expectations were high, and generally not met.


    Because no game can offer what some are looking for. They want a magical unicorn that sh***ts tacos to come out of the screen of their computer and fly them away to a world full of sparkly vampires that they can befriend and eventually marry.


    You will never find what you are looking for, so you should just stop gaming. Even Skyrim has bugs, and that game is a single player game that was developed for years. The programming doesn't even have to deal with other players and there were issues that will take time to iron out.

  13. Space missions are more repetitive and boring than the quests themselves


    So basically there are several ways you can choose to level your toon, not all involving doing the same quests (which mind you is every MMO I've ever played), but that's not good enough?


    So in your infinite wisdom and gaming genious, what would you have them do?


    Viable ways to level in SWTOR:



    Space Missions

    Standard Quests

    Class Quests


    Group quests on planets


    I can confirm these all work just fine, as I've used them all to level. Actually used all of them to level which keeps it from getting boring.


    I guess they can add lower level operations, but I think it would make more sense to develop those for end game.


    The people complaining about content really just don't like MMO's, because you can't name one MMO that doesn't use the above to level. And in a lot of games, not all of these choices are even viable because the xp sucks. It's actually VIABLE in this game, as the xp is decent for all of these activities.

  14. If done right, casinos would actually take money out of the economy, this is a good thing. The odds should always tilt towards the Hutts running the place just like any other casino.'


    There should be no issue with this from a legal stand point, EQ2 has the gambling goblins all over the place. This would add a whole new layer to the game, and would be a great social point for players of both factions to gather.


    I love this idea.

  15. Quests come in three variety's:


    Kill x amount of x enemies


    Collect x amount of x items


    Plant x amount of x items


    From 1-50.


    But that's not even the problem, every MMORPG has repetitive quests, it's basically the nature of MMORPGs, questing is there only to get you to level cap.


    The problem is this game promotes the making and playing of Alts. Not a bad thing in and of itself, actually it makes sense. Time was spent on crafting each classes individual story, and they wish for us to see it. I get it. Like the stories or not, I get it.


    The problem is you are going to be doing the same repetitive quests, in the same repetitive manner, EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


    Would it really have killed them to give each class different sub-quests, thereby making the Alt process not only a lot easier, but a lot more fun? Yes, other games have you do the same quests, but other games are not begging you to make Alts. This game is.


    The crafting? Where do I start. Shallow, Lifeless, Useless. Seriously, I've never played an MMORPG where the crafting system was so rudimentarily simplified and dumbed down. It's horrible. I'm a huge crafter in MMORPG's and this games crafting system leaves a lot to be desired.


    As far as it being easy, it's because the game throws so much Exp at you, that by the time you leave a planet and go to the next one (In a pre-set determined path) you already out level that planet by about 5 levels. This means you hit 50, and you probably still have two full planets of quests left, plus a huge amount of bonus quests.


    Let's not mention how hard it is to get a group to run Flashpoints on about 70% of the servers. Nor how backwards it is. I have to be sitting in Fleet to get a group for a Flashpoint. I can't be out questing, I have to sit at the *********** fleet for hours. I mean, really? No Global LFG channel? What the ****..


    Ugh. I gotta stop. The more I think about it, the more this game disappoints me.


    Wrong, you don't have to do all the repetive quests. If you do space missions, pvp WF a couple times a day, and do your class quest only you will level just fine. Class quests will be different from the other class you played. I'm doing this now with my alt, the planets I enjoy I run all the quests, the planets I'm not fond of I make the xp from pvp and space missions.

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