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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. Yeah, this is a change I didn't quite understand. I guess I just kind of considered warzone medpacks a given, since it's not exactly as if you can spam them or anything. My mistake, I guess. They're a privilege--I see that now. I just hate wasting my crafted medpacs in warzones, since it's such a pain in the butt to get the mats for them.


    Maybe you can buy medpacs off the GTN with all the phat lewtz you make off of WZ now... Oh Wait! LOL

  2. Nobody has WH gear yet, so gap hasn't increased for anyone yet.


    I'll spell it out for your.


    Recruit Gear = Total garbage, terrible stats, pitiful endurance, decent expertise, but still less than BM


    Champion Gear (now defunct)- Decent stats, set bonus, terrible expertise compared to BM.


    BM Gear- Good stats, set bonus, raised expertise by double.


    War Hero- Total set = about a 1% increase...


    So.... Recruit gear has terrible stats, but good expertise, Champion gear has decent stats and terrible expertise, BM gear has good stats and awesome expertise.

  3. Don't fix it if it ain't broken. Maybe needed some minor tweaks, but these are over the top.


    I kept saying pvp would turn into a frag fest with these changes.


    I'm not even a game developer and I could see this happening.

  4. This is what happens when you go through with changes that aren't properly tested. Very few level 50 PvP'ers on test.


    I havent' been able to play it yet, but it sounds pretty rough. I'll reserve judgement until I get in myself to play.


    91 and 136 creds at level 50 respectively? What are they thinking? I have plenty of other ways to make money and have plenty, but that's an over the top nerf.

  5. I hate to admit this, but I used to have a problem. I complained about using my sniper in PvP, and how ineffective it was.


    Then this thing happened, and it's a true story. I learned to play.....


    Now I'm pretty much top 1/2 in killing blows in any given game, you can actually play certain objectives if you now how to time things. If I cover mid with a smart team in huttball, I can jump down, blow my temp buffs, pick up the ball and toss it to someone on the ledge.


    I can use my leg shot (this is a big one). I can use my entrench. I can use my other defensive abilities. Instead of randomly using flash bang on a ball carrier for example, I save it as a defense mechanism to escape a bad situation.


    No class has greater burst damage, at least that I can see.


    We do just fine in PvP as well, I also raid HM's, and I'm obviously not dragging the team down cuz we beat the enrage timers.


    I must admit, it took me a while to L2P, but now that I know what I'm doing it's quite fun.

  6. What?! They're taking out world PVP for now? So on my PVP server, I won't be able to fight opposite faction when I see them?



    Also, I'm not excited for the patch because I play an Assault Specialist Vanguard.


    I know because the factions meet so much in the open world leveling LOL. I think I say 3-5 pubs leveling to 50. No reason to go to Ilum, no open world PvP.

  7. Oh this looks fun and constructive. Ok now it's your turn. Quick, mention something you like so we can mock it.


    You want contructive?


    I have no desire to be able to cast orbital strike with my Inquis or lightning storm with my sniper. Why would my agent be able to cast lightning storm, he's force sensitive now? MmmmKay. By the time you get end line gear you can't even see what your toon looks like, so I'm not overly concerned with unlocking pure sith, chiss, or anything else.


    It's outrageous expensive to get any of the legacy unlocks that look even remotely interesting. I have creds, but am I going to drop 5 million creds for a neutral GTN that no one uses, 5 million creds for rocket boost with upgrades, maybe 500k for mailbox on ship.


    The ship droid that sells parts to augment your droid for missions, sell really crappy upgrades for 100k. Bonus to efficiency (quicker missions) and 2% crit? No slicing mod whatsoever. Oh it also cost 1 million creds. I have plenty of creds, but I wouldn't even waste them on this stuff.


    The only thing that seems awesome about legacy is getting bonus stats for finishing your companion quests. I can't think of anything else about it.


    The nerfed 3/4 of the classes, and med pacs. We aren't all super leet, so I'll be surprised if we will be able to get through the hard mode content we were already doing with all the healing nerfs.


    I'm basicallly not going to be able to heal in PvP anymore cuz the destroyed my sorc. That's cool though, I can still go in with my sniper and dps. I just liked healing sometimes.


    I look forward to the new WZ, I admit that. The new raid zone only has 4 names in it, that's barely a new raid zone tbh.


    A new FP, who does them? No one on my server.


    Recruit gear is god awful, you think people get destroyed now with the disparity, recruit gear will do nothing to help this.


    I'm not quitting the game, believe it or not, I like the game. It's not a threat to quit, I just don't really see much to get excited about. The UI changes will be nice, but damn, those should have been there since the beginning.


    Color coordinating armor is not going to add to the replay value for me personally, but to each their own I guess.

  8. You can unlock everything by raising you legacy level and playing new characters. You don't have to spend any credits at all unless you want to take a short cut to the goodies.


    This is patently false. Everything really "worth" getting cost credits.


    Mailbox on ship 500k

    GTN on ship 5 million

    Ship Droid 1 million (PS the droid upgrade parts are crappy that you buy from it for 100k)

    millions of credit for rocket booster


    I guess the buffs for having max faction with companions is good.


    Quite honestly I don't care if my Inquisitor can cast orbital strike (or my sniper lightning storm) in open world pve, I think that pretty much kills my immersion and I won't do it either way.

  9. Thanks BW for finding the time to finally come out with 1.2 patch. I dont think its in your best interest to delay this patch or other known issues anymore. People who unsubbed will be back

    and ready to play. I hope this 1.2 patch makes the game better than the upcoming titles that are coming out. Cant wait thanks again.


    What are you looking forward to that's so awesome?

  10. Dunno, I feel in a game this young I would be excited about a large game update.


    Rampant nerf's, rampant itemization changes (that flip flopped), a meh legacy system with meh rewards for obscene credits, and changes to PvP rewards (negative ones).


    One new WZ, cool I guess.

    One new FP, cool I guess.

    One 4 boss raid, cool I guess.


    UI changes, well I mean really this should have been in at launch, pretty shameful it took this long to begin with.


    Still no way to change between a couple specs without having to go to the guy on the fleet, which would be a feature far more valuable than anything else they are adding imo.


    What are you excited about with this update, just curious?

  11. I can't believe 1.2 is already going live....


    They are not even close to going live with this update. The pvp gear changes are simply outrageous. If I'm understanding it correctly, they are being made so fresh 50's have an easier transition. How ludicrous. I hit 50 and realized how incredibly gear dependent the wz's were at that level. Did I cry for the makers of the game to change everything to cater to my inability to catch up? LOL no....I set out to grind a set of gear of my own so that I might compete. It took me a week. This is just pathetic. Nothing else to say about it. 1.2 may be the end of my SWTOR experience.


    Have you looked at the recruit gear? It's total and utter garbage, someone in BM gear will destroy someone wearing it. The gear changes to PvP change nothing tbh. I guess you can get BM gear easier now, but the gap between BM and Champion "wasn't" that significant until they boosted the expertise on Battlemaster which is already better gear.


    Whole thing seems rather borked to me, but then 1.2 seems pretty borked to me. I like the game the way it is now, drastic and sweeping changes scare me.

  12. I know it may sound lame to some, but I like using series of shots to determine when a buff/bubble wears off. That way I lead in with some damage and know when to hit my big stuff. The end line in MM also helps with this.


    I know it's going away in 1.2, but I find it quite useful for measuring temp buffs.

  13. It's pretty easy, spec dps so you can do sub par dps with no burst.


    Less healers in WZ, I guess all the other players get what they want? A total frag fest where you spend 50% of your time behind the wall waiting to get into the action. Damn that sounds like fun PvP.


    I'm switching back to my sniper and shelving the healing sorc personally. My Dark Infusion gets unterupted 50% of the time now, on a 2.5 second cast time it's just laughable.

  14. Lets say i put 99 something biochem in the bank, someone just comes and gets it? do i get anything in return?


    If i make stims they are given out for free or can i charge a small amount?


    Yes, someone just goes in and takes it. YOu put in items that you WANT to share with your guild. If you aren't playing with a bunch of jerks, they will most likely put in items that you want as well. It's really an honor system at the end of the day.


    I play with all friends from other games, so it's just easier to put stuff in to benefit the guild.

  15. if you think healers still aren't amazing you're the one that needs to l2p. I say this as a healer. I wish my "kind" would stop crying nerf, it is embarassing


    Not a healer, or plays on a server with horrible players.

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