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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. To be completely honest, I haven't been playing SWTOR since D3 came out. I plan on playing SWTOR, but with no one left on my server it's just not fun. I enjoy crafting and playing the GTN, with no people you can't really do that. I enjoy PvP, with no people q's are just too long to pop. The raiding is meh, my main is in full Rakata, I don't mind raiding but I primarily did it to run with people I've been playing with for many years. I've raided other games, but raiding has never really been my bag.


    So population is a major issue. From a systems perspective, this must be a huge undertaking for Bioware, as I'm sure this correction needs to be made ASAP. I will put any money that they are figuring this out just about every day they come into the office.


    The other major issue, which many probably don't even understand, is that there is not a proper carrot for FP's. Instances are an important aspect of just about every MMO. It's a way for a few players to get together and do something with a small group of random players. They should be easy enough to PUG, with some tough enough to run on off raid nights.


    I will reference I game I used to play EQ2. What EQ2 did was put a couple of BiS items available from the FP's. You certainly couldn't get all the best gear in the game by doing them, but there was always that very rare drop that came from a FP and people would farm the heck out of it. That item always had PuG's forming to run the zones. It gives PvE folks something to do. Columi pieces just aren't a good enough carrot with how easy story mode raids are.


    If you increased population through transfers/merges you create a larger pool for PvP (WZ's etc.). If you add some good drops to FP's you'll have players of different skill levels AND raiders doing some PvE content on off nights. Also some OW PvP certainly wouldn't hurt for those of us who like to do that.


    I'm not going to unsub... yet, even though I probably haven't logged in for a couple of weeks. Take my sub money and make some of these changes happen. You have a good game here, but there are some priority issues that need fixing.

  2. Well I first want to say that I really like this game. I think it has potential, I'm not unsubbing or anything like that.


    With that said, my entire guild is playing D3 right now including myself. We are on a PvP server, and I just don't have the desire to wait 30 plus minutes between WZ's. They are killing this game by not having server transfers available/ merging servers. With population this game is saved.


    Another couple of pro tips for devs.


    1. Make a few pieces of BIS gear available by doing HM Flash points. 3rd best armor dropping off the last named only just isn't cutting it. I remember in EQ2 they always dangled the carrot of a couple of BiS pieces in the instances. This is not game breaking. This gives some incentive for you to get together with 5 people to take a shot at getting the BiS piece. This should be a rare drop.


    2. Get your open world pvp together sooner rather than later. Removing Ilum altogether was a poor idea. At least we had some open world with the ring around the center quest.


    I'm gonna stick around with hopes that things happen here.

  3. I enjoy the game, my server was doing fine population wise up until about 2 weeks ago. There has been a sharp decline in population, which worries me. There needs to be more players per server, so merges or transfers need to happen pretty quick. I'm personally not going to reroll on another server to start all over again.


    I'll stay subscribed, but I fully admit I've been playing a lot more BF3 lately.

  4. Lol I have more keybinds on my shadow and marauder than I do on any other char (including my gunslinger)


    I was referring specifically to the Pyrotech, which that dude was saying he wants to run 4 of.

  5. ....Anyone who thinks a Sniper is remotely close to Tankassassin/Marauder/Pyro Powertech in power is an idiot..


    A Sniper is great if you're not being attacked and people are ignoring ya, The second people pay attention to you, They'll stomp you into the ground.


    I do it all the time on my Pyro Powertech, Esp Marksmanship Snipers, which are basically the easiest class in the game to counter in a 1v1.


    Now I know some people are going to say "Well you just haven't seen a good sniper"


    I have a full BM/War Hero Sniper, i know exactly how it plays.... I was recruited to the major PvP guild on my server because of my play on both the Pyro and Sniper... but given a Premade, I'd much rather have a Pyro or Marauder over a Sniper in PVP.


    Esp Pyro's, our guild runs 4 man Pyro Powertech groups, and honestly, you don't even need heals half the time, you'll lose on objective base missions if you have moronic team mates of course like Nova and Civil War, but Huttball and Voidstar are freakin blood baths.


    You have a 4 Man Pyro assist train and it's just silly, as anytime you eat a Flameburst, you eat 4 Railshots instantly right after it.


    Meh, some of us like to push more than 4 buttons.


    I play a MM sniper in PvP. Scoundrels used to own me until I got PvP gear, now I can't think of a single class that kills me every time guaranteed. Playing a sniper well is about intelligence, positioning, use of cool downs, use of CC. Playing all of these tools in tune like a musician and a sniper will own. Especially if you have friends that throw you a heal here or there.


    Come to my server, I'll show you how to play one. I'm first or second in damage dealt and killing blows for my team in every game I play pretty much guaranteed.

  6. Most who understand it like it, most who don't dislike it, the sad thing is it is pretty simple.



    I don't know about all that. I know plenty of players who understand it and still thinks that it sucks. I hate when one person in the community tries to speak for everyone else.

  7. he was trying to be funny but yeah snipers blow..they honestly think they rank higher then mara, pt, tankasin, OP heals??? LMAO


    they are better then merc BH..happy now?


    Yes, we are a very bad class. Please target us last. No need for a buff, we want to continue to suck and not be a FOTM. : )




  8. 1. It generally works as intended

    2. The system is pretty stupid since half the time you get killed before you are even out of stun lock, and the bar goes back down after you die.

    3. If the resolve bar fills while you are stunned, it does not break the current stun. The bar if maxed will start going down while you are still stunned.

    4. I am 99% positive that it occassionally bugs out and will allow you to be stunned when the bar is full, but it's certainly not all the time.


    Problem would be fixed if current stun was broken when your resolve bar got full. Current system, someone can wait until your bar is near full and hit you with a long stun. That maximizes the length of time you can be CC'd and makes you lose time on your resolve on the back end.

  9. The tenor of your response sums you up, as far as a BH, ill give you that to a point but most of that is spec. Sorc, if you are truly face rolling sorcs left and right it isn't you its them with as much truth as the individual who posted in this thread that he successfully kited 3 tank'sins and a jug; it isn't you or him, its them.


    As before, post 1.2, gear / skill being equivalent, as a whole a skilled mara/jug/sin/sorc can run you down and beat you to death at will any time they so choose. Their defensive and offensive abilities pair too well and scale much better than what you have as a sniper. You do not faceroll a skilled pvp jug, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sin, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp marauder, you do not faceroll a skilled pvp sorc. Sling whatever litany of insults you choose, it does not change the fact, you do not.


    I am not saying they need to be nerfed, not in the least, I am saying post 1.2 50s PVP sniper is behind, and at this point as a whole in pvp anything you can do with a sniper you can do with any other legitimate pvp dps class build better, with greater sustainable dps and defensive longevity than you can with a sniper now.


    Sorcerer's are the easiest class to melt for me by far. One attack bursts there bubble, and then they melt, and I mean melt in like maybe 4 global cool downs. Killing tank classes is all about positioning. In huttball for instance, tanks take about a minute to get to me on the rafter (since they can't jump to me), when they get there a well timed cover pulse knocks them right off the rafter again. I get to pew pew them the whole time, once their temp buffs are down, they're dead.


    There is nothing wrong with our class. We do boss and I mean BOSS damage at a distance, and we have enough defensive abilities to either escape or stay alive. As a sniper, if you are on a fail team, you will get owned (but everyone is getting owned so that's moot).


    You have half the people saying were fine, and half the people complaining we are underpowered. That logically tells me it's a L2P issue. I have multiple 50's and I still prefer to play my sniper. I hear certain classes only need to push about 3 buttons to be successful. Research and roll one.

  10. I think it would be cool. Especially if you can knock the other speeders around while racing. You can add different speeder parts to the crafting professions with different grades/ results. Could be a really fun side game.
  11. i pvp with 2 other snipers on a regular basis... one time, a 4th sniper was pugging and included in our ops group...


    the 4 of us dropped 4 orbital strikes on the middle in huttball... it was hilarious to see their entire team wiped out at once...




    I get excited when there is one other sniper with me in any of the WZ. The killing field is created and it's a thing of beauty. I can't really imagine 3 or 4, it would be breathtaking.

  12. I would agree with you to some degree, but the differential is usually significant. And over time when you see it, it's not random luck.


    Our burst is insane, and in PvP burst gets kills period. The piddly little aoe hitting everyone are so easily healed through it's just laughable.

  13. I'm on a PvP server, most people that do WZ have relatively decent gear, I'm currently full BM (will get my WH sniper tonight).


    We're fine. I use a MM spec and I'm usually 1 or 2 in damage and 1 or 2 in killing blows. Unless I'm defending an objective, which we also do just fine.


    We have to press more than 3 buttons to perform. If you are in a match with several stealthers, and they are smart, you will be shut down. They will destroy you the whole match, because they know you will melt their face if they don't.


    Gear does not = skill. I have more than one 50 that PvP's. The class really performs just fine and serves it's purpose.

  14. You spike the ball. You made the right play based on your description.


    You will either die giving them the ball back right next to your goal line and an easy chance to score OR you have the off chance one of your players can get the ball back at mid. On top of that you are at least sending the enemy back to mid giving you half a chance of stopping them from scoring easy mode.


    Down 4-0 the game is usually pretty much over, as you are either outclassed by skill or gear in the match. Sounds like the people you were playing with need to take a pill.

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