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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. I LOVE my sniper in PvE. I HATE my sniper in PvP.


    Your damage and abilities are pretty boss in PvE if you know what you are doing, and you have some helpful stuff for the group as well. If you rip one of the adds you have enough temp buffs to take it down and stay alive.


    Orbital Strike w/ Suppression fire combo on group mobs is just disgusting and fun as hell.


    Sorcerer is an absolute blast in PvP, so I'll focus on PvP with the alt I'm leveling and use my sniper for PvE.


    For the record, I perform decent from a damage/kill perspective in PvP, but you just can't really do crap to deal with the objective based games, which they all are. Once a real class w/skill on the other team realizes that you are picking them off, they will be attached to you like a dingleberry on a pig destroying you over and over again.

  2. Snipers are good in PvE and pretty bad in PvP.


    For my alt, I visited the sorcerer forums, and all they do is argue about what the best spec. There are absolutely no complaints about the power of the class. The difference is actually funny.


    I don't know how sorcerers are in end game pve content, but they are pretty solid in pvp from what I can tell.

  3. Question

    How do you know when you're in a relationship with a companion?


    I ask because after having some positive conversations with Vector, I decided to give him a "Courting" gift, and I gained 0 rep with him from it. As such, I've been holding onto more courting gifts I've come across for some time, as I don't want to waste them.


    It's really like any other type of companion gift in the game, some like them some do not. Even being "in a relationship" with a companion isn't going to make them like courting gifts.


    I'm lol "married" to Kaliya, no affection from courting. Ensign takes the courting gifts.


    There is a great chart somewhere but I'm too lazy to link it.

  4. Well this is how "snipers" really are. If someone is running towards you, you are already lost the fight. Personally when I heard the name sniper, I don't expect a mobile guy with a staying power.


    Which is fine if we can actually kill someone without leaching off enemies other players have already weakened.

  5. Seriously, you expect me to be this super evil Sith and you force me to either wear a skirt or some non matching piece of social leg armor? Can we Inquisitors please get some other form of leg armor? Different patterns on the same base skirt times 50 is just kinda lame. What about half skirts? You know, the butt cape attached to Ashara's starting top. No reason that graphic can't be converted into a bottom piece. Taking this design even further, a three quarters skirt would be cool as well. Covers all your legs but the very front. Even a front back (no sides) skirt would be cool.


    Anyone else agree that there needs to be more variety in the Light Armor leg slot? Kinda lame when the other armor types get all sorts of different textures and designs. We get the same full skirt texture with a few different designs and colors. Stand with me my forcingly dressed like girls, brothers!


    It's a kilt bro, and it's manly.

  6. Let's just say I notice a significant difference in movement of the enemy healthbar based on whether I'm attacking or not in the HM zones. Gonna try first operation tomorrow, so be better suited to talk about that soon.



    I can definitely say that MM is win in the HM FP's. On the group mobs, a combo of orbital strike and suppression fire is simply awesome.

  7. I love my 50 sniper in pve, but I have a hard time busting them out in pvp anymore. I have a level 22 sorcerer and it's retarded.


    You can snare, stun (while doing damage), stun (a different one while doing damage), CC, heal yourself, temp speed buff, shield (that can nearly be up all the time), aoe knockback, and you don't have to wait 5 seconds for your cover ability to work before you can do any of it.


    If you are good with your sniper in pvp, grab another class and try it. You'll probably be a god.

  8. In PvE your sniper will be fun and fine at end game. If you like playing the class, definitely go with it.


    You are at a low level right now, but you will get some more abilities like followthrough that will help you sustain your dps a lot better. Once you get Dr. Lokin things also get a lot better/easier.


    You will certainly be viable at end game on the PvE front.

  9. If you are a sniper in pvp, you pretty much need to reroll at the moment to be a value to your team. Can you do some damage and get some kills? Sure if the other team totally sucks and let's you pew pew. Hell, I've had 15 kill shots in a game if the other team lets me sit back and do my thing.


    The real question is, how many teams let you do that? Not too many on my server. Sure I can hit my cool downs and stay alive a bit longer, maybe finish off a kill, but what am I really doing to help with objectives in all of these objective based games?


    The games are not death matches, they are objective based. Also once someone knows you are a decent sniper on the other team, they will just rush in and slaughter you every time.


    I just don't think the sniper is built for PvP in it's current design. I feel strong in PvE content, but not so much in PvP.


    Unfortunately I'm not going to spec lethality just to do PvP. Since we don't get two specs, guess I'm pretty much screwed if I want to PvE and PvP.


    I'll still go in and take my lumps for a while though in WF, but I don't feel like I"m having as much fun as everyone else who can actually participate.

  10. Unfortunately it's true. I have a 400 armormech and there isn't much to do at endgame. Was however extremely useful for leveling and gearing comopanions.


    Biotech is really the only viable end game craft if you are a min/max player. Personally I'm going to keep armormech on my main, and my alt is doing biochem. I'll have my alt make me supplies for my main.

  11. Of note, I wasn't complaining. I just think operative and certain specs are logically better for pvp. In PvE with my MM spec, even with so-so gear, I'm pour on disgusting dps already. I think the sniper is bread and butter dps for PvE, I'm going to level a sorcerer for PvP.
  12. Excellent advice.

    The key to being good at playing a sniper is knowing your role.

    That is area control.


    Try and control one of the upper levels in Huttball.

    If your team is good , control the upper deck on their side.

    If your team isn't control yours.

    Use the bunson burners to your advantage. Control an area that can only be accesed by going through them. There is nothing more fun than knocking someone into the burner followed by a stun and watching them cook.


    In Civil War , you are defense. If your team can get mid, get stay on the two decks above.

    Be sure to use the power ups that are on both sides.

    Be sneaky about it. Don't set up cover right on the edge where the enemy can spot you from distance. Watch those stairs. If anyone starts to come up, entrench immediately.

    If you take away their CC there aren't many classes that can go toe to toe with us.


    Voidstar you want to control the areas between doors. If you wait til enemies get to a door area it is too easy for them to interrupt anyone setting the bomb.


    Orbital Strike is *********** amazing when used properly.

    That is, used to deny enemies entrance to an area.

    People scatter when they see an AoE reticle in front of them.

    Not only this, it is a fire and forget . Once it finishes channelling you are free to engage single targets while it is going off.

    So while they are waiting for your Orbital Strike to finish you, Re Cover, Laze, Insta Snipe, Ambush, Follow Through.


    Don't initially set up in a green cover area. Use them to roll into when melee gets on you.

    This provides distance , and resets your Ballistic Dampeners.


    Other than that , it's stay alive as much as possible. Use all of your defensive CDs.

    Use medpacks. Know when to flee and know when to fight. If there is a gang of enemies, you are going to die. That is the way it should be. If you see them heading your way, and they get through your initial defenses you need to retreat.


    The more times you die that is that many more times you spend running and waiting behind that stupid shield at your rez point. That is that much less time you are killing.



    I honestly cannot see how people think this is a weak class.

    If you play it as designed it is one of the most formidable classes in the game.


    Your not wrong when you are playing against noobs. All of this is completely true. Only problem is that when you are playing against people that don't suck, you will get absolutely destroyed over and over again. If a team leaves me unchecked I will crush them, but anyone with skill will destroy me, even using all my cool downs.

  13. I think we need to start laying down the groundwork to make this a reality sooner rather than later. Here's how:


    First a league charter will need to be established. It will be broken down into two competing leagues just like baseball. We will have the Imperial League and Republic League.


    We will need to establish cities to respectively host individual teams for each league. For example, the Cincinatti Frog Dogs, Chicago Rotworms, Boston Rakghouls, and San Francisco Nerf Herders.


    In order to maintain proper parity in the league, there will be two main bodies charged with looking out for the respective interests of both the players and owners. Owners of the teams will be referred to as "Hutts". They will form the National Hutt's Association, while the players will be referred to as SWTOR Player's Association. This will allow proper negotiations to take place in the league.


    Of course there will need to be television contract established with the major networks. If they are smart one of the networks will immediate snatch up the voice talent from the Huttball games.


    I'm thinking maybe a 16 game season with games played weekly, and the end of it the Republic will play the Imperials for national glory and player endorsements. Final game to be referred to as the SWTOR Bowl.


    This is a slam dunk.

  14. Least painful leveling in an MMO to date. Loved leveling my IA to 50, enjoy the hard mode flashpoints, PvPing is OK and I don't have to do it when I don't want to. Do some dailies on my main everyday for gear and run with guildies when they want to.


    Just started a Sith Inquis, and an so far really enjoying the story and leveling again. Find myself wanting to log in on him a lot, and I love my sniper.


    I find the opposite, even with my level 50, that there is so much I want to do when I log in I can't decide what to do first. I half hope my guildies don't want to run something so that I can level my inquis.


    I came into this game with such low expectations, I didn't even log in when I got beta invites because I just thought it would be another MMO. I'm quite blown away from it.


    There are nearly some game breaking bugs, which I could see that would really put some people out. I think they will be fixed, and I think that I'm willing to give BW some time to sort them out. This game has not been out for very long, and with the complexity involved in everything they tried to do, it probably is a lot to fix bugs.


    I don't plan on going anywhere, I think I'll be playing this for a long time.

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