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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. For what it's worth, almost every single one of my criticals has been from Rich missions. I may have gotten 2-3 crits on anything else.


    Random number generator is random. You can crit on any mission and I firmly believe the crit rate is the exact same.

  2. I love them and I will love them for leveling but lets get real. The TOP END meds are blue not reusable anyway, and how exactly is 2hour last-through-death blue so much worse than reusable stim? how many do you need per raid, 2 if you're unlucky?


    The only thing that is kinda out of whack are adrenals, and thats only coz it takes so freaking many resources for 15 seconds buff its silly. Adrenal mats req need to get nerfed, aside from that I could not care less if reusables get removed or not.


    Well the adrenals are a huge advantage, and no one and I mean no one sells blue med pacs on my server, so they only way to get them would be to craft them yourself. I sell 20 ultimate med pacs (green) on my server for 120k with no problem. I've been tempted to try making the blue ones and selling them, but it would have to be for an insane amount with the mats involved.

  3. And what about those people that arem't about making money? Let's say I want to pick a profession for personal gain and not having to worry about crafting and selling. Hell, I'll be able to do just that with artifice and synth post-1.2 but over time, my gain via biochem will disappear and I'll be forced to farm mats and craft consumables EVERY DAY.


    if that's the direction they want to take then make those augmented belts disappear after 3 days. I mean then the synthweavers will have to take part in the trading right?


    Because you'll still be able to craft the "best" for yourself, AND spend a whole lot less for them.


    In any MMO I've ever played, the crafted gear is not superior to raid drops or even HM drops. The made the reusable consumables so powerful that literally every person in my guild except for me and one other dropped their skills and picked up biochem. And it was suggested that we do the same. Is that how it's supposed to work?


    Also, all we will get is money from the orange gear with augments, just like you selling consumables. You will still need to get the quality mods to put into the orange gear. Where do you suppose that will come from?

  4. Let me see you pay 1mil credits for that belt with an augment, or that bracer with an augment. I'll be reading your post of nerf calling on other professions and will quote you this thread.

    Selling adrenals will not be a viable solution after 1.2 is well in it way and gear progresses, but crafted armor will still be expensive, if you wish to have BiS.

    The nerf for biochem has be called out by many people that cannot see past the fence and when the stims will not be viable anymore, adrenals will not be worth it and med packs will be outdated then this crew skill will be nothing more that an useless NPC space in the crew skill fleet section.


    Also could you please elaborate on "It will still be more than useful as reusables get phased out" because phasing out means that the contribution of the said adrenal/stim will not have an impact, hence making it useless not useful.


    Edit: thy were not talking only about reusables, BW will phase out all types of stims/adrenals. I could not care less for the reusables as the prototype ones are more powerful in most cases; the nerf calling for biochem has gone so far that it will not be viable even without reusables (read the developers tracker).


    Go ahead, because I never chased flavor of the month. I still have my armormech that I originally made when everyone said how much they suck. I did biochem on alt one to ensure that I could make CONSUMABLES for my toons, regardless with what they did with the profession. I didn't bank on OP reusables on my main that raids. I know it's going to make people sad that their crew skill will no longer be required end game, but get over it.


    Oh I also have a 400 slicer which is L337, even though people complain about how hard it got nerfed, it's still awesome. People will whine about anything.


    OP crew skill is OP period.

  5. To those complaining about losing reusables. Get over it.


    I have a 400 biochem, and it's retarded. I make so much money off of it, it's absolutely insane (just selling consumables).


    The fact that you get a reusable adrenal is OP, no other crew skiller could afford adrenals with the cost involved. That is a huge additional ability that no one else gets. The health packs are beyond awesome... still even after the nerf.


    My other buddy who also made a 400 biochem also agrees with my sentiments on this. Overpowered crew skill is overpowered, even after nerfs.


    It will still be more than useful as reusables get phased out.


    Oh I almost forgot, you can also make BIS Implants for 2 slots on top of everything else.

  6. Last night I paid 36k for 4 purple grade 6 gemstones. I wish I would have done that sooner.

    The pain it was to get 6 (2 successful missions) on my own ? sheesh....

    In money was less sure, but not by a whole lot. And not to mention the tedium and annoyance of getting on and off the ship to reset the mission list, hoping to get an abundant one ( I'm working under the assumption that I need a crit on an abundant mission to get the purple mat, if that's not true, go ahead and laugh :D)


    I got to 50 last week, so I'm still farming the daylies. 36k seems a lot, but I raise that money in no time. And lastly, you can always get a streak of bad luck and waste a lot of money and time and get nothing...


    FYI, you do not need an abundant mission to get purple mats. In fact my crew more often than not crits on moderate missions. For UWT, this will yield 4 ciridium (blue mats) and 2 mando iron (purple mats). The abundant mission takes longer and costs more, on a crit will yield "I think" 5 or 6 ciridium and 3 mando irons. The chance to crit I believe is exactly the same regardless of whether moderate or abundant, only diff is amount returned.

  7. These missions are basically the only thing I buy on the GTN at the moment. In fact, I just got a slicer to 400 to start getting them myself.


    The only way to reliably get mandalorian iron, which I can send my team out for a week (all with 10k affection), and be lucky if they crit once for 2.


    I currently buy Bioanalysis, Diplomacy, Scavenging, and, Underworld Trading. Scavenging missions are almost a requirement because one piece of high level armor takes 10 zal alloy's, and a regular mission will maybe bring you back 6.

  8. You can be the one selling the ear pieces on the GTN. You can make the purple space ship upgrades that sell extremely well on my server for lots of credits. You get the grenades, which may not be the greatest, but are still a reusable nice aoe when it's up.


    I'm sorry, the problem? All the creds you can make from selling your wares can buy other stuff on the GTN.


    Also coming with 1.2 is a huge increase in price to T3 speeders, which you will be able to make and sell. If you can be smart about getting mats at good prices, you should be able to make bank on those, or give them to your alts.


    I can make a case for the value of just about any crew skill except for armstech, which just sucks.

  9. When I send them out, seems about the same always. Which means low enough that I pretty much go exclusively the 340 wealthy mission route ;)


    It hasn't changed. Random is random. There will always be people that agree with you that it is now lower than it was. And after the next patch, there will be someone else making the exact same sort of post, with people agreeing with him as well.


    I don't disagree with you on the RNG. I obviously send my companions out on wealthy missions when I find them at a good deal. However it is good to check as things can get borked with patches. There are now three of us that haven't seen one since patch, and no one has said they have been getting them on regular missions.


    I'm sure it's RNG, but doesn't hurt to post.

  10. They are the same as far as I can tell. At least my experience between Diplomacy and UWT. I think that Treasure Hunting might get some sort of advantage in selecting which companion gifts to get with token/vendor, but I don't have one.
  11. I honestly came in here thinking he was wanting the heroic 4's renamed to heroic 2's because they are so easily done with 2. Such a shock to find him wanting them even easier, especially as a sorc.


    whoops, I read it wrong. It's fine as it is 2 person and 4 person should stay the same. With a sorcerer it's not even hard doing the 4 person's with two, I know I've been doing it with my BH guildy.

  12. **** sake, I gave up cybertech to max out biochem and bioanalysis just for re-usables, took ages to get >.>


    That's why you don't chase FOTM crew skills in a game that's two months old. I created a biochem, but I still have my original armormech and I started a slicer.

  13. Im sure snipers do good dmg and offer a lot to a ops but saying when I play as sniper things seem to die faster and having 3 snipers in a group makes things die faster isnt an argument to me. I trust numbers more.


    I realize I have no numbers but I have a hard time taking such statments as truth when half of the stories like that seem to be completely made up in this forum.


    You can really see it most when you are fighting an elite in my opinion. Sometimes I just stop dps'ing for a minute and watch the health bar just kind of sit there and inch it's way down. Then I start up again and watch it go on a steady decline.


    I also have two alts. Sorcerer deeps are nice on my alt, but it takes a while to get them going full bore. I also hear when other people in my raid are saying I just critted 4k!!! Meanwhile I just critted it 3 times in a row on three different attacks.


    Bring on the dps meter, I have no doubt we are right up there near the top.

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