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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. By reading this thread, you clearly know who has tried healing and who hasn't.


    As having a 50 dps class and a 50 heal class, healing is way more difficult than dps. If you think the healers are face rolling the keyboard, you are truly ignorant. Roll one and tell me how easy it is.


    Unless you literally have no skill, have no idea how to use an interupt, or just totally suck, it should never take more than two teammates (if it's the right class, one) to peel off and kill a healer (unless they are getting cross healed) period.


    Cutting through healers in the other two MMO's I PvP'd in was WAY HARDER. And again, in those games, I had both a healer and a dps.

  2. I'm amazed you've managed to twist the facts so incredibly. It must be nice to be able to warp reality to suit your bias so easily.


    Answer me a question: why do you think a healer has a target on his head for 15 minutes?


    Because he takes a full team's coordination to defeat, and if you don't, you LOSE. Not the marauders. Not the tankasins. Or the tracer missile spammers.


    Funny how you take that as a mark of how bad you have it... Really, amazing.


    Wow, you must really be bad at the game, because it does not take a whole team to take out a healer. One smuggler by himself can kill me, some tank specs solo can kill me (the ones with a lot of interupts). You sir, or the folks you play with, don't know how to play. If you leave me untouched, then obviously I will keep people alive. I'm pretty sure that's the reason we have healers, no?

  3. haha, I get crit constantly for 4k as a jugg. I love it when snipers claim their damage sucks and is so punished by armor.


    Snipers are extremely powerful in the hands of a skilled player. They are not overpowered and don't need to be changed in anyway.


    They're annoying as hell though. :D


    Oh, I never claimed my damage sucked my friend. If you leave me unchecked I'll destroy you. Good teams don't leave the sniper unchecked.


    All I said was LOS is your friend, if you know a sniper is hitting for god sakes move behind a wall. It can be hard to take down a target with high mitigation though, trust me.

  4. With the amount of interrupts in this game, a team that's not borderline retarded should be able to kill any healer as it currently stands.


    I have a healing sorc and a dps sniper at level 50.


    Healing is already pretty tough against opponents that don't lick their keyboard or roll their face on it. DPS is being increased in 1.2 with expertise increase, healing is being nerfed at three different levels for PvP.


    Seriously, why would anyone in their right mind play a healer in PvP after 1.2? You're going to get focus fired, and between the interupts and nerfed healing your going to die in .5 seconds.


    I honestly don't care one way or the other, I'm simply going to change to lightning or madness spec and screw healing. I HIGHLY doubt I'm the only one that is thinking this way.


    You folks that complained are going to get exactly what you wanted. There are going to be very few healers and once a team catches wind that there is one, they are going to be focus fired down in seconds (or less). That will not be fun for said healer, they will either quit PvP or switch to a dps spec.


    Having everyone play dps in WZ is going to be stupid, there is going to be 120 kills per game and you are going to spend half your time behind a wall waiting to get back into the action where you die again in a half second.


    I hope I'm wrong, I really hope I'm wrong. Knowing how it currently is, I can't imagine this is going to be good. If you think healing is so face roll and easy, try rolling one and having a target over your head for 15 minutes.

  5. The people who say it needs fixing all have one thing in common: they don't understand how it works.


    Once you actually learn how to use Resolve you will find that it is vastly superior to the CC systems in place in other games.


    It's really not.

  6. For the record, I think there is a time in a place for CC in PvP, I don't even mind the basic concept of the resolve system, I just think it really needs to break when the bar gets full and give you some immunity time.


    If it broke when the bar got full, there would be much less chance of being stunlocked to death, and a team would really have to time their CC's appropriately.

  7. LOS is your friend.


    I play a sniper.


    Ambush is probably what you are talking about, and I think it's a 2.5 second cast time. Doesn't hit for crap if it doesn't crit.


    Armor mitigates all of our damage.


    We are a turret and can do little to no damage while moving (at least in my spec).


    If you think having 4 snipers in a game is bad, try having 4 geared smugglers in vent together. I pretty much stop playing.

  8. It is actually funny when you use 2 classes that are most reliant on CC to be able to survive and function in WZ as examples that resolve is not protecting you enough from CC. Guess what, if roots, slows would be part of resolve, CC breaker would grant few sec of CC immunity and resolve when turning white would break all current CC those 2 classes would THE most affected, probably to the point of being unplayable.


    I heal on my sorcerer, so no I would say that the CC doesn't do a whole lot for my survival. I have whirlwind on a fairly long cast (easily interupted by a non noob), and a fairly long cool down, and one quick few second stun. If I'm stun locked in my light armor and I never have a chance to hit a heal button before I'm dead, well you can do the math there.


    Doesn't really come down to skill at that point, as I can't push any oh crap buttons to do anything. When I spec to dps for 1.2 this will probably be a different story.


    I don't have too many complaints about the sniper, except when I'm getting focused by a smuggler/operative. We have zero hard counters against these. Pretty much stun lock dead. They prevent you from going back into cover, so no cover pulse even. If by some miracle you get a flashbang off and your enemy doesn't have a break free you have about a 30% chance of living.


    Yes I have one slow and each toon, but if you can't push the button and get away because you're stunned, doesn't do much for you does it?

  9. I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever died without being able to move unless I put myself into some really god-awful positioning, where I ended up being wailed on by 3 or more people. I'm not even in full battlemaster either. I'm in mostly champion.


    Maybe that happened a couple times when I was a fresh 50 on my alt. In this game you get punished heavily for making stupid plays. Solution: Don't make stupid plays.


    LOL this coming from a powertech and jug.... We aren't all rocking out heavy armor and 20k hit points broseph Stalin.


    When you are using a sniper you don't typically stand in the middle of your team. When you are using a sorcerer you are wearing light armor. Try out those two classes and see how you fair.

  10. in all honesty I'm a healing sorcerer and with the different diminishing returns on expertise in pvp (damage, reduction, healing, plus nerfs), I really don't see any point what so ever in continuing to heal. I'm probably going to switch to a dps spec, and every warzone is going to be a complete frag fest. Really doesn't sound all that fun spending so much time behind the wall, but whatev's.
  11. Most people who said resolve is broken because you can be chain stunned seems to miss a point. You call 8 sec a chain stun? It is a childs play. And to be stunned (stunned, not mezzed) for 8 seconds, you have to be targeted by multiple opponents. You are ment to die in this scenario if you dont have help from your teamates. Force jumping into pack of 4 enemies alone means you will be chain CCed and killed before you can even react. In no MMO you can do that and succeed.



    60% of the Pubs on my server (I'm Imp) play smugglers. The good ones can kill me before I can even react, even if my stun break is up. Your argument here is BS. This is on either my sorcerer or sniper. There are three good ones in particular that run together, one is basically impossible to stop, all three is lights out for anyone or anything.


    The resolve system is flawed. In no game should any class be able to kill you without you pushing a single button before dead PERIOD.

  12. Color me just oh so shocked that NOT A SINGLE ONE of the dozens of people who claim resolve doesn't work could come up with a single video as proof.


    It works as intended, which is dumb. Being able to be stun locked and killed without being able to push a button at all at any point is simply fail, and it happens WAY TOO MUCH. Dying without being able to make any attempt at survival is not a good system.


    Make the stun break when the resolve bar is full is the way to fix this.


    Let me guess, you're a smuggler or op? I know those two classes certainly don't want any changes to the way it currently works.

  13. I have a mix of champion/ raid gear (which I know will suck in 1.2), but I'm not concerned with that.


    I can hold my own against any other class including operatives, except for smugglers. Even though they are a mirror class, the smugglers just seem to destroy me. It's the same on my 50 sorcerer as well who is mostly in champion.


    I just can't counter them. Even with entrench up, then can still CC me, I can't seem to be able to get back into cover to pulse once they open up. By the time they are done with their stuns I'm either at 10% or zero health, and a health pack just isn't cutting it.


    I figure only the lightning tree can counter them on sorcerer with the CC's, but I like to heal on my sorcerer. I guess I can live with that, but it reall P's me off on my sniper. I kept getting into games with 3 geared smugs the other day in WZ and I had to stop. I just couldn't take it anymore.

  14. I've been politely asked once when I was getting my artifact cube on Nar Shadaa if I would help them with their class quest. I told them it would be a minute and they were willing to wait. I helped them out and they were cool about it.


    On my sorcerer, every time I went back to Korriban for an update, I would find a newbie starting out and give them 10k credits.


    I gave a guildy 100k the other day. They are in law school and don't have a lot of time to farm credits and those ops repair bills suck.


    If I can add a little cheer to someone's day by giving them fake money in a game, I'm cool with that.

  15. I went slicing, scavaging, and underworld trading. Up to a million and only level 40. Get missions and lock boxes from slicing. Sell any mission except UT. Use the UT ones and sell the purple mats from that. Scavenging and UT is great because it's used by several crafting skills thus in higher demand.


    This... Keep in mind, you can always raise your crew skills up again. Drop archeology and just pick up slicing. Sell most of the crafting missions, you will eventually get slicing missions. Sell the purple augments for really good money. Do your dailies every day, don't just wait for the weekend. At the very least run your top three space missions every day for about 50-60k credits until the weekend.


    Then... Waste all your money on a crappy ugly white crystal and leave yourself no money to pick up the few good legacy upgrades that cost a million plus credits.

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