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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. Has anyone confirmed whether or not you can crit on an orange piece of gear? I looked through every piece on the GTN for S and Giggles but didnt' see one with an augment slot. If anyone can confirm if it's possible, that would be great.

    Well i can tell you from what i did / had , lv 50 i used mod gear lv 48-50 mods in it, and could not pass my final battle in my story line. i took a week and farmed the mats to get T6 to crit blues and crafted a full set and went back in a kick the crap out of the end boss in my story line ..


    switching over the 2 dif suits i was able to compare the stats and i think crafting gear is better then mod gear, but that's just me ..


    and another thing you can think about when using crafting gear over mod , u can pick all the other items like comms or loot when finishing off a quest and then sell all the items to make $$


    this way i find my self walking away with 40-50 comms per planet and i use them and buy the purple box that cost 24 comms and sell the item, most of the time i can get 2 boxs to open for a random purple item ..


    just my 2cents


    Great point, I did the same exact thing

  3. I pretty much sell everything I put on the GTN in about 5 minutes or less. Blues with augment slot and purples are better than orange while leveling and you don't need to get 3 mods per piece (way more if counting companions).


    People will also buy the blue and purple for their companions. I can sell one blue augment piece or a purple for around 5 to 8k credits consistently. Scavenging most of the materials off droids or planets really only leaves you to have to get the underworld trading stuff.


    I don't know if you are going to be a millionaire from it, but you can definitely sell your goods. I focused on gearing my companions and certain slots for myself. I used orange for head chest and legs and crafted purples for the other slots.

  4. Why limit the stuff even dont get it, i choose biochem to be able to support my guild with stims, buffs stuff like that but the only stuff worth crafting is off limits for anyone but me, makes no sense.


    That would be like saying you can craft armor but the good stuff you cant trade..?? how would that ever make sense..?


    As an FYI, same deal, as an Armortech I can't sell the good stuff at end game. It's bind on pick up.

  5. I found armortech, underworld, and scavenging to be quite useful leveling. I'm reading that it sucks at end game, which is fine and normal for most crafting in an MMO. As a IA, you will be able to gear up yourself, Kali, and Dr. Lokin as they all wear heavy and med armor.


    I keep my chest, legs, and head orange pieces with mods and craft the rest for myself (belt, gloves, bracers, boots) and my companions. With a green recipe I either craft/ reengineer until I get a blue with an augment or a purple for the given slot.


    Always keep your armortech above your current level, so you can be working on getting your gear ready for when you ding to get max usage. Going from green to blue quality gear is very easy.


    I'm currently a level 42 IA and I've had great gear while leveling.


    Again, may suck at end game, but it's definitely served it's purpose. Also keep in mind that this is an MMO so chances are they will add items for the different professions to craft down the road.

  6. Take underworld trading, put mats on GTN, profit. If you're too lazy to do that, than eff your slicing. underworld trading mats are basically non existent on the GTN and sell for obscene amounts. I actually use mine for crafting and never once sold them on the GTN. Positive there are plenty of folks like me out there.
  7. I don't know, I like the crafting system in this game thus far. I can still go quest and have fun while crafting, never been like that in any other game I played. I had to sit at some table and spam the same 3 buttons.


    I'm currently in armormech and I use a companion that uses heavy armor (I myself wear medium). I use modable gear for my head, chest, legs, and sniper. I use my crafted gear for bracers/belt/boots/gloves.


    I unlock the blue armor and keep breaking it down until I either get an augment slot on the blue or a purple piece. These seem to be better than those slots quest rewards or even the modable gear.


    I'm also not going to replace modded gear for my companion, but she is my tank so I need to keep her well geared to take those hits for me. I pretty much make sure she has all blue pieces for every slot.


    If I'm going for purple for a slot I want upgraded, I'll break down any piece without an augment and sell any with an augment slot for a couple thousand creds.


    Works for me, I don't really find it useless at all. It might be useless at 50, but it will certainly have served it's purpose while leveling. Also most of these games add unique items to the crafting skills some time after release, so I bet it will still be nice to have down the line.

  8. I simply do not understand all the QQ about this nerf.


    You use the crew skill missions to up you slicing ability with the idea that you are going to make your real profits slicing in the field. If you are breaking even on missions and leveling your skills to slice out on the planets, than it still sounds pretty win.


    If you slicers think you have it so bad, I spend WAAAAAY more credits than I make back doing my armormech crafting. Probably somewhere in the range of 100k credits so far. Let's be real here, credits aren't exacty hard to come by in this game. Yes things are expensive, but it is pretty easy to get creds through playing.


    Sorry your easy mode was taken away (free credits for sending out your crew), go do some harvesting in the field with your skill.

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