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Posts posted by HanzBlix

  1. lets also point out the fact that sorcs can shoot lighting at the same distance we can shoot our so called "sniper rifle"


    or how instead of being hidden we get a glowing billboard that screams "kill me"


    or how marauders get a stealth along with alrdy OP defensive abilities, while our leg shot breaks on dmg.


    its a game, you can throw reality out the window


    This post made me lol, but especially the part about the glowing billboard that screams kill me.

  2. Hover over the damage number at look at "killing blows" in the stats at the end of the game. I'm usually 1st or 2nd on my team very game.


    Example: Sorcerer in a game I played had 500k plus damage with 3 killing blows, I had about 350k damage with 18.


    It's not always about overall damage in pvp, sometimes it's about having the burst to actually finish someone off.

  3. They need to add some endurance to the recruit gear only. In my full battle master I got hit by a crit the other day for 6k, that is one hit and would be half the life of someone in recruit.


    Adding some endurance to it would be the best solution imo.

  4. Regardless of patch notes or not, there's really no reason for them to not give us a 3:1 ratio in the other direction too.


    But to discuss the patch notes, should it be a requirement that we go to the site and read about what upcoming patches will include down to everyt little detail? This is not exactly something they advertised in the launcher pre-patch and when the patch already is installed and the launcher-link to the patch is available it's already too late.


    Speaking of patches, it has annoyed me from day one that they're always late to announce upcoming patches in the launcher. It's pretty much a given by now that maintenance is on Tusdays but there's usually also something going on on Wed-Fri and I rarely get to know about it until I try to sign in and get greeted by "servers not available". Would it be that hard to put something up two days in advance?


    It's not required, but it still makes you a noob who just screwed themselves out of some commendations. Nobody is forcing you to go check out the patch notes.


    Pro tip- When you know a huge update is coming down the pike, take 10 or 15 minutes to see what it's all about. If you are too lazy to do that I don't know what to tell you.


    Did Bioware publish the incoming changes? Yes Did you take a few minutes to go read them? No


    How is this Bioware's fault?

  5. so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

    Yeah, GREAT concept really.


    So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

    Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.


    No the game doesn't force you to look through the patch notes to prevent getting ripped off. Those of us who cared enough to peruse them were aware, Bioware did not hide this from us, we planned accordingly. You decided it wasn't worth your time to understand what changes were coming in 1.2 (I'm fairly certain you knew it was coming), and you paid the price for it.


    This is why the information is published before hand, but as Bioware isn't going to be able to communicate 5 pages of patch notes in the game... Well you can do the math.



  6. If you really want to burst down anybody including a healer, you use your explosive probe followed by ambush. I don't care whether or not it's energy efficient, I'll get some energy back after the kill. EP can crit for 2 or 3k and if ambush crits, it's lights out, 7k plus damage all at once.
  7. I went MM to level, and actually still use it at level 50.


    I've found armormech to be quite useful while leveling, and now at level 50 that I can make crit crafted armor AND the augments to go in them. While it's absolutely true that the barrel is nice, that is one piece of gear, while the armormech can make you like 7, 3 augmented, and you can update your own augments.


    Not sure what level you get followthrough at, but that makes the process a lot more enjoyable. Once you get Dr. Lokin you'll be winning.

  8. Fact of the matter is that regardless of whether you consider slicing a mission skill or a gathering skill, the only reason to have lockbox missions in the game would be for a positive credit return, even if that return is very small with a high variance. You could argue that we should accept a negative credit return due to the chance of getting mission unlocks...but come on.


    Wrong, it's all about the mission unlocks. Insane money just from that. I leveled one on an alt for the missions alone.


    The current return on the lockbox is a bug, it will be fixed. Even before it gets fixed, the return still helps offset the cost of the mission that brings back the purple missions. If your doing it right, there is no way you can't be making oodles of money from slicing.

  9. Operatives hit like a wet noodle and I feel sorry for them because they've been trashed by rage-hards+ nerfs since day 1. No. I don't main an operative. I main an assassin (since day 1) and I feel sorry for operatives. Snipers are just fine, they are glass cannons (literally) that rely on range for defense, good ones are deadly. Operatives on the other hand, they need buffed in some way.



    IMHO I was ok with operative pre 1.2 (and pre-surge nerf) because their WHOLE concealment tree revolves around exploding on 1 guy, and if that fails at all they get slaughtered 99% of the time. Seems that if they open on some straggler using all cooldowns they SHOULD murder that guy...thats their class.



    Now days, they don't.


    Kind of wrong imo. No class should have a guaranteed insta kill. While I can certainly agree that they should have some utility or med ranged dps to make up for not instantly killing someone out of stealth, the good ones still seem to have some pretty solid survival tools at their disposal. I never called for nerfs, as I knew they would happen. The class was simply OP, it really didn't need to be said.


    The good ones have already adjusted and are still performing just fine, same with healers. Whiners gonna whine.

  10. So your saying you were solo queuing against a premade and you couldnt keep an objective?


    Maybe if we didnt have stupid ppl like you in this game who have no idea of what the game is really about it would actually be a good game...


    And btw ill take them anytime with my premade. Just learn to play in team instead of whinning and asking for nerfs.


    No that's not what I'm saying at all. I usually q in a pre made. Nice assumptions though. I absolutely guarantee this team would destroy you pre 1.2. Nadd's Sarcophogus. I know the names of the folks but I'm not giong to post them here. Extremely skilled and geared. They would probably still own you now, because most of the people that post like you are total garbage.


    Oh and I never asked for them to be nerfed. I knew they were going to be because they were OP.

  11. Just of note, on my server we had a team of 4 smugglers that q'd together and was unstoppable pre 1.2. We would pretty much have to fight them every game. It was basically impossible to hold an objective because of the stealth. Two would open up on you at a time and you wouldn't last more than 3 seconds, and they were extremely difficult to kill (heals & in combat stealth).


    It basically made PvP not fun at all. So while everyone jokes around about there being teams of operatives/smugglers pre 1.2 that's really all you had to q with if they were good. Now I have at least a small chance to survive, and they can occassionally be killed. They still don't suck by any means, but they have been brought down to earth a bit.


    Pre 1.2 I would like to find that team that could stop 4 plus skilled/properly spec'd/geared smugglers. 7/10 pubs on my server are stealth classes. I'm sure because they were outnumbered on Ilum for so long. I don't blame them, but these groups filled with stealthers existed in some places.

  12. This is why....


    I don't mind it as much for the crew skills that have more than one mission for a tier. Example for UWT at 340 there are two different types of missions, Hijack & Can't Remember (lol).


    Where it absolutely kills me is Scavenging. There is only one mission available. If you are going to stick us with this one mission at a time thing (which I loathe), at least make it so each crew skill has two available different mission types.


    Although I really don't see why being able to send your toons on more than one mission was really a problem given the availabiltiy and cost.

  13. Screw the credit boxes, that's not where your money is at. I had to make a slicer for my other tradeskillers because it helps offset a lot of cost.


    On my server, missions sell from 15-30k a piece. The purple grade 6 augment mats sell for about 12.5 to 15k per piece, if you crit on a mission you get 3. With the crafting for crit crafted orange gear, I go though an obscene amount of expensive materials on my armormech. I'm constantly buying scavenging missions. Same for other crafters trying to get purple missions. Demand is crazy right now (at least on my server).


    If you happen to get a slicing mission you can sell it for about 50k or sell the mats you get from it.


    Think outside the credit box.

  14. <.< Um no disrespect, but my Sniper is a lvl 50 MM spec, and murders in PvP just fine. Has it got it's weak points, hell yes. Has it got it's strengths? Hell yes!


    >.> That being said, a 5% increase to a few skills isn't worth Q.Q'ing about until Sniper is FoTM. The likely hood of actually fighting a sniper like me in Pvp is slim... we're kinda a rare breed, ya know?


    Shhh..... Don't get us nerfed bro : )

  15. LOL, Full BM with 2 WH pcs here and some snipers still hit me for 6k+ with Ambush. This game is just getting out of hand with all the dmg in wz's.... nothing against snipers, they are one of the easier classes to kill, just BW is going about it all wrong in fixing pvp....


    Screen shots or it didn't happen. Maybe with probe plus ambush, but that would be 2 abilities hitting you at the same time.

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