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Everything posted by Bluejayoo

  1. I am keeping HK-55's rifle in my storage in memory...
  2. "Kill the game" is probably overstating things quite a bit, but I have to agree that some of the prices seem outlandish. Some of the gold packs cost $10+ for 1 item. And for the first time the new crates don't contain anything that I would want. I guess if you are trying to recreate a battle scene in your stronghold then the new packs might be appealing, but I have to think that only a small percentage of players are interested in that theme and the packs have little else of interest.
  3. The rules for early access were clearly defined. It's not EA's fault that you blew it. I suppose next you will expect them to reimburse lost income over your life time because you chose the wrong major in college?
  4. I miss my Kira too... she disappeared with a full set of 192 level Yavin companion gear that I was planning on given to my level 55 Sage!!
  5. I was very impressed with the quality of the level design for many parts of the KOTFE story. I stopped several times and just looked around for a while to take in the scale and detail of some of the areas. This was particularly amazing given that it's seems likely that some of those areas will never been seen again and were created specifically for that part in the story.
  6. Yes. Many good one liners in this story line. Overall the writing was extremely good and the cinematography was mind blowing-ly good at some places given that this in an MMO. I felt very much like I was watching a movie at some points -- in a good way.
  7. I am ok with them forcing us into PVP. It's occasionally a good idea to force your players in an MMO out of their comfort zones... But 20 of them is a bit harsh. I agree with the person that 5 is the max that is reasonable.
  8. According to several sources, including Dulfy, the terminal that allows you to summon non-canon previous companions is broken. The terminal is where it is supposed to be, but it does not allow you to summon previous companions.
  9. I was able to pull all the missing gear off of my companions before I started the new story line on one of my characters, but I started my main on the new story line before I realized that most of their gear was missing. Once i started the new story I could not summon them because the Companion Terminal is not working at the moment. I have a hypothesis that the gear we are missing is still on our companions and that once we can summon them again we will be able to get it back.
  10. Dissappointed? No... Sad, depressed, and slightly tearful? Maybe... Not only is the story amazing, there is so much to do once you hit level 65 and complete the story that I don't think I will have it all done by the time the next chapter comes out. I am even ok with the new Classic conversation mode because i am expected to see a lot more story content added as a result.
  11. I would go back to 2005 and tell the SWTOR dev's... "USE THE UNREAL ENGINE, or least, Unity..."
  12. Same here. The expac exceeded my expectations in every way. I was also surprised I was able to finish it. I ran into some bugs but for the most part I was able make it through the story without any significant trouble. I figured the bugs would be MUCH worse than this.
  13. I would expect to see that a lot more often. As I mentioned in another thread, it currently takes somethiing like 17 different voice tracks for each conversation in the game. That is more voice actors than some entire animated series have. The new system cuts that down to possibly only 1 voice actor per new conversation. If they intend to add lots more story content, the Classic conversation system is the only way its going to be economically viable for them to do so.
  14. Heh heh, my Jedi Knight, Jedi Sage, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Sith Lord, Agent, and Commando all disagree
  15. Qyzen could care less about your Sith delusions of grandeur. You are nothing in the eyes of the Eternal Scorekeeper.
  16. On the positive side, this makes it a LOT cheaper to add new content to the game. Less voice acting, plus its easier to find voice actors for new characters than it is to make sure the same 16 voice actors for the original characters are always available. Think about it, they can add new converstations with just 1 voice actor per conversation rather than 17 voice actors per conversation. I noticed several changes in the approach to designing the xpac that seemed to be aimed at making it easier to add new story content. If the price of more story content is the simplified conversation system, then i am ok with it.
  17. Yeah i went with the light side option.
  18. Massive, huge, profound, life altering spoilers ahead... ********* My HK-55 DIED! I am very sad Was there a way to save him or is this mandatory in the story line?
  19. I lost almost all of the bound to legacy gear on 3 of my companions as well.
  20. The Yavin level 192 companion gear is now bound to legacy and equipable. It of course has a universal mastery stat so you should even be able to use gear that would have previously been for other classes. That should last you until the mid 60's.
  21. In general crafting was flushed down the toilet in this patch. Bioware took the approach that to balance the crafting skills they had to make them all suck as bad as the worst one rather than fix the bad ones to be decent. I am excited about the Kotfe changes and the new story line, but if you were big into crafting you are getting a lump of bad with the good.
  22. I will use my first character, my Jedi Knight. I think I will save my insta-60 for the tiny .00001% chance they ever add a third spec line.
  23. Your opinion means nothing, you obvious shill for Tootsie Roll Industries!
  24. I agree with some of the sentiment in the OP. I am looking forward to the episodic content and continuing story as well. On the other hand I don't want to see the raids and ops go away. They are alot of fun. I don't see any reason we can't have both?
  25. Obviously that ends the discussion, as DarthDetonate has clearly defined for all time what is and what isn't an MMO... On the positive side, I am fairly certain that new raids and ops will come in future updates. The dev's could realistically only update so much at once and this expac is more like a new game in many ways as it is.
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