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Everything posted by Bluejayoo

  1. Fun! We haven't done this in a while now... 98560 Account Creation Date: 02.19.09 Wow, that is almost depressing...
  2. I am really interested in the episodic nature of the upcoming SWTOR expac. If they could get to the point where they can deliver 30 minute of story based game play a week I think they would revolutionize the MMO industry. I know Defiance tried something similar but there were too many flaws with that game at release. SWTOR is stable enough and has enough content that I think they have a valid shot at making a serialized MMO.
  3. I pretty much 100% agree. I didn't like the SoR story so much but it was still fun to play. The upcoming changes seem all positive to me. I also have played GW2 and I am now a fan of level synch even though I hated the concept when I first heard about it.
  4. I see many other upsides... like being able to play with friends and family that are lower level, making it easier for dev's to add content to older planets with out causing chaos for players trying to level characters, making it fun and challenging to actually explore all areas of a planet, preventing older planets from becoming dead zones, etc... I have played MMO's with level sync before and I thought I would hate it too but it turned out to be a very good design decision.
  5. To their credit it seems they are not heavily advertising this expansion. My guess would be that they plan to release and get the kinks outs and then ramp up the advertising with the movie release coming up?
  6. I agree. I see no downside to any of this. I am very happy about the companion changes.
  7. I think most players accepted that crafting was an afterthought some time ago. There a few fun things you can craft but it will never be a serious part of the game again. I don't think a Free To Play game can EVER have a viable crafting system as it would be too much competition for their monetization plans.
  8. So much wrong with this post... 1. Forum posters make up a tiny fraction of players. 2. People are 5 to 6 time more likely to complain about something they don't like than something they do. 3. Not even all the forum posters are against this. Many are neutral and many, like myself, LIKE this idea. The majority you perceive is only obvious to you. In reality we have no way to really know what the opinion is towards this idea, though the player count after it rolls out will be a good indication, at least for Bioware.
  9. Lots of people DO want this. My girlfriend and I are going to start playing again as this will make it drastically easier to play together. Your vocal minority is acknowledged.
  10. Time Consuming does not equal difficult. Grinding requires patience, but not skill. Things that reduce the time commitment do not necessarily make things easy, they make them faster.
  11. Gamescom Cantina: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1a381 PAX Prime Cantina: http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1a382
  12. I find it hard to fault them for that. It seems to be the only thing players respond to. You only have to look at the patterns in subscription numbers for this and other games to see that this what MMO players have been asking for rather they realize or not.
  13. I am getting periodic lag spikes as well that last about 30 seconds. During this time my ping time goes through the roof and I can do nothing. If I wait for about a minute the lag disappears but will often occur again several minutes later at seemingly random intervals.
  14. Actually its a fairly definitive 'no'. This info is from the discussion we had on the topic when the big split in the lore first happened. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7512518#post7512518 But as many others have said, it doesn't matter. I like SWTOR better than about 75% of the 'canon' stuff regardless.
  15. You hear that Malavai Quinn? I am coming back for you, and I am going to finish what I started...
  16. This is the problem I have with strongholds in general and Yavin in particular. After you stuff it full of junk it's mostly useless. I spent millions of credits decorating my Nar Shadda because of some weird obsession that I can't explain, but its not like it accomplished anything. Most of the other strongholds I have visited are full of randomly placed items to boost conquest bonus. I am not going to buy Yavin. It's massive, hard to decorate, and after the first time you drive through the hidden caves 95% of the space is wasted.
  17. There was a lot of speculation on the forums when the game went F2P that we would never again see significant class specific or faction specific stories. The thought was that it is simply too expensive to develop that much content that only a faction of the players would experience for a game on a F2P revenue stream. You would need WOW sized subscriptions to make that financially viable. That was two years ago and so far its been dead on. P.S. Not that I mind, I am just glad to see that game is still in business.
  18. I cancelled my subscription over this today. It feels like my sent is fighting while submerged in a large pool of molasses. It makes combat frustrating and there are a lot of other MMO's I can play where this isn't the case. Maybe I will come back in a few months if / when they fix this.
  19. I use my healing companions on all of my classes except my healers obviously. I put the healers in their DPS stances and equip them with DPS gear. I have been able to solo everything soloable in the game with this setup with almost no down time.
  20. I did not care for the battle. It was inconsistent with Revan's story line. I would have preferred something that required more thought and strategy rather than a straight up beat the boss down kind of fight. After all, Revan didn't achieve power as either a Sith or a Jedi through brute strength.
  21. I haven't completed all the story lines, but with the 3 I did complete I did not use Treek or HK. I haven't found any solo content in the game that is so hard that I had to use one companion over another. Currently I am only using Treek on my Sith Warrior because I don't like the Quinn character and having a burly scary Sith Warrior rush into battle with a teddy bear appeals to my sense of irony.
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