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Everything posted by anticept

  1. Well maybe try rolling a healer then at random groups you get no support maybe 1/5 wz:s you get guard on you and maybe if you stay as pockethealer for someone he/she will use cc´s and abilities to support you and the medal system where you get assraped in commendations if you just keep healing.
  2. So basicly just give free **** to everyone with no effort asked. Just keep it as it is yes fix the bug on counting the wins but other than that don´t make it ffa. If you don´t want to put up some effort in it you don´t deserve it once you move out of your parents house you shall notice life isn´t fair and stuff ain´t free . You didn´t get the 3wins today continue tomorrow or whenever until you get em.. Giving candy to leavers so they would stay... 2hour cd for leaving a WZ. Only the kick vote made sence in your request.
  3. pick a better server i usually get around 2-4 alderaans 1-2 voids and rest huttsballs in 10games.
  4. What is the basics then you get attacked by an OP and die with in 3 secs and the OP vanishes and goes on to wait for his cds or whatever and you was out of stealth for whole 4-5 secs ? Just saying either CC or dmg you can´t have both at the same time. I bet that you´re the OP who always skulks around looking for low healths and easy fights with illusions of grandeur.
  5. Want some milk and cookies with that dear...
  6. So i got into an already started WZ huttball map i started running out of the startpoint only to hit the spawntimer wall and waiting for the wall to open i got kicked out as a deserter because it takes forever for the wall to open and the debuff is what 30secs when it starts counting ? Wasn´t really bothered about it since we was 3-0 trailing but still fix these stupid mechanics.
  7. Immo jugg is pretty damn good at interrupting . Backhand stun, no channeltime choke, forcepush followed by charge and basic interrupt and if you que those your target ain´t casting anything.
  8. how about just giving mods armoring and enchants in specific pvp bags and keep the bags we have now for the ppl who want pinks to feel special.
  9. yeh just keep doing your classquests and you´ll get your companions.
  10. easy with sorc did it with ashara one on whirly, bubble on both off us dots on one and when the other mob comes at you either bounce it out of the platform or electrocute it doesn´t matter you have the tools use em creatively.
  11. Yes they can improve your healing but do you need them to be a good healer no if you want training wheels go back to wow it´s suits you better.
  12. If you had read what he wrote before trying to be a really rtard troll you might have understood that the point wasn´t that operatives aren´t OP they are just mainly played by players who have good arsenal in their disposal but no personal skills to use them.
  13. could be the "bubble" he gets from force scream ?
  14. Like it´s so hard to figure out a rotation that kills 30k elite fastest and using that to kill bosses... you want training wheels too ?
  15. Nice shoes. Is that your lightsaber or are you just happy to see me. Damn i still have wookiehairs in my mouth. My spaceship or yours ?
  16. I don´t mind people snatching a certain mob from me even if it means you gotta sit on your hands for 1-5mins for it to respawn it´s game mechanics one of you has to wait it to spawn unless you group up for it (luckily most questmobs are in storymode) . Worst people are those who snatch chests that you´re are clearing for maybe fighting a pack of elite and silver mobs those go straight to ignore list with a whisper of very nice words...
  17. Why would open world pvp be rated to 20v20 then there would be 200(or whatever) imps crying they can´t get in it´s up to the players to make world pvp work if your faction can´t be arsed to contribute then it´s on them .
  18. BH as a merc was really easy to level although the main story being broken which was a let down. There are hundreds of posts about gearing you and your companions picking the right one for the right fight. See the class forum for that. Learn to use your "skills" not sure about Powertechs but Mercs has repeatable 1min CC ability use it! and propably the best AOE arsenal in the game usually you are able to kill couple of silvers by just using death from above or bringing them very close to death atleast.
  19. so couple thousand? hc raiders are more important than tens of thousands casual players and doesn´t this mean that when NA raiders go to work or school europeans get to clear the content first since they are at their free time when the maintenance/patching is over...
  20. pretty sure if you´re not blind you can see if you stood in something you shouldn´t have if you slowly bleed out of life without getting heals you should notice that too ... what the hell do you need a log for that , only reason i´d like a log is too see who ganked me so i can get even..
  21. I found khem to be too "squishy" even with 3pcs. of orange armor kitted for level and modded weapon , AR or AZ are far better companions to solo 4mans plainly of their better dps yes it gets crazy busy with healing when you get 2-3 golds and 3-4 silvers in a pack (1 gold cc´d) but it´s really good fun comparing to the eyes closed normal quests. Did the Hoth 4mans this night "Big find" was only one i managed to get ganked once because of respawns.
  22. Bit late to post but Healer spec is great at leveling yes you do bit less dmg than dps tree guys do but you make up to it by being able to solo just about anything exept world bosses yes that includes 4man hcs started soloing them in Taris just for the laughs but found it really challenging and fun way to level.
  23. you was playing voidstar which is a 2 round pvp event if you are a defender you need to try and stop opposing team from breaching the doors and eventually capturing the datacore. and if you are an attacker you just do the opposite. huttball is kinda like american handegg you try to get the ball to opposing teams scoring zone either by passing the ball to more advantageous player or by rushing it yourself. alderaan is a nodecontrol pvp zone where you try to capture and defend the turrets which are there to destroy the opposing teams dropship. hope that helps.
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