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Everything posted by anticept

  1. Just take a good look in the mirror.
  2. Agreed getting rank 13-14 was just about how much time you spend and most of my servers GMs quitted after s1-2 in tbc because they barely hit 1.8k . But arena isn´t really a skill test i got 2k+ rating on S2 in TBC with me affilock and my mates SP on our leveling blues greens and some crafted epics it was all about FOTM classes/combos and i consider myself little above average player . Only in some rare occasions and being a highly skilled player/team could reach top ranks in arena with out some cookiecutter builds or fotm class/combos. In all fairness arena in too small scale would fail totally in this game there are so many exploits in the pvp system and the whole engine being unreliable so many random DC´s Freezes etc. Any healer/tank combo would own 2v2 maybe 2sent/maras with good players could win them. Most of the AC´s would have no chance in getting top without rolling healer/tank build. Sniper nope. OP only healing Merc only healing. Jugg only tank. Mara barely. Sorc healing. PT only tank. Sins only tank if even then. And their reb counterparts. And that was no offence to anyones AC but some classes are just too weak and don´t have the utility to succeed in arena at 2v2 3v3´s being that they can be los´d to nullify their dps , inability to heal themselfs or total lack of survival mechanics. So only solution would be 4v4 (+) size combat where you can start seeing most of the AC´s having success.
  3. Well it´s kinda what healers do they heal your damage done so you interrupt their heals so your damage doesn´t get undone now that wasn´t too hard was it. All seriousness killing a healer 1on1 is hard killing a good healer is impossible that´s why you team up if there´s many healers you try and cc them out or see 500k dmg done in every Wz.
  4. Umm could it be because arena was introduced about 4-5 years before RBGs and was the only legit way of getting best pvp gear so yes every "competetive" pvp´er had to go through arena to gear up to be able to curbstomp players in normal bgs. If rated bgs would have been introduced in tbc and arenas later you´d be worshiping RBG players and not arena guys oh ye remember the times before arena was introduced every arena player used to be bg hero .... unless you started at tbc or later then you´re just talking out of your ***.
  5. lolwut shadow/assassins dps ... sent/maras are only as good as the player controlling them can they be a handful hell yes but not anyway OP against a very good sent/mara it´s usually a tie both dying on dots or me losing depends of your cd situation and who gets the drop on other. Please stop posting nonsence about classes that work as intended just because you are clueless.
  6. Sorcs get grief because they can pick so much utility for a hybrid and most of the "non existing insta kill" knock back CC´s is done by sorcs so you migth wanna buy a brain before posting crap. And yes i have a sorc but i only pve with it. Do i want them nerf´d no but some overhaul is in order to make 31´s specs the mainstream not hybrids.
  7. The point is not to kill them always just bind them like in VS wz after first door you should keep as many opponents in the first room so someone can ninja cap bridge and the next door/s. I can see how strategic thinking is not your best quality better stick with arenas.
  8. anticept


    Yes it´s another failure by BW and i´ve reported it about a month ago think it´s last on their fixlist.
  9. well at 15k that´s 300 hp or having a melee/ball carrier snared for 6sec...
  10. Yes and the first week i opened around 20bags i got relic x2 , chest , hands x2 and a belt. 2nd week i opened around 20bags again and got nothing but comms even tried opening the bags in wzs no help there. And my point being yes you could get lucky with bags and get a full set in 10-20 bags or get in to duplicate hell or comm bags wouldn´t you rather get steady stream of comms to buy what you want or base it on total randomness . To OP stop being a creedy gimp and work on you gear like the rest of the world does.
  11. anticept


    Well i´ve lost a no doors opened match when deffing first and attacking first so it just seems to be totally random .
  12. Bet you single handedly build a skyscraper in 1hour and created a new species on your lunch break now go back to ilum where you killtraded your bm rank you selfish *****.
  13. extra 2-5% of defence chance ain´t gonna save you just stack crit/power/surge rating and some alac. if you´re merc healer and you´ll be fine.
  14. Well isn´t it competetive enough to try and beat the odds with these so called ******* on your team. And if the arenas would be implemented next week you´d be crying here about tank healer combo owning you . Just get a premade going you seem like a very cool and likeable chap.
  15. Server merges make more sense than breaking existing communities that have good rivalries going on. With merges you get fresh faces to revitalize your population , servers keep on policing their population you can´t be an arse and get away with it for long , makes finding friends and similar minded people easier than randomly pugging with people you never see again.
  16. Yes pyro could benefit from an interrupt could be placed high in the skill tiers so hybrids can´t get it. Do we need one.. not necessarily but the 1v1 battles turn to the side of healers almost always with the long cds on our burst.
  17. Wake up just because you dinged 50 now doesn´t make you special everyone had/have to gear up now its even easier now with the bag change than it was when i was doing it with 1-3comms per bag and bashing my head against the wall with losing pugs. There are good guides for gearing up to be able to compete in pvp even if you dinged 50 5mins ago. But i´ll do it again. - Max out your commendations before dinging 1000/1000 and buy 1 bag champ bag to be opened after dinging that´s 6 bags even with no parts you get 42 champ comms and 90 cents and with those you can get 3-4 pvp items. - Get orange gear on all your main slots those include head-chest-gloves-legs-feet and your weapon both if you´re a dual wielder and get pvp items on the rest with your comms. buy epic lvl 22 (not player lvl) mods enchants and armor from gtn unless you can craft them. - Forget 110% mount buy a rakata earpiece and implants or atleast lvl 50 epic with superior quality. Worry about cash see below. - Do your dailies in belsavis and ilum and buy best hilts/barrels first to max your dmg output. This will produce around 100k income per day. - Forget alac/accu just max out with power/crit and surge enchants and mods. Alac can be kept if you play healer class but your pvp gear will contain it so you don´t have to enchant/mod it on your oranges. - Following those steps you should have around 16k health 30+ crit chance 90% surge. Simple steps to make you a contenter in pvp no you don´t have the survivabily of a full champ/bm but you´re not that 12k greenboy that everyone guns for. If you wonder why do players with 17-18k in full champ/bm gear leave wz before it starts it´s because you don´t bother gearing up and show up with 12k health buffed why should they carry you in pvp.
  18. nope just keep on farming them boxes is the newest new in world pvp.
  19. What´s wrong with ilum dailies (other than it´s almost unplayable) i get the daily done in less than an 30mins and weekly about 2 runs with ops there. You´re not the only one with the "winz not counting" bug get over it and try again (if you think 10matches is bad i did 27 wz´s to get the 3wins needed about 7-8 matches were victories... )group up with geared people to get the wins if you solo que you put yourself in the mercy of greenboys and it´s not frigging 8 yo´s skiing competition where everyone gets a price for trying it´s an mmo you´re expected to put work into getting your gear. Really the outer speeders being your main problem with wz´s does it make capping harder yes but how easy it is to counter ... how about the blatant exploits by players , ability lag , comp freezing etc.
  20. Even if they get the rank they still need to gear up.........
  21. anticept

    Why roll republic ?

    Welcome to Bloodworthy eu we have an out numbered but capable reb community who do make ilum battles interresting even thou they get outnumbered quite often. On WZ's they are running decent premades causing alderaan to be about 90% sure loss when you enter it and VS being 50/50 at best if solo queing as an Imp.
  22. If you hate the pvp of swtor just take a hike no one needs you here or misses you if you go. Yes it has issues but mostly it's just plain good time fun to have with your friends.
  23. 2 x arsenal mercs so we could use tracer missile while we use tracer missiles. Seriously any tank healer combo crushes all other comps than maybe 2xmaras/sents played well. If you take a second to think about how hard it is to kill a geared healer (or even if you overgear him or her sligtly) on 1v1 you would stop dreaming about arena in this game.
  24. too hard to mind where you might fly when knocked back guessing some boss fights where positioning is crusial are an issue too.
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