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  1. I know its his self bubble that's not the issue it's the fact that he just can't have it casted on him at all, after certain points like the 2 posts below have mentioned. It's good to know that I'm not the only one with the issue but man is it annoying as hell. I'll remember the whole dying thing thou lol.
  2. So I have been running lvl 50 instances with the same tank(guildie) now for a few days and he's a Sith Warrior - every now and then I can't cast my Static Barrier on him. At first we thought it was his tank shield that pops up every now and then, but no it wasn't the case and I was far as I could tell atleast was able to put the bubble up on him while that was up. Has anyone else had the issue of SB just giving the error - target unable to recieve buff over and over? This is even with him telling me he has no debuff or buff from his personal shield. I find the ability to use the SB smooths out healing so we can get a big heal out when needed, so losing the ability to use it on this tank is annoying. Thoughts?
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