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Everything posted by anticept

  1. Best use Vette on questing with normal and strong mobs until you get Jaesa then it´s your pick on the two which to use. Quinn is good for class quests that usually have much harder mobs just make sure you have the med watch on him and when he´s on cds(usually 6-10seconds) use your cc abilities stuns push etc. You´ll get your first tank comp in taris (35ish) just make sure you kit him with def stuff and you´ll be fine in normal quests . I usually try to play my jugg nuking one and using choke push and back hand on the other mobs to ease the damage intake but the lack of long CC in the warrior class makes it an challenging class to play and dying on quests is a thing we have to get use to.
  2. they should be able since the language is same for each side. Would be fun to trash talk to your opponents.
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