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Everything posted by sotaka

  1. Sooner or later everyone will simply get over the lack of things like Dungoun Finder / Recount / Etc because they will adapt. See how easy it is to make completely biased broad statements?
  2. 1 = Not quite as hardcore as you thought if some weak things like this caused you to quit, are they? As a matter of fact, I'd think these are the ones people tell 'Go back to CareBear Land.' and then laugh out of general chat. 2 = Who's this 'most'? Have you taking statistical proof across all servers of over half of each server to see how many people want Recount/don't? And then asked them if they are casual/hardcore via survey? If not, you don't really have a place speaking for 'most.' I'm one of the ones that just enjoy playing the **** game. 3 = I love how enjoying the game makes you a Fanboy of the Star Wars universe. Do you want to know what my experience with star wars is? I watched the first three movies when I was a kid. I don't even remember half of them, and watching them again I'd probably be completely lost if you just threw me into it. Hell, I probably remember Space Balls more than I remember Star Wars. Do I still enjoy the game? **** yes. Me and my friend play together all the time, and I feel that for leveling content - that was how BW Wanted you to play. With a friend - because all the dialogues are able to be duo'd. So me and my friend will continue to enjoy our character's stories, because that's why we -like- the game. Even someone ignorant of the Star Wars universe like me can enjoy this game. It is personal preference.
  3. Sometimes, you have parties that make you just want to scream, "I hate the (Empire/Republic) and wish I were capable of destroying them myself. How these sides continue to exist is beyond me." And sometimes, you get great parties that fight amazingly well together, that make you just really love the game and chuckle at how well everyone in the party 'meshes' together. Last night we had 2 Jedi Sage's, 1 Scoundrel, 1 Jedi Knight. Usually, from my experience, people don't know how to CC, or avoid hitting CC-targets. It's rather annoying, because it means that the tank takes an astronomical amount of damage compared to if you were to CC. Hate becomes loose and blaster fire is going everywhere. But for me - this team was different. This team worked together from the first pull, where both the other Sage and I were Force-lifting the CC-targets. Literally, within the first 2-3 pulls, there were comments of, 'I love people who know the mechanics / know how to CC.' Things went smooth, and hell - even though we were both heal-spec Sage's, we were throwing out DPS because with 2 CC's, the Tank didn't have to take much damage. But that wasn't the only thing that really amazed me. At one point, a random Gold-star pat was approaching from the right. The moment I posted in-chat to 'watch the right', literally the three of us at ranged (Scoundrel/2xSage) moved like a small SWAT-team and set up a new position. Both sages at the front, Scoundrel behind with a deployable cover to shoot from and behind them. I'm looking forward to more content like this, and the great players/people I can work with. I'm glad we found people who worked so well together, and even through some bad times, I'm sure we'll have great times wit more great players.
  4. Did I miss any butthurt Slicers come in here yet saying "WOOH GOT IT NERFED!" or any such other stuff? lol. Either way, the rationale does sound reasonable. If it ever becomes 'required' to take BioChem or CyberTech because they give too much of a substantial bonus, they'll cull it back a bit. I hope it remains viable for the players that have it, though.
  5. Great work on the machinama, OP. What're you running for recording it? Good job, and I like the fact that you're using various voices. Hopefully you keep a good amount on-hand to use so that it stays fresh, and keep us posted with updated content if you could.
  6. I won't argue if it wasn't your intention to be telling him, it was just my interpretation and I think I missed the mark. Thank you for clarifying. XD
  7. Question's in the topic title. My friend and I are leveling a Jedi Knight + Jedi Sage together, and we got our ships a day or so ago. What we noticed, however, is that both of the ships seem to be... exactly the same? One of the fun aspects of the Imperial side was that buildup we felt to getting the ships. The crazy-huge Bounty Hunter ship, the discreet and slick Imperial Agent ship, etc. But we felt really dissapointed when our buildup led to us having pretty much what feels like the exact same ship. It's very minor, and I love the game completely, but it WAS Something that caused me to quirk an eyebrow. Is it just that Jedi tend to travel in a specific type of ship? Or something else?
  8. So wait. It's not his business to make a topic on a social forum telling people what to do in-game based off his opinion; but it IS your business to come into his topic on a social forum and tell him what to do? <_>?
  9. While flashpoints DO allow the companions, the companions are so viciously weak (Even with Orange-Mod gear) that they often times wouldn't be useful in it unless they either Out-level the content, or the content is a 2-man (Not really a flashpoint, but the very first instance you run IS considered a 'flashpoint.) I remember solo'ing Black Talon as my Bounty Hunter with just my companion. I was around level 12-13, and had a Mercenary Bounty Hunter. that was probably the 'most useful' my companion would ever be for group-based content. Fun fights though.
  10. I did earlier, but he ignored it because it was a faceless opinion. ): I qq'd.
  11. For 1, I agree completely. Sadly I don't know how the transition would happen - would you continue to be known as a 'Sith XXX" or a 'Jedi XXX' on the other side? Or would you have your Class changed entirely? This is one of the interesting aspects that would have to be worked out. For 2 and 3, those are both gameplay aspects and would, again, need to be worked out. Sadly I don't have a solid way for that to work.
  12. Speaking of bounty hunters - Spoilers, Quesh
  13. Hmn, hard to say if I agree with 'level 50 only.' More than that, I think some companions would leave you / others would join you for 'betraying' the empire/republic. Sadly it's a perspective that makes for a lot of 'openness' in story, but in practice, would be harder to do. As an aside, they could always do what FFXI did: When you want to change factions, you talk to an NPC, and they 'erase' your memories of your past life. This would be in line with Darth Raven's storyline from SW:KOTOR. You remember just the major/important things to yourself (Such as flashpoints, major skills, friends, etc.), but you forget what you did in your nation that would be considered 'confidential.' Essentially, on an RP perspective, there could be a 'black market' that does this for you, as it's the only 'safe' way to switch. It would also come with the implication that you are 'forgetting what you once knew... It might erase who you are' and so your bar could be set back to neutral (perhaps an option, at a surcharge.) Edit-In: Clarification, Darth Raven only really remembered all his languages and a few base skills. I'm going with a bit more of a lax perspective.
  14. I don't think it should be based off Light/Darkside points. Rather, I think it should be incorporated into the game in a way that says 'You're making a decision to change who you're aligned with.' - which means it is neither light NOR dark in terms of the decision. Hear me out - Light/Dark is more of a perspective in this game. Either way, you are working for the Empire/Republic, it's just that your methods, idealogy, and beliefs are different. For example; You have a group of Prisoner's from the enemy side. Now, you can choose to keep them alive (lightside) in the hopes that they will convert, or that you can get information from them. Or you can choose to kill them all, so you do not have to spend resources on them or that you feel 'they made the wrong choice to stand against the <side>' (Darkside.) Both of these serve the side you're on in some way. For this reason, it's unfair to say that an Empire player has to grind out Lightside points if they are Darkside to switch, and that a Lightside Jedi has to grind out Darkside points to switch, because their fundamental beliefs may or may not change when they 'fall' or are 'redeemed', or when they 'betray' or are 'converted.' Perhaps, it should just be when you get to the max level of your alignment, as a sort of middle ground, and then they could work in 'reasons' you feel you need to change - For example; Empire->Republic Lightside: You have done all you can for the Empire. You have watched as your fellow Sith commit atrocities beyond what you can stomache, watched as some of your best friends died to the same corrupt system you want to change. Their deaths have weighed heavily on you - but more than their deaths, you have come to a realization. The empire you loved and wanted to change for so long - is already Dead. What remains is a shattered shell of it's former glory - controlled by corrupt officials and powerful sith who would kill you for speaking one word of dissent. Darkside: You have become powerful, but you feel as though the Empire does not respect your power. On the other hand, where you make all the tough choices, the Empire has chocked itself, strangled itself. Your empire has become Weak. You would strike down your master for being so weak - so why is the Empire - this weak decrepit thing - allowed to continue surviving? And yet at every turn, the Jedi Order has stood in your way. Every step of your journey, they have thrown adversaries at you that truly tested your limits. Where the empire is fleeting, your enemies have been growing stronger and stronger. You could destroy the Republic - but that would leave a weak, miserable shell of the Empire to stand in your way. You choose to join the side that has more power, in order to advance your own. And thus, the sith corrupt seeks it's way to the Jedi Order - but not to convert it to the Empire, but to strengthen it. "With courage and a new vision, <character> sets out on a Journey to join the Republic. He may look back with mixed emotions over his shoulder, but there will be no going back once he boards this shuttle. "
  15. That's good to know! You're more than welcomed to create your own team with your own set of loot rules. My team, my rules, unless a majority voices dissatisfaction. I will not be swayed by people who think they can hold a team hostage. My teams tends to have good players all around, because there is mutual communication, respect, and all around good friendship and comradery between us. We're skilled players, sure, but we're also intelligent about how we play. I respect each and every person I have grouped with. If you don't want to be part of a skilled team that helps one another, that's your choice - and again, I have no right to dictate what you do outside my group. But you WILL recieve a swift boot in the *** if I see you looting Need on something someone else needs for their character where you need it for your companion. ~~Have a nice day!~~
  16. I am le sad that he has ignored my post, because I debunked everything he said. ): Assuming he just missed it, so I reposted it for his benefit. Doubt he'll reply to it, though. xD
  17. Faceless? http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/Sota_03/NewKrogerJacket.jpg http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m100/Sota_03/162.jpg There's a face for you. The first one is from Work, at Kroger Pharmacy. That was about a year ago before I got a job at a Cancer Center working in the pharmacy. The second one is from Anime Weekend Atlanta. I cosplayed Ragna the Bloodedge, because I enjoyed BlazBlue. The girl in the picture with me is a friend of mine that I stay in contact with. She is also an amazing Nu-cosplayer. And I put caps on what I felt the need to emphasise. If the whole basis of your arguement is that I'm 'unable to argue because of caps!' without pointing out any logical fallacies, then... Well, I have no way to argue it, because there's just -no logic- to it other than to point out that you're wrong. xD You're right. I don't have the right to dictate you - I have the right to dictate my team, and if I overstep my bounds, my team is free to say so. But if the team agrees with me and you're the only one who disagrees: There's the door right over there. Don't let it hit you on the way out.
  18. I've booted people from my party who rolled Need on an orange 'for their companion.' I've also booted people who SAID they were going to roll Need, and if I didn't like it I should just kick them now 'because they are the only healer/tank/dps on right now.' I promptly found another Healer/tank/DPS and we proceeded to steamroll the instance, while that guy continued to go 'LFG For <instance Name>' It's really quite simple. If you want to group with me, you will treat your other players with the RESPECT they deserve. And the respect they DESERVE, is that if their character - the one they are ACTIVELY USING TO HELP OUR TEAM - needs the item, they will be able to need it without fear that someone will take it for a pet. The same goes for you, that you have the right because you are part of a team to roll NEED on an item you will NEED for YOUR CHARACTER, not for your PET. People need to get out of their minds that their 'Pet' is their character. You may gear it, but it is not your character, and therefore they need to really stop trying to gear their pets out. That, or accept the long and the short of it. You won't be allowed in my group because I make it clear before we start that you are not rolling Need for your companions. I don't care if you're a Healer, a Tank, or a DPS. Hell, I don't even care if you're Jeesus Incarnate, come back to gear out his pet before the Rapture comes.
  19. Back in my Day... (FFXI) - We could only solo to Level 10. Then, even if a monster conned as 'Easy Prey', it really meant 'he will potentially **** your eyesocket while he murders you in the most horrific ways possible.' - We would kill billions upon billions of crabs and never see a population change in their numbers. - You had to have 18 people to get to the end of a dungoun, just to switch down to 3 individual 6-man teams that became independant to have all 3 take on the 'final boss.' This was just to see storyline, content, and unlock new areas, and chances were pretty good that 'final boss' was going to **** you if you came in unprepared even in the slightest. Then you would have to take over an hour to get back to the SAME SPOT just to try again. - We used to have a 10% EXP loss for dying. We could level down and become unable to wear our 'phat lewtz' we had. - The closest thing to 'fast travel' we had was Teleport, Warp, and Airships. ===> Airships required you to wait JUST TO BOARD THEM since they 'weren't in the dock', and then you had to wait on the ride to get to the next town. This could take anywhere from 10-20 minutes just to get between major cities. ===> Teleports would get you to a specific point, but was only castable by one class (WHM), wheather as a main or a sub. If subbed, you could only go to 3 areas and had to walk your *** to the next area. ===> Warping would take you anywhere instantly... as long as you were a BLM, had your HomePoint in that area, and didn't actually want to go anywhere else but where your homepoint was. It only really worked if you knew well in advance you were going to go back there. (Hearthstone no cooldown) - We did not have mounts. You had to be near where a Chocobo was and BUY one, or you were stuck hoofing it. And you also had to BUY Your chocobo each time. Ah, but here's my favorite: - Back in my day, if I didn't like someone, I could brutally murder them in cold blood. For you see, I was a Beast Master. I would bring monsters over to the people I didn't like, and unleash them to ravage the bodies of the fools who dared to defy me. Yes, those silly idiots who took my camp or took my chest? Say hello to a level 75 monster's tentacles for me. ~~ Beastmaster for life~~
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