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Posts posted by Gankstah

  1. Wow nice rebuttal. You ingore the games...


    Game. Not games. English has this funny operation called "pluralization" which you are butchering. You named one game and a F2P failure at that.


    LOTRO has single player content at end game like solitaire has a great guild raiding experience.


    I laugh at your MMO experience.

  2. It's true Radubadu, once you hit 50 there is nothing or very little to do.


    Aside from HMM, NMM and Ops yeah there's basically nothing to do. Just like WoW, ya know? I mean, once you hit level cap in WoW what is there to do?


    Oh wait...


    I swear some people wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. If you have "nothing to do" at 50 it's because you're too chicken **** to start running content.

  3. other classes? you mean the ones that can spam HOT's on the run? No I think it will be pretty fair to everybody if shield actually counted as shielding.


    It doesn't restore HP , it prevents the taking of damage.


    So, what you're saying, is you want the Sage/Sorc to be the only non-tanking class capable of getting protection points/medals?


    I don't think so.


    Never, I repeat, NEVER going to happen. That section is strictly for tank archetype classes. Giving access to it to a friggin healer class and ONLY ONE healer class is BS and BioWare hasn't hit that level of stupidity... yet.

  4. Once a player -SI or SW- realizes how to play with a DPS companion -Revel or Jaesa- they will realize how much better they are than tank/healer companion.


    I'd absolutely love to know how exactly Jaesa is better than Vette DPS wise. Jaesa's not even in the same ballpark as Vette. Vette is an absolute wrecking ball.

  5. As more and more people hit endgame and find out that there is VERY LITTLE to do besides roll alts, people will start dropping.






    750,000 would be a very high number...I doubt it will even be that much......And I am a fan of this game...






    No content, no subs.......


    Bio failed on this


    There's plenty of content. And more coming.


    Don't blame BioWare because you and your homies have zero life, blew through the entire 1-50 experience and then zerged end game like a bunch of rabid preteens jones'ing for a sugar fix. There's this thing called "REASONABLE expectations". The capitalized word being the operative word there.


    Games like Rift and SWTOR brought a metric **** ton of content to the table on release. More content than any other MMO's have released with to date. But people who are spoiled on the WoW phenomenon expect a company to produce the same quantity of content, at RELEASE, that WoW has been developing over the better half of a decade POST release.


    That's *never* going to happen.


    You have two options:


    • Save up some money. Shave the sorely neglected regions of your body. Get a haircut. Buy some new clothes. Head on over to your local bookstore and pick up a "how to speak to the opposite sex" book. Take a shower. Hail a cab. Finally, venture out into the unknown and join the rest of the human race by getting a life.

    • Remain a perpetual basement dweller and keep bouncing between WoW and the next latest and greatest MMO because it's not humanly possible to produce content in which you and your fellow guildies will stay consistently satiated.

    Pick one.


    Content Locusts:

    That small percentage of players whose goal isn’t to experience content but to consume it as fast as possible as they race inexorably through a game. The people who, driven to hit max level as rapidly as they can, then sit there and whine loudly about how they have nothing to do and how they’re still hungry. There’s no satisfying these kinds of players.

  6. This is a big concern with the tanking community.


    It is known that both Tech and Force attacks, which consist of the most widely used attacks used in PvP, completely bypass all defense stats. Because of this, these stats (Shield, Absorption and Defense) are less than desirable. We were told pre-launch that Tanks specifically would be useful in PvP. However, thanks to this mechanic we are currently the weakest class role in PvP because everything we build ourselves around is essentially negated by the majority of classes found in PvP. Unless you count the few seconds of "uber" we have if we blow all of our cooldowns at once.


    So my question is:


    Since both Tank gear and a large chunk of Tanking talent trees focus around survival and buffing these survival stats, which are by and large neutered in PvP, will BioWare be doing something to bring Tank spec'd characters more in line with their DPS counterparts who are completely unleashed/unrestricted in PvP?

  7. What you're seeing is aggro built up by healing that is going on while the battle ensues. This may not necessarily be contributed by the healing that is happening via the CC itself. I can't verify this but it is a possibility.


    However, that aside...


    Healing, unlike damage, is a global contributor. What that means is that every mob on the board (read, within aggro range) has their threat table modified by healing that is done. As opposed to damage which is a target contributor and not a global contributor. So, let's say that your mob has been CC'd for about 1 minute. Let's also say that you as a healer are doing about 100 HPS.


    That means by the time the mob has finally broken CC you, as the healer, have contributed 3,000 threat while your tank and DPS have contributed zero threat so you are #1 on the threat table atm. In order for your tank to reacquire aggro without popping a taunt he would have to contribute 3,300 threat and that's assuming your healer does nothing but stand there. Any healing or damage done on your part increases the threat the tank has to contribute in order to reacquire aggro.


    This is why breaking CC on a long term CC'd mob can be a breaking moment for a party that is already pushed to capacity. Without getting into more math I'll just say that the best thing your healer can do is ensure that he remains outside of melee range of the CC'd mob (i.e. 10m+ away) because this has an effect on how long it will take your tank to solidify aggro and make sure to remind your tank that any mobs that are CC'd need to be immediately taunted after CC is broken so game play continues smoothly.


    There's nothing wrong, this is how the game is designed to function. It adds more complexity to any given encounter.

  8. I found your problem. It's right here:

    I have played a tank in every MMO since EQ, and multiple tank classes in some of them. I know about tanking and love the role. Never have I had such a terrible experience with threat.


    This is not WoW or any other MMO. This is TOR.


    If you try to tank like you do in WoW or other similar MMOs you will fail. Your "experience" means absolutely jack. The mere fact that you're here on the forums whining about your failings as a tank is testament to my point.


    Take a step back, examine what's going wrong and then fix it.

  9. This is the mentality that hits all MMO's. Players expect other players to be vastly over geared for the instances that you're trying to get into, especially when it comes to PUGs. My best suggestion is to find a guild.


    A fresh level 50 in all greens can tank HM FPs let alone a tank in a full suit of 126+.

  10. Should've taken the easy way and nukeed the greedy Voss ;p


    I was wondering what quest it was these guys were talking about until I read your post. Then it hit me. Yeah, I killed that guy. Screw this. I already did all this other crap and now you want me to do more? Time to die mother ****-er!


    My only regret is that this kind of option wasn't given to us more often throughout the Warrior story. :D

  11. What would be the best way for an absolute newbie to learn this stuff? Are there guilds out there for people like me? Do I just join as many Flashpoints as possible and learn by trial and error?


    You basically just answered your own question.


    The best way to learn is to simply do it. The jargon will come in time. Don't sweat that. Just advertise in game that you're new and are looking for a guild that wouldn't mind taking in a new comer. Believe me, you won't be looking for long. People are always eager to bring in new blood. As far as actual tanking goes, just remember this one very important thing:


    You don't actually become a tank until your mid 30's.


    Every flashpoint up until then is intentionally designed to be forgiving and easy going. So around level 40+ expect the learning curve to jump a little. This is normal. You aren't doing anything wrong. Just stick with it and you'll be fine.


    As far as reading material, go to the Sith Juggernaut forum and at the top of the list is a guide written by Phottek. While it's pretty much aimed at Juggernauts there's a lot of information in there as well as newbie friendly sections that is helpful for tanks of all archetypes. It's a good place to start if you're coming in fresh out the gate. Once you get a better grip on what's going on you can take a look at the link in my signature for a little bit more advanced theory/mechanics on how tanks function.


    Good luck and remember, above all, HAVE FUN!


    If you're not having fun, try something else. This is after all your pass time. Your me time. Your, "time to get away from reality" time. If you're not enjoying it then what's the point?

  12. Honestly I cannot tell you how many times I have Force charged > force push > force charge into a score.


    I have the same problem with the AoE KB commando ability. Can't recall the name off hand. Last night alone I ran INBETWEEN the ball carrier and the goal line. That means I was IN FRONT of the carrier with the goal line to my BACK. I popped the AoE KB and he flew THROUGH ME and across the goal line.


    Not once... but twice... in the same game.


    I swear, sometimes BioWare is intentionally trying to piss me off.

  13. Savage Kick and Pommel Strike cannot be used in PvP at all, because the abilities qualify that they may only be used against Weak to Strong enemies (NPCs).


    ^ This


    Just delete them.


    Don't get used to using them because they don't function in either PvP or End Game. I also put Ravage off on the side. I hardly use it in PvP as an Immortal spec and in PvE I only use it when everything else is on CD and I don't *need* to generate rage atm. So that means I use it maybe once every 30-45 seconds. If that. It sits on a sidebar in an unbound slot.

  14. I decided to go with a Latin theme with this MMO. My character list, the Maleficorum Legacy (Mal-eh-feh-core-um):


    Malleus Maleficorum, "Hammer of the Witches" - Juggernaut (Main)

    Gladius Maleficorum, "Sword of the Witches" - Marauder

    Arcana Maleficorum, "Secrets of the Witches" (I use this as a feminine name) - Sorcerror

    Arcanum/Arcanus Maleficorum, "The Secret of the Witches" (Male version) - Assassin

    Maleficus Maleficorum, "Mischief of the Witches" - Operative


    I have all of these reserved on the majority of the highest pop PvP servers, in case of server mergers, so feel free to use them on whatever PvE server it is you're rolling on because they're not available on the Heavy/Full pop US PvP servers.


    = )

  15. Juggernauts are for people who like to drive stick... once you really get going with them, they're pretty addictive. If you're coming from BC era playing, you'll love them. If you're WOTLK through Cata, avoid-avoid-avoid, you won't like them.


    Edited to more accurately reflect my own opinion. So, pretty much ^that^.


    If you find yourself PvP'ing a lot you might want to weigh that in as well. As far as PvP goes, Warzone wise, 2 out of the 3 Warzone maps we have can be won solely on the backs of Assassins/Shadows because of their mobility (i.e. Huttball and Voidstar). The more Assassins/Shadows you have the odds of you winning rises exponentially.


    Food for thought.

  16. Each individual attack is considered a separate entity.

    To my knowledge this is correct.


    You can test this yourself easily enough by spamming the default attack for any class really. One GCD but 3 seperate attacks. Each attack has a chance to proc/crit. You can watch as one attack in the series will crit while the other attacks will not or any variation thereof.

  17. So, funny story, I'm cruising a private forum that some theorycrafters and I use to bounce ideas off one another and I get a message from two people to check out this thread. Alright, sure, no problem. After reading this thread from start to finish I would like to clear up a couple things that have stood out to me most so far.


    Particularly content which I authored that is being discussed in this thread. First, this:


    Mean Mitigation is just that, an average mitigation given in one parsing circumstance.


    I want to point out that this is inherently wrong. To illustrate why this is wrong I color coded it for the reader. The red part directly contradicts the green part. Why is this wrong? Two reasons:

    1. You can't average a single sample. By definition average is the sum of several samples divided by the number of samples given.
    2. The actual definition of the mathematical term "Mean" is average. Again, you can't average something if you only have a single measurement.

    When I first formulated the Mean Mitigation calc it was extremely lengthy and took into account many variables. This was prior to the forum wipe pre-release; exactly 20 minutes after the NDA dropped. I received a lot of feedback; most of it was positive but there was a large chunk of readers who couldn't follow exactly what was going on.


    So the Mean Mitigation calc went through a diet of sorts over several iterations. A lot of variables were removed as well as several common denominators to simplify it to the easier to understand more generalized version that you see today. It even went through another simplification process just recently thanks to another forumite, Tanis. The more complex versions which were it's predecessors can still be found around the web as well as being the core mechanic behind several spreadsheets and calculators that you can find on various popular fansites. Some of which many of you use yourselves.


    With that said, the work that is being cited in this thread and, more importantly, the calc referenced is exactly what you describe in your very next sentence:


    A better evaluation of this would be a modal score, effectively an average of several parsing circumstances.


    The Mean Mitigation calc is designed to simulate the mitigation values you would see over several parsings. Not one but several. This is actually explained in the work which is being referenced which reads as,


    This is only a generalization OR average. Specific parsings will yield +/- results. So please don't come back here saying, "You're wrong! I parsed at 84% against boss such-and-such!" before thoroughly understanding the definition of average/mean.


    The object being if you have, let's say, twenty parsings and you averaged them all together you would get a mitigation value very near that of what you would find using the Mean Mitigation calc. Because that's what the Mean Mitigation calc is designed to do. I would like to also point out a few very important pieces information for the reader that NEEDS to be understood:

    • The Mean Mitigation calc is not gospel. It is a generalization designed to give the reader an idea of what their expected mitigation would average out to be using the factors that are taken into consideration.
    • The Mean Mitigation calc is not designed to be all encompassing. There are simply WAAAAY too many variables to realistically produce a calc that your average reader would be able to follow let alone attempt to use. This was the primary crux of the original iteration of the calc. For instance, long term CD's aren't taken into account (although they can be easily injected) because of this exact reason.
    • No calculation will ever be able to give you a 100% accurate prediction of what your mitigation will be at all times. It's simply not possible. Or I should say, not reasonable. Even BioWare, the people who designed the damn system, can't give it to you. They in fact go off of metrics assimilated by you, the players, and then adjust according to those metrics. They don't even have said "magical calculation". Simply because it's not reasonable to create one.


    While I do appreciate the enthusiasm of players and readers I would prefer that my work not be used as an anchor of proof. The Primer and all of it's content is not written with the intent to be used as means by which one person could "prove" another person wrong. It could be used to suggest a flaw in reasoning but it, in and of itself, is also flawed and is intentionally written to be flawed specifically BECAUSE of threads and situations just like this. To quote myself addressing another reader, "There's a reason it's called a Primer."


    After everything is said and done, in terms of the context of this and only this thread, I am prone to side with Kitru. While I don't agree with everything he's said thus far I do by and large agree with most of what his message is. Mathematically Kitru and I have come to many similar conclusions. Obviously we have our disagreements but overall we find common ground more often than not.


    what think you on me switching my attentions away from the Jugg...and pushing on with the Powertech?


    Thanks in advance :)


    I say give it a shot but don't expect it to be a fix all solution. The PT/Vanguard has it's own issues just as the Sin/Shadow and Jugg/Warrior does. You will not find a "perfect" tanking class. BioWare intentionally designed each class with faults for a reason. However, trying a class out for yourself is the only sure fire way to find out if you like it or not.


    There's no harm in trying things out. Even with it's faults you might find you enjoy the PT/Vanguard more. You might hate it. No one on these forums, NO ONE, can answer that question for you. Only you can. But what's the harm in trying it out? TOR will be around for a long time.


    There's no rush. Enjoy yourself.

  18. Both rely on shields. Yes, shields are essentially pointless in PvP. BH has higher base DR%. Sin's get stealth which is a huge bonus in PvP.


    All in all this is how you win in Warzones by order of priority:


    • He who has the better premade wins
    • He who has the most sins/shadows wins
    • He who has the most healing wins


    Since 2 out of 3 current Warzones can be roflstomped simply by whoever has the most Sins/Shadows thanks to their high mobility, that might influence your decision.

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