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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. If I ran the company, there would be no forums. Period.


    There already is an in-game mechanic for reporting bugs and issues. That's all that is needed for your customers to communicate their problems. There is absolutely zero reason for a forum, as it does little more than provide an outlet for angst-ridden children with too much time on their hands.


    They need to a full-time moderator to control the children. Right now, BW is letting too much go by.

  2. So that justifies a subscription right? Get to 50 and pay monthly to do...?


    Well, if you get multiples to 50 this fast, then no, it's best to just move on and complain in the next MMO that there is nothing to do a 2-3 weeks after release.

  3. I would the most fluid and responsive system in MMO's was Pre-CU SWG which trumped Warcrafts combat easily.


    The likes of the Swordsman, Teras-Kai and Jedi animations are still the best I have seen and there is plenty of youtube videos to show it.


    If you never played Pre-CU SWG then you would not have seen just how the combat animations were.


    You're joking right? The thing had serious problems with making combat fluid, not to mention the 5 second wait for corpses to get loot. It was bad enough that I would fight one group, fight another group, then go back and loot the first group. I almost forgot how long it would take to initiate combat sometimes too, then suddenly it pop everything along like the fight was halfway over. Ugh, that game was so bad.

  4. The smuggler story makes me want to quit playing the smuggler. Well, let me clarify, the class story I do not have problems with. It''s all the side quests that make me feel like a Republic soldier or merc. Some have me doing police type work lol.


    I realize I could skip those missions, but it seems like I would only be making things more difficult on myself. Plus, they could possibly be precursors to more important ones. So if you don't have the problem I mentioned then the smuggler should be ok.

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