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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. If you are going to use that title ("An Inconvenient Truth", then you need at least one chart. Preferably one that requires a lift to point at the highest point. I suggest one that charts fun on a timeline, and that starts out with Fun levels at its highest point, then drops down dramatically with you in a sad face at the present time.
  2. why give us options if the only way to get rewarded in the game for your choices is to pick ALL THE GOOD ONES, or ALL THE BAD ONES?


    I was going to make a thread about this exact same thing, and call it, "The Illusion of Choice". By level 20 or so, I see gear that has alignment level 2 requirements, and my guy that was taking RP choices in the game is somewhat screwed. But I recognized it earlier enough to realize to stop making RP choices that the char would make, and simply pick the rewarding dialog choice for alignment, which completely defeats the purpose and point of dialog in SWTOR.

  3. I joined a quick group for an instance. I was talking in /party and /say without any response. I start saying my chat must be broken, can anyone see this? Then I tried two tells, before finally giving up. Then as we are running out, one of the socially "special" group members finally says, "yep, I can see it."


    I don't even bother with pugs any more. The only difference between a pug and my companion is that I have to share loot while companion is far more interesting and literate.

  4. Fun at first, gets boring and repetitive after 3 times running a mission.


    When you think that 10 years ago SWG managed to have free roaming Space combat with PVE & PVP and what we get today is a side game of a ship on rails where all you can do is point and click.


    I'd like to at least be able to fly my own ship in an instance.


    I think you are way off on your time line there. SWG was release in June 2003, and the space combat wasn't added until a year later. Also, the devs had more time on their hands because they included just about zero content with the game.

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