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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. To be fair though... and I'm sorry for putting your chosen job down CM's... but its got to be SUPER crappy. Gamers have to be the worst possible group to try and moderate in the universe.


    I think CM is referenced in Dante's Inferno somewhere in the middle.

  2. Well, then it might be a BW bug, but that still doesn't mean it isn't heat. It may very well be the case that whatever changes they made to the graphics this patch (they did make some changes as people are reporting some fps differences) are causing some computers graphics cards to overheat. That is not as uncommon of an occurance as it may sound. Heck, I remember a few years back nVidia released new drivers that physically/permanently broke a lot of gtx260 cards due to an error in the cooling algorithm.


    From the reports I read, the FPS was increased with the latest patch, at least for some people. So that would mean the video card is working more and causing more heat possibly.

  3. I think the best one for people is the very first one he/she played a lot of. For me, it was EQ1, as I did not like UO, and EQ1 was a horrible game. Downtime was beyond stupid. I spent 60 minutes trying to get from BB to Freeport by boat close to release. Meditating meant you could only see your spellbook. Leveling was done by grinding. It could get away with all this because it only had UO and AC1 to compete with.


    I had a love/hate relationship with it the whole time that I played it, and I was more than happy to move on to DAoC when it arrived.

  4. i dunno, i remember wow's combat/gameplay being way more fun at launch than this game's


    gameplay is what keeps people playing them for 10+ years





    halo 2



    wow's budget 40 to 60mil?

    swtor 100 to ??300??


    I remember it being a boring EQ1 knock off, and I didn't last more than two weeks in the game at release. Plus, the community was such crap.

  5. I built a new machine back in August, and the single best component I added was a 120gb SSD drive for my OS. I still have two regular drives in the system one of which is from my previous system for data and games. The difference from old HD to SSD reminds of me of going from a 386 to a 486. It's that big of a difference to me.
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