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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. People have to remember the Devs cannot respond "off the cuff".


    Responses have to be well-thought out, as they don't want to throw all their plans on the table at once......The ticket system/customer service from what I've seen is what needs to be fixed.


    Responses beyond generic no information ones are a no win proposition. Because no matter the outcome, some child is going to get worked up over it. They can never give a time estimate for something because the vast majority of MMO players have no idea of what the word estimate means. It's impossible these days for a dev to communicate intelligently because of the players.

  2. I agree with the OP. I played EQ1 for 3+ years starting from its release, along with every other MMO, and I never once heard about or saw anything mentioned about black lists for people with poor behavior. There is no central location to even coordinate something like it because every reputable forum delete things like black lists.


    There is no such thing as server community. It's just a bunch of random people thrown together on one server. Eventually you get to know the noisier people, and which people or guilds you don't want to group with, but it's not like it's a coordinated server wide thing.

  3. My agent is early teens and I have stopped playing him due to this. He would only take the dark side choices when someone tried to killed to him. Otherwise, it was light side choices, or the choice that befit his task and job as an empire agent.


    I would say do away with alignment restrictions completely, and have meaningless cosmetic changes for alignment. The only other option is to take diplomacy to get more points for the alignment that you want.

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