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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. They have experience making MMO with expansions, Bioware had no experience and it shows in everything you do in this game.


    Actually, BW took over for mythic on the failed Warhammer, so they did get some experience.


    Also, how did previous experience work out for SoE? Don't forget that the same publisher of GW2 also released Tabula Rasa and a vehicle mmo.

  2. See this is what I don't understand. Shadow Technique vs. Force vs. Combat. When do I use them??? Is there a guide on this?


    Combat is your tanking stance. IRC, it increases the chance of the shield firing, increases armor, and gives you some health for hits, but isn't worth as much much if you didn't take the tanking options in the defense tree IMO. Force is a generic DPS stance. Shadow, I don't know about because I never looked into it.

  3. I briefly tried a couple empire classes to 12 or so. One thing that stuck out for me was Sith Inq/Jedi Sage ability. Sith Inq was an instant lighting attack, and the sage equivalent had 1 sec or more casting animation. I liked the SI version quite a bit more, but I still stayed Republic.
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