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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. lol..the "funny" thing about "talent" "trees" is that most tree levels have only 5 POINTS to "choose" from. Which of course 9 out of 10 times mean there's no choice whatsoever, because you're ending up taking all 5 points....


    I have noticed this that the choices are not that hard for me to make. Maxing out a tree seems to take about 36 or 38 points. So they must have decided that the choice is between a hybrid or purely one tree. For DPS, that's a choice, but tanks and healers need to fully spec their trees.

  2. he thinks he is a really good player and loves put down others when is is really just bad himself, stopped watching his videos for that reason


    I have watched quite a few of his videos to get a feel for a prospective game, and he really is quite oblivious to what's going on quite often. Many times he will be looking for how to do something, and I will talk to the monitor, "It's right there in front of you" type of stuff. :)

  3. I just wanted to say that the travel system isn't even close to as bad as that. In eq1, I remember waiting close to an hour for a stupid boat from BB to freeport. Talk about waste of time. Pretty much all games before WoW, and many after it, had worse travel systems or about the same.


    What makes this system so annoying is the worthless run through those spaceports. Second, I don't want to buy recall scrolls to avoid a 18 hour cd. Overall, it doesn't really bug me that much. I do not need to go to my ship that often.

  4. It would also be helpful if you would gain the ability to use common sense, intuition per se, to realize that, although I was using the possessive "my", I was referring to the existence in the game, for the benefit of all the players. Thanks trolls! :)


    and you could have saved the time by just asking for it be more like WoW, or chiming in on one of the 1000 threads talking about the exact same thing. Plus, we get a new set of threads on it every single day because there is no search in the forums. :D

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