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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. Depends on how you specced the two. Did you go tank on the guardian and DPS and on the shadow? Between the two early on, the guardian does not need as much DPS because he is in heavy armor. Meanwhile, life would be hell for the light armor wearing shadow if they started out with normal tank dps.
  2. I am guessing that eventually it might change a bit with expansions or patches. It's the nature of SWTOR for quite sometime. At least the areas are fairly well done.
  3. Pie 0/10 - I have found no pie vendors in game.

    Cake N/A - Cake is a lie

    Bacon 0/10 - No trace of pork products


    Overall 0/10


    I will have to wait till the release of the next AAA mmo to fulfill my dream of crafting a bacon pie.



  4. I've played both sides, and I couldn't take more than 30-60 minutes empire side due to childish and rude behavior, and immature topics in chat. Also, the empire had more texting type chat like u for you. I know which side is filled with kiddies from my perspective.


    After thinking about it though, I am not sure one side has a higher percentage. I think it's more that the empire has higher population which means you have more of every type.

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