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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. Although I absolutely abhor Huttball, you're not the only one who loves it. There are even people in my guild who like it. For me, its the only warzone that I've ever seriously considered just going afk and getting booted from (though I've never done that.).


    You can right-click on the WZ queue button, then pick the leave WZ option. That's what I do almost every time I zone into huttball.

  2. What I really hate is the speeder bike ride of fail as the defender in Voidstar. Attackers instantly spawn in this WZ, and defenders have to ride that damn speeder, and if your side is down players at the start, it's fatal.
  3. This is normal from my experience. It seems like almost every losing WZ has some guy that can't handle it. Bob the General and theoretical strategist always knows how the wz could have been won if not for other player's stupidity. I've noticed that Bob quite often likes to defend the non-contested turret so he can dispatch his superior knowledge better.
  4. Why is it that in game they talk about the rakghouls being such a threat capable of turning you into a monster by spreading a contagious disease yet our character seems to be immune?


    That's kind of a recurring theme in SWTOR. The stories talk up someone, and you being the prodigy have no problems in dispatching him. That's why the story is completely comical in the later levels. I've killed thousands of imperials, and some NPC laughs when I say surrender or you are dead, then it's me versus 1 LT and 2 normal fall over easy guys. At least show a little fear. :rolleyes:

  5. Still can't drop quests from my quest log. Multiple toons, multiple quests, multiple zones.


    How difficult can this be?


    What is something that you feel should've been addressed and/or fixed by now?


    Yep, that one ticks me off too. Along with broken resource nodes, and preferences reverting back. I've have the problem of quest behind red door on one of my chars too. SWTOR is the first MMO where are always think twice before getting a new quest. I think about whether I really want to risk picking up a new quest and having to finish it if I can't remove it, and it's a long chain quest. So if I am 1-2 levels beyond the planet or close to it, I simply avoid all new quests because of this stupid bug that should have been fixed long ago.

  6. Wookiee's are unable to speak basic due to biological reasons (voice cord structure incapable)


    edit: But they are easily able to learn most languages, as in they are able to understand and write it, just no way to voice many of them


    If you someone can teach a gorilla sign language, and dogs can say "I wuv u", then wookies can be taught to speak basic!

  7. The funny thing about the story is that it's really no different than any other MMO, other than being voiced. You usually have to pick the dialog choice of your chosen alignment to get to the max and get the benefits from it, or simply skip alignment based gear. All conversations end up with exactly the same sort of quests in any MMORPG. The stories are all bit similar and use the same pattern.


    Very few of the dialogs seem to have different branches, and most seem to end up in the same spot.


    ./ 1 \

    a- 2 - b

    .\ 3 /


    Then end result will be to go click on something, kill something (1..n times), or use an object at spot X.


    The only stories that really interested me in the slightest are the ones where you are chasing some guy that is acting like an ***. :)

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