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Everything posted by Fiachsidhe

  1. A definite improvement, thank you. Could still use some tweaking, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.
  2. I played to fifty as a light side jedi sentinel, with my friend who played the same only dark side: Also I've had several quest chains, change to competely different quests, depending on light and dark side choices.
  3. I leveled with combat to about 30, hated it. Switched to Watchman and never looked back. Fighting is much easier. The damage you do is higher, and you have more survivability due to self/party heals. For fighting end game bosses, watchman is best. It's literally designed for long fights. Combat is for killing enemies quickly, which is better for PVP where fights are shorter. In PVE, it was more a hindrance.
  4. I've been asking for this since beta. I still support making different stances actually change the way you stand and move.
  5. I'm still pissed about their "dozens of lightsaber colors" hype.
  6. My main, has been fifty for several weeks. Every week I'm involved in HM flashpoints, and operations. We have three guilds in an alliance, that are steadily getting new players to help gear up. Maybe you can try to stop whining about having nothing to do, and actually do something.
  7. One argument I see a lot is that "I've got all the columi gear, now I have no reason to go back" I have almost all columi gear and I go back. Why? Because my guildmates don't. I go back to help other people gear up. Just because I'm taken care of, doesn't mean I just stop. That's why I'm in a guild. Not just to so people can help me, but so I can help them. The bugs are a legit complaint. My alliance did a NM Eternity Vault ruin last night and got Soa down on the third try or so. The second was bugged with chunk of the floor missing at the start. What I hate are the "too easy" complaints. You're on NORMAL mode. For most folks these fights are challenging. Stop trying to turn this game into an elitist circle jerk for you and your leet friends. You have HMs and Nightmare modes. You're a liar if you think those are easy, or you've completely lost touch with experiencing anything through the eyes of someone, not married to a video game.
  8. This is amazing. I quoted it and made a note on my facebook to preserve it.
  9. Hey look, a bunch of Empire players, happy that they alone can use one of the most wanted saber colors telling everyone else to stop whining. Wow, what a shock. Here's a thought, make the imperial only sabers light red. Which is basically what the Republic get. We get a lighter version of a light side color. Why not make purple a neutral color like it should be, and give sith a lighter shade of red. After all, all you Empire players are really arguing for faction-unique items, and that aesthetics mean nothing, so of course, you'd have no problem simply having a different unique color.....RIGHT?
  10. Personally, I'd be fine with that. As long as they fix the dozen or so equally disadvantageous problems the Republic has.
  11. Funny how a guy with 'sith' in his name, is so adamant about protecting the imbalances that favor the Empire. I have to wonder, what it is that he or she, is fighting for here. I'm trying to figure out their purpose, what does sithgrizley hope to accomplish, by telling us all to stop complaining about all the blatant favoritism shown to his favored faction. It's hard to look sincere with sith in your screen name.
  12. Not really, considering the giant red names above everyone's heads that makes camouflage completely moot. Also, tab targeting isn't blinded by white on white, the way players also aren't.
  13. Forgetting what the max level was for one of the xpacs when I posted a rebuttal at god only knows what time, hardly means I don't know what I'm talking about. I played WoW from the beginning of BC to just about when the second wing of ICC opened. My greater point still stands, whether or not you two need a strawman to continue.
  14. Yes. It's an mmorpg by Bioware and thus, an mmorpg focuced on the kind of gameplay I like.
  15. No, not even close. Skin/muscle can be made more resilient than others, and a stone can hit any number of places that don't hurt as much. Armor can stop a stone. You get an electrical shock anywhere on your body, and it goes straight to your nervous system, causing pain no matter how tough you are. You wear armor and it only provides something to conduct the electricity and something to cook you in. That's not to say small stones/bits of metal, accelerated to near sonic velocity, can't become a shower of bullets, tearing an object apart in seconds. That said, I actually like the look of many consular attacks, more than inquisitor.
  16. I've played my light side sentinel alongside my friend's dark side sentinel. 1. If you're in the same conversation, you get the alignment points for whatever you selected, no matter who won. 2. However, follow up quests can change, depending on what you choose, so sometimes it's best to drop group if you want certain quests, as the follow up is determined by the winner of any conversation rolls.
  17. She makes an awful Sith companion. She really should have gone to the Jedi Knights/consular. A lot of companions are just lzy and ill conceived. Like many were designed purely as a way for Bioware to look directly at teh camera and say "oooh what are you gonna do nooow? alignment or affection! This is deep right?"
  18. Wow someone got offended enough to report my post, and the moderators were dumb enough to delete it and not any of the other rude posts here. Nice job.
  19. Because haters yell at the game until it gets better or they leave. People who want the game to succeed don't yell "this game is a fail I quit!!!" Over and over in every thread.
  20. This is a tired, and unbelievably fallacious statement. The reasons the movie characters are primarily human is for completely different reasons. Why did SWG get away with allowing the iconic aliens? How does WoW succeed despite allowing vastly different races? Don't kid yourself, this had nothing to do with why films prefer humans in fantasy worlds. Video games allow the player to choose the form in which they interact and aren't bound by the expectations of film. Oh and George Lucas himself originally wanted some of the main characters to be aliens. Han Solo was going to be a lizard, for example.
  21. Amazon.com sends me advertisements after, and even DURING, my purchases. I hope things pick up for them soon!
  22. All your message was pointless reinforcement of PR nonsense. For all sorts of information on why you're gullible for buying into this PR stunt, read all of the posts on all of the pages of this thread.
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