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Everything posted by Fiachsidhe

  1. Why is it, that statements like "case closed" and "Nuff said" are always preceded by glib statements, strawmen, and fallacy, that never actually say enough, or close a case? Anakin Skywalker, a jedi on his path to the darkside, used his jedi saber. Afterward, he constructed a red one. You know, like Palpatine used in that same film? Same as Count Dooku, and Darth Maul.
  2. I like the game, but I don't expect much from Legacy. I hope I eat these words, but (to quote the great Harry S. Plinkett) my expectations are so low, they're right next to $#^%ing dinosaur bones.
  3. Your interpretation of their motivation is irrelevant.
  4. That's what I call the "Bioware spin". Leave it ambiguous enough to sound exiting but ultimately mediocre. Just look at the ads for the CE in game items. Or the ads for the Dragon Age Origins Witch hunter DLC.
  5. "The Seven Dark Jedi, like Exar Kun, are some of the only dark side characters in the Star Wars universe who do not limit themselves to red lightsabers, perhaps because the continuity the game started to establish was not "mature" yet."
  6. The only crystals I think should be limited are red. Maybe blue and green. Everything else is up in the air, and should be special to your character. Rare crystals are fine as long as anyone can get them. I love how they did the magenta crystals. More color crystals should be gained by adventuring for them. Ultimately though I don't mind if there are no limits. It's such a minor thing to me compared to all the nerfing done to placate the PVP crowd (who never stop complaining anyway)
  7. I'm really sorry to hear that. I know for a fact that most mmorpg's pops are cut almost in half after launch. Many just don't bother sticking around. So who knows, maybe your server is hemorrhaging players. If so let's hope Bioware does something soon. Most games die down between major updates. Not really sure what's going on here. The tools to figure out server pops aren't good.
  8. I can't believe so many people are using the absolute crappiest means of proving their server is dead. 1. One anecdote of the time you /who'ed in fleet, doesn't cut it. What day was it? What time was it? What is the average age of player on your server? What time zone is each player on your server in? How often each day did you check? How many days? You can't go in a club at 5:00 on a Tuesday and judge the clubs popularity based on the traffic. Maybe more adults and students play on your server and can't be on all night. Maybe your server takes off after 10:00p.m. It's insane to try and eyeball it once or twice and then proclaim your perception as fact. Is your server dropping? Maybe. But no here is proving it. EDIT: Though I have to say Bioware's seemingly traditional avoidance and communication isn't helping at all. They seem to revel in our speculation and get off on it, that's if they even care enough to do that much.
  9. Wrong. Light and dark choices impact quite a bit, from completely changing which quests you're given during quest chains, to the NPCs that follow you through the game, to even certain equipment and even speeder choices. As for the story ending at 50. Seriously? You expect the story to continue past the end? The Ops and FP's are part of the story. Other than that, do you really expect the story to stretch magically into infinity? That's like saying, that the only problem you have with the recent album you purchased, is that the music stops after the final track.
  10. You know why "my server is dying cuz I see no one in da fleet wen I'm on" doesn't result in the immediate purging of said server, and the merging of half the game's population? The fleet isn't the only place in the game! How do I know that your server doesn't get going until after or before you're on? Because that's like saying a mansion with over fifty rooms is "empty" because there are only three people in the foyer, right this second. If you, any of you, could provide even one shred of reliable evidence, other than anecdotal accusations, maybe you wouldn't be so derided. Despite angry gamers being the last people to exaggerate, I can't help but feel they may be doing so, or just using the laziest, least reliable methods for determining a server's total population,
  11. I nominate purple as the color. Oh that's right, purple is a special gift from the developers to their favorite faction.
  12. Evolution? Afterlife? I don't know genius, maybe something to do with the things you have been typing, prior to the demands for proof? It doesn't take a fanboy to question the accuracy of claims, especially claims meant to make the game look worse off, than it is. So far, not one of you gasbags has proven a damn thing. Even now, you'd rather call those who refuse to sit back and accept your claims as truth, fanboys. It's like you're daring us to take you seriously now.
  13. You mean forced? Because it is encouraged here too. You just choose not to do it. Heroic quests, champion mobs, the +10 datacron, hard/nightmare modes, ops, social points. How exactly does this game NOT encourage grouping?
  14. Excellent scientific research, that one time you saw less people is proof enough for me! Shut the game down! It's dead.
  15. Actually, I'm sure you don't. 'Prime time' is whenever the most people are involved. You seem to be using television/radio's 'prime time' to define all prime times.
  16. So basically, blogger agrees with OP's opinions. OP uses blog as appeal to authority fallacy, or as the laziest way of providing feedback.
  17. EXACTLY. In fact, I've raided moe, and progressed more in this game, than I ever did back on WoW. Even more important, I've enjoyed it more. All of these people complaining about grouping aren't trying. You can't solo most champions at level. Nor can you solo flashpoints unless you outlevel them, which is the same in most games. Hell most heroics can't be soloed. Outleveling content, them facerolling it, doesn't make the content easy. I duoed with my best friend for most of my leveling to 50. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. That was far more enjoyable than having to sit around looking for several people, who all happened to be doing what I was. Now I group up for dailies, hard modes, ops, world boss, and datacron runs.
  18. Yes it "contributes", you know what else contributes to grouping? being a social person who likes to be in groups. More so than any forced mechanic. WoW doesn't force you to group for anything but end game content. Just like this game. Forced grouping sucks. If you want that, go play Final Fantasy XI, where you feel like a weakling from level 1 and it never goes away. If you need a game mechanic to group, that's not the game's fault. You have the option to group, most flashpoints have increased mobs with more people. If your guild wants to "solo everything" FIND ANOTHER GUILD, or talk to them about it. You can't tell Bioware their game is broken because you want to group with people, who don't want to group with you. As the game is now, people have the CHOICE to party up. Don't take that away because people have no free will to do things for the fun of it.
  19. Even then, has WoW's content really changed even with the build up? It's still pretty much level straight to end game, choose between maybe a two zones for your level range and do the same horrid quests, lack of story, etc. Then do the same five mans, to level for the one, maybe two current raids. Then do the same dailies over and over for repair bills, whatever food item buff is needed, and then raid. SWTOR actually has more to do than WoW did at launch, and if the content keeps coming it will have more to do later.
  20. About the company I pay the same amount of money as all others, wasting tens of thousands of dollars to give select players a paid vacation, all in the efforts of giving off the illusion, that Bioware wants to communicate, when they've all but ignored their beta testers, and forums? Yeah, you can say that.
  21. Congratulations on judging me based on one post on a forum. Just because I'm not a sucker and swallow this PR stunt and recognize it for what it is, doesn't make me a "negative person". Your defense is a logical fallacy. By your argument you've produced a reality where the ONLY way to communicate is through a cheap PR stunt like this. You've ignored all other forms of logical and existing communication. More important meetings and decisions, are made over online, or long distance conferencing all the time. They have a forum, a Twitter, and Facebook page. People are communicating, this isn't about feedback, it's about publicity. They chose the guilds themselves. They refuse to explain the criteria used to select the guilds either.
  22. Agreed. Why anyone would choose the same tried and failed engine, that Cryptic uses for all of its games, is beyond me. I've never seen anyone look at Champions or Star Trek Online, and say: "I want my game to run that poorly!"
  23. True, but one should try to make the choice, harder to determine.
  24. /signed I believe that: 1. Color crystals shouldn't have stats at all. 2. All moddable weapons, should have an additional slot for color. 3. Unless it's red, blue, or green, there shouldn't be a restriction, IF ANY. restrictions suck. Especially when it comes to something cosmetic. Bioware chose a joyless, crappy route with color crystals and I honestly believe they simply gave purple to the Empire because dark = evil and they have a blatant, embarrassingly unprofessional bias toward the empire. Even Korean games can get this kind of thing right, but Bioware is just too arrogant to consider anything other than the stuff they think is important.
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