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Everything posted by G-Seven

  1. World/Environment Too many loading screens Instancing overkill Character Development Need a 2.5 body size or slider Planet progression is WAY too linear Interface GTM terminals need a 1st level text search Vendors need an equipment type filter/sort Buff/Debuff tracking is a nightmare PvP CC is still excessive even after the recent Resolve enhancement Need a 2nd factionless WZ (over Huttball already)
  2. The problem is that other mission-based crew skills are crap compared to slicing because of the availability of commendation gear and rewards. Who needs CT/UT when you can run missions and heroic dailies for commendation mods?
  3. In regards to the camera zoom issue, the camera will zoom in based on the hight of overhead objects and will zoom out when you sufficient vertical clearance is available. You probably don't notice this because the zoom out effect is very, very slow! As a workaround, I find myself periodically using the mousewheel to manually zoom out while PvP'ing and it's frustrating.
  4. A cross-server group finder enables players to behave like jerks because it provides a type of anonymity much like the interweb bullies. I have no issues with a local server group finder.
  5. I have no problems with full premade vs. full premade. I cannot support putting eight (8) coordinated players using VoIP against 8 random players. Typically, there is no competition in that match-up.
  6. I don't understand the issue with premades? The cap is four (4) players, correct?
  7. Bolster is a great system for providing a larger pool of players to populate a warzone. I would rather play against higher level players, than not play at all. There is however a significant disparity in the talented skills available to a <= lvl 20 and lvl 40+ player. This difference in skills can clearly stack the odds in the favor of higher levels, and is an obstacle that cannot be overcome with bolstering. I would suggest a hard-cap be implemented for matching low and high-level players where high-level players are in a lower priority for the match making system. Perhaps this mechanism already exists, but it is too early to tell at least on my server. I have only run into one (1) lvl 50 and that was last Saturday on an RP server. My 12+ Jedi Shadow did get him down to 40-50%, but his talented skills were too great to overcome. It important to note, that this issue is readily apparent early in the post-launch phase. As more players attain higher levels, it is my understanding that the warzone match making system will first attempt to place players in temporary brackets for balance.
  8. Sending mail to my alt is still broken. Pass along this warning to your friends and guild members.
  9. I saw a level 50 this past Saturday on the Lord Adraas (RP) server.
  10. Right. Read the thread and be ashamed by your ignorance.
  11. Since BioWare is reluctant to take responsibility for this, you should be forewarned. There are several reports of players sending credits and items to their alts and the mail is not being delivered. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=39498
  12. Additionally, the public outcry over not adding it after making a public statement would be unimaginable.
  13. I agree, but you are arguing a point that has already been decided by BW. Like it or not, dual-spec will be added.
  14. I am looking at your join date and confused by your ignorance on this topic. It has been stated several times on these boards by BW developers that Dual-Spec is a feature they (BW) want to implement soon after launch as a result of player feedback during beta testing.
  15. Yet BioWare is going to give you the choice of having two (2) specs without having to pay a cost to respec also known as Dual-Spec. If Dual-Spec was not going to be implemented, then I would agree with you.
  16. As mentioned by previous posters, Dual-Spec will be implemented per the Development team. Given this information, there is absolutely no reason why respec'ing to simulate the Dual-Spec should be an excessive fee until Dual-Spec is implemented. Once Dual-Spec is implemented, then BW should resume with a graduated cost structure for respec'ing based on frequency of use.
  17. Once I get enough melee abilities to replace the few ranged (rifle shot, overload, carbine) that I am forced to use, then I am removing all of them except for rifle shot and grenades. I only use two (2) quickslots and real estate is kind of limited in this game with all the abilities.
  18. Repeating non-starter zone quest content while leveling alts is a given in any contemporary MMO. Whether it is a completely new class (to you) or a copy of an existing one. Unfortunately, this game is more linear than others and that makes the repetition even more unpleasant.
  19. I have never understood why players that mouse drive still use the keyboard for strafing. Assigning them to your mouse thumb buttons is much more efficient, in my opinion. One hand for movement and the other for abilities.
  20. Each crew skill should have an "X" near the name on the crew skills panel "N". You must have at least 1 companion to access the crew skill panel.
  21. I like to Flashbang Republic players, while I ninja their objectives.
  22. I have a lvl 13 Op - Concealment spec. I can take down elites that are my level +1, but I do not heal my companion and she is near 15-20% HP at the end of the fight. My priority rotation is: 1. DoT 2. Backstab 3. Shiv 4. Grenade / Ranged Attack I was reading earlier that at higher levels an Ops attacks are almost exclusively melee-based (i.e., Vibroknife). P.S. Keep your character and companion's gear updated as frequently as possible, even if you have to resort to the GTN.
  23. Except that you cannot currently trade BOP gear to FP members and requires you to discuss loot after each drop. Unfortunately, I do not see this happening. BW really made a mistake with the current implementation of the need/greed mechanic.
  24. Of all the features BW 'borrowed' from other MMOs, I cannot believe they left this one out for release. Either the buttons are too small, people are not taking the time to learn what each symbol means, and/or simply are ignorant of which gear benefits which class.
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