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Posts posted by Darkhosis

  1. All I have to ask is why? Are you planning on using it solely for gaming?


    Craptops aren't meant for gaming to begin with. What you're about to pay on a new one would also get you a more powerful desktop.


    Maybe you go to school or travel. I dunno. But maybe use your old one for school or whatever and get a real gaming machine.

  2. Is swtor missing almost every decent feature modern mmo's have and that people take for granted? (server transfers/forums/cross server bg's, instances/in game, out of game re-customization) Sure, does it have more bugs then my ant farm? sure. Isn't it missing more graphical configuration then it has? sure.


    But guys come on...can't we all just accept what we're given without complaint?


    Wont sticking our heads in the sand be far better then trying to get problems addressed?


    Do you really have an ant farm? I always wanted one as a kid.

  3. Man I remember playing through KOTOR 1 and making my companions do stuff against their nature. Especially playing through all dark and when I made that Wookie kill his Twilek friend. That was so terrible I still obviously think about it, lol.


    Think they figured it'd be too much to do. Lots of thing obviously got cut for the sake of making the launch date. Doesn't mean they won't develop it in the future.


    Right now I think it's just there as a moral indicator to gain affection. Such as you know Mako is sorta light sided- so picking light stuff gains her love. It also might be there because they intend on doing something with it.

  4. They said it's coming. It just isn't going to be here anytime soon... What you are asking for takes a LOT of time.


    I doubt there's anyone who'd disagree with you that dynamic events would be amazing. Even something small like your companions actually doing something in your ship instead of being statues.


    But yeah I can totally imagine being on Tatooine and sanpeople started invading the town. Repel the invasion and maybe have a chance at a cool mount. People would be on it like flies.

  5. WOW: Ranged DPS preferred always... How many times did you see LFG no DPS Warriors, Rettadins, and especially Rogues.


    Rift: Melee DPS is a joketastic AOE fest. Needless to say you're toast if you melee DPS in Rift due to every boss having MEGA AOE damage.




    Until they figure out a way for melee DPS to not get roflstomped by AOE it'll be this way.

  6. If Robin Williams were in this game. First they wouldn't keep it a secret,,, It would be a huge selling point.


    I've always been a fan of voice over work since Mel Blanc. Love seeing the faces behind the voices. There's some serious talent in SWTOR regardless. Pinhead is the friggen Emperor... That was just kick arse.


    Even more interesting to me is seeing some of the voicce actors previous roles and putting 2 and 2 together. Grey Delise alone is probably in every modern cartoon you've watched.


    I remember after playing KOTOR 1 many years ago. The first thing that entered my mind was- This would be the most epic movie ever... Maybe even rivaling the original Star Wars trilogy.

  7. You can't buck the system.


    You can't fight a fad either... People in every single game with an evil side are choosing the evil side. It's a bit more complex but it is truly a gaming trend right now.


    A reflection upon our society today I'd say. A society without a moral compass.

  8. All your statement shows me is that you have no raid experience and have no idea how encounters work and why mods are necessary to perform well in those encounters.


    Of course, that's another reason why raids are a horrible design decision, but as long as raids exist the only way to do them is by using mods to warn you when critical moments arrive. It is not reasonable to expect the average (or even above-average) player to keep up with that kind of information flow.


    Well yeah for hard raids... There's not one difficult op, fp, raid in all of SWTOR. Add-ons for that would be overkill.


    I'm all for addons. The true need for them is UI customization and maybe some healer aid. There is a need for them don't get me wrong.


    As someone else brought up. Addons need the API released from Bioware and that isn't going to happen anytime soon. They are still making huge changes to the code at this early stage.


    Took Rift around 8 months to finally get add-ons after release. Even then they are so limited all you can do is very basic. Hardly even was worth their effort.

  9. I'd say that is an accurate assessment. The true game here is in the middle...


    Probably would have just been better to make KOTOR 3. But if this had been KOTOR 3 I'd already been through the game more than once and almost done.


    With this MMO model I have only completed one storyline and almost done with my second. After that I have plans to explore the many other class stories. So as dollar value goes I've already surpased KOTOR 3 in value for me.


    Once I'm done with all the stories and if they don't expand the 50 experience. Well when you've done all you want you're done. No matter how much you like a game.

  10. It really is a myth that Empire is catered too more than the Republic.


    Every single game with an evil side has noticed a huge increase in 'evil' players. Brought on by many famous gamers choosing the evil side in the games they play. Do a little research and you'll see it's true.


    It is a fad and gaming trend. Look at WOW and the HUGE GIGANTIC increase in Horde players, look at the HUGE increase in villains for City of Heroes, look at Rift and how the Defiant (Rift's Horde) outnumber Guardians 5 to 1.


    In the old days it was in to be the hero. Being a villain in a game was something quite rare. Now people use the excuse "I can't be evil in real life and video games gives me an outlet." That is uhmm psychotic to say the very least.


    Personally I get no joy from being evil even in a video game. Just a reflection of the evil society we live in now. Who'd thought a faction based upon the Nazis would be the popular side.

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