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Posts posted by Darkhosis

  1. I wouldn't play even if it was free.


    There is literally nothing to do once you it level 50 and did everything once.


    Why people find enjoyment in redoing over and over again the same flashpoint/ops/dailies is beyond me.


    The main part of this game is the leveling and story. You are suppose to roll alts and enjoy the other storylines. It isn't like WOW/Rift where you focus on the endgame grind.

  2. Bioware. All I ask from you is to do some homework on previous MMOs and their balancing acts over class balance.


    I'll use Rift as an example. They did EXACTLY what you are doing now when they released. They began tampering with class balance for the sake of PVP. Now all the classes are just a homogenized, watered down version of what they were.


    You need to make a decision. Is this a PVE game or a PVP game? You can't have both. Trying to balance PVP and PVE together is an impossibility.


    Don't ruin my PVE game for the sake of PVP. PVPers are fickle and will never be pleased. They are also your minority playerbase. Don't be another Rift and drive off your MAJORITY (the PVE crowd) with constant class tampering.


    I had high hopes for SWTOR but it's easy to see what's happening/going to happen for the sake of PVP balance. The ruination of PVE. Don't be another cliche in the history books of MMOs- Don't be another Rift.

  3. They released too many servers in a knee jerk reaction to queues after early access. A huge mistake I've seen in MMO after MMO. Now people that rolled on the after release servers are suffering from low pops. That is just the facts.


    Just look at the servers from Beta/Early Acess. They are all holding very good numbers. Shadow Hand where I play was a BETA server and ha 200 people on the fleet Rep side at peak hours.


    BW should be cool and just allow some free transfers and just shut down the extra waste.

  4. Who doesn't like explosions?


    My first toon was a JK and I enjoyed it. All the lightsaber sounds were awesome. Sometimes I'd just hit Z to hear that buzz.


    My second character is a Bounty Hunter! Knocking people on their arse with huge explosions rocks. I wait on my Death from Above cooldown before every fight just to watch the fireworks.


    I definitely feel more powerful on my BH just due to the explosions.

  5. Roll on a more popular server. Sounds like you are one one of the after release servers if you only have 100 people on the fleet. Harbinger/Swiftsure are the most crowded but any server from Beta has people. I play on Shadow Hand and there's always people around.


    Not your fault. They opened too many servers like every other MMO at release. If they'd only waited a couple of weeks before opening more they'd been golden. Now anyone who went to the new servers to avoid queues find themself on a dead server.

  6. It's always about the money and developers/investors don't like taking risks. Unfortunate for them the fickle gaming crowd has caused this to happen. Most games labeled as 'different' or sandbox have not done well.


    They figure people want candy- so they pump out candy.


    Will we ever see another UO? Really doubt that'd ever happen. Although people like us would eat it up in this world of theme park MMOs.


    I know Skyrim isn't an MMO - but is a good example of old sandbox styles and what an MMO could be.

  7. Camping a security chest within that level range will always yield one free green item. Great way to gear up on the cheap and make a few creds too.


    I just farmed cash though and bought what I wanted off the GTN. I like to keep my companions as epiced out as possible. Not saying that's a smart thing to do- just what I like doing. It is expensive.

  8. They are screwing up badly... Trying to balance PVP at the cost of PVE balamce... Welcome to Rift 2.0.


    Bioware I am PLEADING that you do a little research and get your heads around this... You can NOT balance PVP and PVE together. It does NOT work. PVPers will also be a stream of endless complaints and are the MINORITY.


    If you want to keep your majority STOP and STOP now with the nerfs. I love this game but will leave for the same reasons I left Rift. The constant tinkering with classes for PVP.


    Don't ruin this game already and then shake your heads in disbelief when I and the other PVE players hit the road.

  9. So ruin my PVE for the sake of your PVP? No thanks.


    Force push, leap, etc... are great fun. Being overpowered is fun- in PVE. Thankfully mobs can't post on the forums.


    This is how it goes in every MMO. Some dude gets beat in PVP and he cries a river. It can't be him- oh hell no it can't be them sucking. Gotta be the classes... Derp.


    If you want homogenization, if you want bland, if you want e-sports. Then go find a game that is into that like WOW/Rift. Leave my PVE game alone...

  10. Again, it's a laptop, and unfortunately I'm not tech smart enough to rip it apart and see if I can install better RAM chips.


    If you're running Win32 then you can only install 4g max. Need 64 bit to go any further.


    You're multi tasking on something not even made for gaming... Can't really expect performance.

  11. You're doing something wrong obviously. My machine is 3 years old- friggen core 2 duo 2.7. My video card is the only new thing- GT570...


    I get 50 fps to 80fps anywhere outside of the fleet with everything maxed.


    Are you running crap in the background? Do you have 20 torrents going or watching movies at the same time? I dunno man you have a bottleneck somewhere.

  12. This game doesn't revolve around endgame or PVP. The only real game here is the story and leveling. So expecting something different is just plain silly.


    Yes they will be doing something with legacy. BW aimed this game at people who enjoy the storylines and leveling. Kind of the whole point of the legacy system. It's coming but it's not done. What more can be said?


    Hope you enjoy your pvp and all that- it just isn't ever going to be stellar. What BW intended was for people to actually enjoy the stories and not rush to an end. You're suppose to be re-rolling hence the legacy system, hence the many class storylines.


    This game is aimed at people that are working class. Just not in a PVP way. Its whole appeal and selling point is the SW story. A flashpoint with guildies takes way less time than 2+hours and has greater rewards,


    Go level an alt and actually try getting into the story... You might find yourself excited to actually see it unfold. Instead of a mad rush to be part of a grind.

  13. because he owns star wars and anything associated with it he can close the game anytime he wants id assume


    Contracts work both ways. He can't do that...


    I'd like to know what the hell would be stopping another Star Wars game? Nothing has stopped them in the past. Unless you mean another SW MMO then yeah. This is only the second one btw...


    George Lucas quit being involved with things long long ago. Pretty much just slapped his name on things for $$$$. They gave Indiana Jones a reaming... Should watch that Southpark it's spot on.


    His girlfriend pretty much controls him and his decisions... Just look at his latest movie.


    George had a spark of genius in the 70's-80's. Then something happened to the guy (see girlfriend) and it's been crap after crap. Seeing those Episode 1 previews again with its re-release and friggen Jar Jar. Jesus H... Reminds me why I got so disenchanted with SW.


    Only thing that kept my SW fanfare were the real first 3 episodes- Emp Strikes Back, Return of Jedi, and video games. Chiefly KOTOR 1&2 reminded me how much I loved SW and so does SWTOR.

  14. With that new system you won't have any problems with any games.


    Your problem was playing on a craptop. They aren't for gaming despite people's arguements that they are. Or even a seller claiming they are for gaming. They won't ever be on par with desktops due to ventillation and upgrade ability.

  15. I could have told you several months ago about what you described. This game isn't aimed at the die hard endgame raider/pvper. This game is aimed at the VERY casual.


    What exactly in this game is difficult? The only blips in difficulty for me were killing The Emperor (I know not the real one w/e) and maybe one other boss battle in the class questline. My main difficulties even then were being a JK tank which are underpowered.


    Fast forward to my BH. I'm rolling through content like nobody's business and haven't had any real challenges.


    Once again this game is aimed at the VERY casual. Think working class SW fans that only can spare 1-2 hours a night.


    This game 'right now' is all about the story. What we have here is KOTOR 3 with co-op play and a smatter of undeveloped WZ's and Raids. One day they will get around to fully developing endgame. That time isn't the present.


    Frankly I wish they had just scrapped WZ's and Raids all together instead of lure people in with those half baked ideas. Greed is a powerful thing and they wanted your cash.


    Endgamers/PVPers will never be satisfied. You guys chew up content quicker than any developer will ever be able to develop. You rushed to the end and missed the entire game. Or one dude dies in PVP and cries it's his class/devs fault. Never ending river of tears my friend.


    Hopefully BW stick to the meat of the game where we continue to develop our characters story beyond 50. If you want to grind endgame or hope for balanced PVP. Well you're just setting yourself up for disappointment,

  16. I love Space Combat- on my Bounty Hunter. Sounds weird right? But I can't win barely any matches with my 50 JK with all the upgrades. Every battle is a struggle. Then BOOM I play on my BH and I am unbeatable and the combat is easy with hardly any upgrades.
  17. Just this ^^^


    This is a game not a grinding machine. The space stations add flair and if you can´t see it...your loss. Why has everything always bend to an effective grinding game. Sooner or later people will complain about loot and epics not walking directly into their inventories.


    If BW answeres this grinders petition then please only as optional change. Let people chose if they want to enjoy the game or run past it.


    I grind nothing and find it annoying. I happily level alts and love the stories... Yet I still hate all the loading screens. There's nothing about a loading screen that adds to the game. Seen one orbital station- seen em all. If they were all at least unique I'd see some justification.

  18. I'll even admit they borked the travel system. Yes it does suck having to go through 4 loading screens. Yes it was put there intentionally to make you waste time.


    BW broke one of the game development 101 rules. No more than ONE loading screen between action. Waiting 15 or more minutes to get where you need to go is not acceptable.


    It's not going to make me quit but it is an obvious time sink.

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