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Posts posted by Darkhosis

  1. You just described a nightmare of getting killed 15 times and then forced to get a group... You still can't see why this fight needed tuning?


    It was obviously overtuned for some people. Now it is fixed... Time to move on buckeroo.

  2. My JK married Kira (uhh I think) was a bit convoluted. But it has absolutely no effect on your character or companion.


    My last conversation with Kira was asking her to marry me and I guess we got married. Like I said it wasn't very clear. That was the last quest she had @ max affection and level 50. It just kind of ends and nothing more.


    I'm fairly certain they plan on expanding this area.


    Some games have added marriage/heritage systems. The legacy system looks promising and might lead to being able to marry others. Really just too soon to tell.

  3. They didn't reinvent the wheel... Been known for a long time that SWTOR endgame/pvp are bare bones. They won't stay bare bones but are right now. Dynamic content is coming and much more. But that isn't going to solve your current problem.


    The fun in this game is the leveling and story. If you aren't/can't enjoy the many stories in the game then you won't enjoy SWTOR.


    That's right. You're suppose to re-roll at level 50 until they have more 50 content.

  4. So you want to play a furry? :D


    Kung Fu Cathar?


    Personally my least favorite race, lol. Reminds me of the play Cats or the cat people in Elder Scrolls (wow can't believe I forgot their name). You can play a cat person in a few MMOs already.


    What about the Voss, Duros, Devorians, etc... Seeing 100's of cat people might make me pretty ill.

  5. I love to solo too. Not against grouping but I do not get the same high as playing solo. When I kill things with others, despite doing all I can to contribute, there's always that feeling you were helped. And you have been helped. I'm just not the type of person to ask others for help.


    There's been several threads on multi-boxing. People that don't understand it or can't afford it hate it. Use to do it in WOW and it is the best way to play solo. It makes all the group content soloable. Pretty much the most ultimate solo experience to be had.


    No feeling like when you've conquered a dungeon solo.


    I'd be more than for the creation of solo flashpoints. Solo dungeons have been done in several MMOs- Rift, LOTRO, DDO, etc... Not a new idea but one always welcomed by players.

  6. Man I miss old SNL... Being a little kid watching the Coneheads.


    I hope they make the Conehead a playable race :D


    Seriously though. I don't see any sides fashion as better than the other. Just because somebody is wearing black doesn't make them cool. If that were the case my JK would be the coolest because he always wears shades!


    The styles seem fairly true to the SW movies... You know outside of Darth Vader it was robes, civilian futuristic clothes, and clone army/imperial armor.

  7. exactly.. play Rift ppl.


    - dynamic invasions and ingame events

    - all tools for adventure / raiding / pvp / etc.

    - free spec skill system where u can have many builds to switch between them

    - open spec skill trees where u can have 3 class trees to put ur points as u wish

    - no lags even with 100 vs 100 fights


    Have you guys even played Rift?


    Dynamic invasions that are more of a nuisance than anything. They are ALL the same and there is nothing dynamic about them besides happening randomly. The invasions are always the same and get old old old fast.


    They have a lfg tool and instant adventure. Not sure what tools you need for raiding besides the 19 other people raiding with you.


    Respecs aren't free and become more expensive each time. WOW model.


    They pretty much broke every class with constant tinkering... Healers can't heal, DPS can't DPS, and tanks can't tank. Only way to even do content is to use the predefined cookie cutter builds.


    You're full of crap saying it doesn't lag with 100 people. It lags with 40 people. Their Warhammer engine sucks. When you get around 40 people in an area mobs and other players fade in and out of existence.

  8. I don't want my class balanced- or nerfed is the word you're probably looking for. They could spend all that time tinkering with classes and do something constructive.


    BW is falling into the same trap as Trion/Rift. Listening to a PVP minority that will never ever be satiated.


    They're going to nerf us all into a homogenized piece of crap for the sake of PVP. No longer will you be able to force push a mob off a bridge, nope, some guy cried a river on the PVP forums. This isn't happening but an example of what seems to be the future.


    All my awesome animations getting the axe so some kid can have a twitch reflex advantage in PVP.


    So yeah the nerfs have began already and it really sucks. I love this game very much but I've loved other MMOs that went the same way.


    BW seemed very focused on a PVE game but now they're listening to the constant crying from the PVP crowd. You see the happy PVE crowd doesn't come to the forums asking for nerfs. Why would they?


    Looks like the days of feeling and being very powerful in PVE are going the way of every other MMO. Homogenized, bland classes with no over the top abilities.

  9. Dude. Hate to break this to you but every single letter and number you type are logged. Not just this game but almost every single MMO around.


    I know WOW does it for sure because some dude baited me into a whisper war. They pulled up our entire conversation.


    So yeah- watch what you type.


    Think that's bad? When I use to work with Punkbuster long ago (almost 10 years) for FPS games. The tools we had available would blow your mind. I could even screenshot a players desktop. So much prawn... So much prawn... I'd hate to think of the level of intrusion PB has these days.

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