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Posts posted by Darkhosis

  1. This is why PVP should be a seperate entity from PVE all together.


    So what do you want? To remove all stuns from all classes in the game? I'm sure that'd make you and all the other PVPers happy. Unfortunately it'd ruin PVE.


    All I can say is- PVP happens and what did you expect to happen? You went in there like an idiot with zero backup. You were going to your slaughter- they just made you look more foolish in doing so.


    I'd laughed at you too then force pushed you off a cliff.

  2. I'll be honest I don't play the class being nerfed so it doesn't effect me.


    BUT what does effect me is classes being nerfed for PVP which will change people's PVE. This is a road I have been down before with so many games- most recently Rift.


    Is this going to be our future? The same crap that's happened in every MMO with PVP? Constant tampering and nerfing of classes? It always starts somewhere and this seems to be the first blow to PVE.


    If this becomes a habit then they are going to lose the PVE crowd. Just talk to Trion... Pick a side Bioware PVE or PVP - you can't balance both around each other.

  3. This game could be in trouble due to people being liars yes. There seems to be a huge anti SWTOR crowd that started before the game even launched.


    Lies and rumors blown out of proportion can indeed hurt this game. But I feel confident if people actually try the game without going on rumors they will see what an awesome thing it really is.


    Disgruntled PVPers is the main source of the angst. Nothing really new on that front.


    Many have trouble understanding this game as they are unable to break free of the WOW model. If they can't grind it they don't understand it.


    All the while me and many like me are loving this game and the experience. If the game survives the hate train it'll be fine.

  4. Just proof a rumor can run so wild that people believe it is true, lol.


    Like others in this thread- I never suffered from the issue in the first place. All I ever saw was lag and active queue windows set too high in video examples...


    You can't fix stupid but they're trying.

  5. What would there be to do on the ship?


    Oh maybe a GTN onboard, a guild ship recall pass (teleport to ship from anywhere), maybe ship battles taking multiple people, dance room, codex holoterminal (shows 3d models from a codex), raids on asteroids and you travel there in your guild ship?


    Possibilities are endless. Main point is for fun and a place to promote guild togetherness. Having guild houses, kinhouses, whatever was always a fun time and a chance to hang out with guildies outside of an instance.

  6. Why wouldn't one of you guys consult Youtube or another guide before attempting such a thing?


    Would you rather take 5 minutes to see an instructional video or spend 6 hours doing it wrong?

  7. You can't. It's part of the incentive to get you to buy and use a security key. Same reason you get a core-hound in WOW or a 3 pronged ball scratcher in Rift.


    Boggles my mind people invest heavily into a game and won't secure their assets with a security key. They are so cheap there is no reason not to own a security key. Outside of being too lazy to enter the numbers.

  8. The thing is nobody has to be paid anything to go ballistic on a game. It's today's mentality. A game doesn't have this or that or not up to a perceived specification they build up a victimization within their mind.


    Really it boils down to herd mentality. People want confirmation they are doing the right thing and try to drag as many down with them.


    Revenge. Gamers these days are very egotistical and feel like they have been slighted when they dislike a game. They seek revenge and the forums are the best place to vent.

  9. I'm just now venturing into the Empire story (Imp Agent) and mainly play Rep side. So it's hard for me to compare when I have played only Rep side mainly. Jedi Knight Guardian up to 50.


    My JK story was awesome! I mean damn guys. Standing there forging your lightsaber and that kick a music building to a crescendo. What's it friggen take? lol... I had nerd chills down my spine.


    There were many twists and turns in my class quests.



    When I got kidnapped by the Emp and turned to the darkside. I can honestly say I didn't see that coming. Then having to redeem my bros and have them fight with me on Corellia. Great stuff



    As a player of many games and one that keeps tabs on the gaming community. You have to understand the history of good vs evil in video games. In the old days being on the evil side was always under populated. People wanted to be the hero.


    Which brings me to the WOW TotalBiscuit/Jesse Cox moment.


    The Alliance had long been popular and the Horde always suffered from low populations. Not anymore thanks to many famous gamers and their views. TB alone has like 1 million subscribers and Jesse 250K. They actually swayed a genre to switch to the Horde.


    Being evil became the IN thing to do. People brought their friends and a domino effect occurred. It is now COOL to be on the Horde or perceived 'bad' side. Every game that I play now with an evil side is waaay more popular.


    Rift which is a mirror of WOW in many ways has a 5+ ratio of Defiant vs Guardians. You guessed it- the Defiant are the bad guys.


    It's a trend, and it is a fad imho. It's just the cool thing to play the bad guy these days.

  10. Getting to 50 on my Jedi Knight Guardian had many challenging moments. The f'ing Emperor... Whoa. I had to go and get all the datacrons and lvl to 50 and pull out all the stops. They make you use your droid which I quit using at lvl 15. I spent 500k creds on gear for T7 and I and that fight still sucked, lol.


    Spend a bit of downtime making some credits and go buy some great gear at the auction house. Also mods, augments, etc... Get geared man and your companion too.


    Credit making is very very easy. Security chest everywhere that respawn every 7 mins, to large swaths of friendly mob areas you can slice, scavenge, arc, etc... Slicing still rules. Even farming mobs+sidequests will make you a large chunk of change.


    Stay away from Ilum until 50. No point when you can do warfronts! Just going to get slaughtered there. I dislike PVP and that's why I prefer to earn $$.


    You can also get some gear in Flashpoints too.

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