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Posts posted by Darkhosis

  1. I honestly don't blame you. There's no way in hell I could raid with the cooldowns all flashy flashy.


    Not to mention nerfing my PVE content so some 15 year old can stroke his epeen a bit harder.


    BW seems to be going down the road of Rift and many other promising games. Nerf classes for the sake of PVP while ruining PVE. Ruin the game for a small minority GG.


    I'm still hanging in there but if they keep rocking down this road. Well- just say goodbye to the PVE crowd. Hoping some sort of sense will dawn on them before they do too much damage.


    Unfortunately like other games they'll think their sub losses are due to some PVP imbalance. When it's the constant tampering with classes are what really tick people off.

  2. Putting US Holidays in SWTOR could get real stupid real quickly... I mean what next? The Darth that stole Christmas?


    What did you want for VD? Go around the fleet and spray perfume while little hearts float around? Give a gift card to a guard? Cure 50 broken hearts? All seems very un-Star Warsish.


    I'm all for events- JUST Star Wars events please... Maybe something similar to City of Heroes Rikti invasions. Or events that lead us into new content rewarding fluff items. Fluff items like a baby Wookie- not Santa hats.

  3. Judging an entire game by one small part doesn't constitute a game review. Big deal really... OMG I had to travel all over the place for a few minutes... A real man has a fleet pass anyway.


    I'm not sure what's so ground breaking about his revelation that the OP has posted it several times today under different headings. We get it- some dude you think is hot stuff spoke ill of one aspect of SWTOR. You latched onto it like a dog trying to enforce your SWTOR hate you've been pumping out since your unsub thread.


    If Gabe wants to miss out on the other 99% of the story then he's worse than I originally suspected. Even if I knew nothing of SWTOR and read that I'd been like.... Uh big deal.


    Frustrating? Sure why not. But to go off on a rage quit tangent over one quest is amateur.

  4. They need quicker and less loading screens. BW broke many rules of thumb that you're taught in gaming dev 101. No more than one loading screen between action.


    It also takes a painfully long time just to log into the game and even log out... Think we all know about that.


    Some streamlining of the loading screen I hope is on their agenda at one point.

  5. Geez. Every single MMO goes through this LFG/LFD tool growing pain. Some people just can't accept it is a necessary feature in 2012. You can guarantee BW will be putting one in because every game developer knows they are a necessity as well.


    Community, community, community... Give me a break. As many have stated before the community is what you make of it. Usually it never expands past your guild. Outside of your guild they are just random people and IF you happen to like a person you usually invite them to your guild anyway.


    The LFG tool does not have any mind controlling effects. Some think it has a power to mind control people into being dbags. Just simply is not true. That's like saying playing video games makes you violent. A person won't change their base behavior. If you meet a dbag they suddenly didn't become a dbag- they were ALWAYS a dbag.


    Accountability... Uhm yeah that works out really well. People that yell in WOW trade- So n so's a ninja generally get laughed at. Learn how to master loot...


    Anyway I have to go change my shoes and socks right now. Been wading through too much of this community BS.

  6. Isn't the phasing that keeps you from seeing lots of people. It is the fact that people are spread out all over the galaxy.


    When there's 40 people on say Hoth. They are also spread across an entire large zone. Even with 40 I still see people around questing.


    You must be playing Republic where Hoth has like 18 people... Then it just feels dead from the lack of physical players.


    Server consolidation would be the best thing. At the very least transfers for those that got stuck on light servers.

  7. Slow down, you move too fast.

    You got to make the morning last.

    Just kicking down the cobble stones.

    Looking for fun and feelin' groovy.


    Ba da, Ba da, Ba da, Ba da...Feelin' Groovy.


    Hello lamp-post,

    What cha knowin'?

    I've come to watch your flowers growin'.

    Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?

    Doot-in' doo-doo,

    Feelin' groovy.


    I've got no deeds to do,

    No promises to keep.

    I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.

    Let the morning time drop all it's petals on me.

    Life, I love you,

    All is groovy.

  8. Think you mean ATI and I wouldn't recommend one to my worst enemy. If I had an enemy.


    They run notoriously hot and there will be some games that just completely bug out on them. Almost every gaming developer develops using Nvidia.


    You get what you pay for.

  9. I'm playing through all the stories. Not saying everyone would enjoy this but it's what SWTOR is all about right now. The endgame and PVP just aren't up to par with the leveling experience.


    So I level and am not in any rush. Granted after getting my JK to 50 I rarely log him in anymore. Now I have my BH up to 40 and have REALLY enjoyed myself. Yet once he hits 50 I can see myself not logging in with him either.


    After that will probably be leveling my Imp agent which will keep me busy for a few more weeks. After that it'll be either trooper or sith inquis.


    By them I am hoping there's more to do and can drag out my 50's to progress them more.

  10. Lets look at the results of x-server warzone and flashpoint queues in games like WoW and RIFT.


    • X-server queues create an anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as carrick station and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Players level their characters through anonymous queues without experiencing either their storyline or class quests.
    • Upon entering the warzone or flashpoint, many players use the anonymity offered by the anonymous x-server pug groups to engage in the worst kind of behavior. They insult, demean and degrade players from other servers, knowing there will be no consequences from the community on their own server or even their own guild.
    • X-server qeues encourage exploiting, power leveling, valor and gear farming, account swapping, afk-botting and ultimately real money trading. Players with extra money pay power leveling services to farm the best pve and pvp gear. This has happened in every game I have played with x-server queues.
    • X-server queues ultimately destroy communities by bypassing the self-policing nature of closed server communities. Players who engage in bad behavior such as trolling and griefing are ostracized and punished on closed server communities. In an x-server environment they disappear behind the cloud of anonymity. Players are prevented from getting to know others from the opposite or same faction and engaging in friendly competition. There is a lot to be said for knowing your enemies and your friends.


    If the purpose of x-server queues is to allow players on low pop servers access to content, there is a simple solution, allow free transfers off of low pop servers. Problem solved.


    Prove one thing on your list as fact. You can't.


    You're having fantasies of WOW in its glory days when there really was a server based server community. Those days are long long gone and were created by the severe honor grind not being server centric.


    Back then you had the PVPers standing around all day in Iron forge grinding honor. There was nothing to do but talk and chat. It isn't like that anymore. People hop in game do a few WZ's without saying anything to others. Without that NEED to PVP 8hrs+ a day people don't do it.


    This thing you and many others are holding onto is just a myth. Seriously how can you say there is this sense of community? People very very rarely use General chat to just chat. If you start using General chat just to meet people you run the risk of being mass ignored. Welcome to the internet 2012.


    You also have this notion that cross server LFD causes people into being bad. That is also another myth. That dbag you met in a PUG LFG. Guess what? They were a dbag long before you ever met them. People do not change their base behavior just because they are semi anonymous. You aren't even really anonymous as you could easily trash another person from another server as well as your own.


    The tools are just a modern convenience. Especially for a game as casual as this one. People want the ability to log in quickly and use their valuable playtime playing instead of LFG.


    As for powerleveling- If someone is going to powerlevel they are going to do it anyway. No stopping them. Really what's it to you if they ruin the entire game for themselves?


    Credits in this game are very easy to make and it isn't very profitable for gold farmers. How many gold farmer emails have you received in SWTOR? How much gold spam do you see? Exactly none because they have a strong auto ban system. Without trial accounts it's hard for farmers to get a foothold.


    Put your fears to bed and let progress come. I've played both Rift and WOW. The cross server tools have brought nothing but POSITIVE experiences. It did not cause some mass outbreak of dbaggery.

  11. For God sake people it is Black History month. VD Day, Leap Year, Carnival, AND the release of SW ep 1. I mean c'mon!


    Kidding aside. Yeah they seem to be down some. Still way too early to proclaim a mass exodus though. Many people like me are still playing and enjoying the game without any plans of quitting. Although I have cut down in playtime just due to settling into a more realistic schedule for myself. Staying up till 2 am was giving me migraines.


    One thing for sure. All the nerfs BW is rolling out so soon is really giving many a bad taste in their mouths. Logged in today and found my BH has lost quite a bit of range. If they keep balancing the game around PVP it will be a certain doom. Seen it too many times before.

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