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Posts posted by Darkhosis

  1. So if I win how much taxes are we talking about? Here in Texas, which is called Taxes by the locals, know all too well the expense.


    So if I won this item valued at 6,000 (and that's valued not what I could actually sell it for) would cost me 360$ at 8% interest PLUS several hundred dollars in shipping fees? Something that size/weight is nearly 500$ shipping minimal.

  2. Guild Wars has always been 'sort of' the poor man's MMO. One of the first prototypes for free to play etc... etc... I've heard nothing but great things about GW & GW2 but it will always have a stigma as f2p. There's a definite school of thought where people think paying for something monthly equals quality.


    My point. People don't generally stop their sub based games for GW. It will always be a game people play as their second banana. Anything new and shiny will bring attention for a while but it will drop off quickly as predicted. The populations of any sub based games aren't threatened by GW.

  3. I only spacebar the repetitive planet quests. To my dismay even some of the class quests were similar or the same...


    My first time through Rep was the best, then went through Imp side and had fun. Now on my 3rd @ level 47 and it has taken forever. So bored with the repetitive planet quests that it's painful to go through them a second time.

  4. People standing around Fleet for hours on end for a measly 5 DNA. Pretty sure this wasn't what BW had planned on the drawing board. If you'd made the dailies reward more than a CRAP 5 DNA too. Well then people might have actually got off the fleet.


    Daisy chained dailies- very poor idea. Should have had all the dailies open from day one and not forced into a 6 day effort. Have to realize people do have work/families. I ended up not being able to finish my officer set by ONE piece of gear.


    Needed to be longer. Way way way way way too short.


    Appreciate the effort and minus the obvious flaws it made the game not feel as dead. Once the event ended I was quickly reminded how stagnant and dead the game feels. More dynamic events in the vein of this event would be nice.

  5. Micro-transactions are not always a bad thing. Thinking about things stops you from making irrational knee-jerk reactions.


    Watch THIS VIDEO in its entirety, with an open mind, and think about it...or just remain ignorant.


    Wrong. They are ALWAYS a bad thing for sub based games.


    Look at Blizzard- microtransaction people to death and have created more animosity than they care to deal with now. They nickeled and dimed people over many things that should have been free character recustomization, transfers, etc...


    Rift tried it for their Ashes upgrade- and the backlash was great and they won't ever do it again.


    How about we start playing games instead of trying to buy our way through them. People already buy their way through real life- at least give us this last bastion of freedom here.

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