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Everything posted by errant_knight

  1. Mouseover the quest and look at the xp it will give. If it's a ridiculously large number, you have it, lol
  2. It should be noted that there's a downside to speeding up your rotation, though. It's entirely possible to speed up your rotation to the point that your abilities to regenerate the energy your class depends on can't keep up.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by EricMusco Funny you should mention that, we are actually going to do that very thing! It is really important as we head into Shadow of Revan that players have seen the Forged Alliances storyline. Although we will certainly never force you through it, we want to make it so that if you haven't played through it, you have an opportunity to see the whole storyline, even by yourself if you choose! -eric *headdesk* Is it really that hard to use groupfinder and interact with other human beings 3 times? *headdesk. headdesk*
  4. I....wait, what? Ok, I'm going to assume that you're a shiny new player and answer that for reals. Or maybe you already know what it is, but not what people call it.... If you read your skill tree you'll notice that some abilities make others happen under certain circumstances. They are very good things and that is what is being discussed. You used to see it on your buff bar and hear a sound indicating it happened. Now they're going to show you with the ability in question lit up so that no one, no matter how situationally unaware, can miss it.
  5. Interesting! I can see that gearing will take a new look at balance. Any word on whether there'll be a reason for crit again?
  6. Really? You don't see the difference between a subscriber reward designed to get the most number of characters possible ready for an expansion and buying levels with a credit card, no gameplay or sub required? This has never been a game of 'grinding'. In fact, it's designed so that just playing the story content gets you where you need to be. Highly rewarding story content that makes other games look like...well, I can't think of anything bad enough to represent Archeage's story content, lol. Good crafting system though In any case, you should probably be aware that mentioning SWG makes most player's eyes glaze over and roll back in their head, preventing them from reading further, lol.
  7. Stop peeing on my happiness. There should be a 24 hour hold on joy crushing
  8. To tell the truth, I don't applaud this. They are slowly but surely removing every need to think and pay attention from combat. I don't necessarily want them not to do it--I'm fine with others being able to play the way they like--but I've always wanted the many easy buttons that have been added since launch to be optional. Outside areas where that would affect other people's gameplay that is (ie. informational effects in pvp zones). Some people want a hood toggle. Me, I'd rather have a multifaceted informational effect toggle.
  9. The perk was months of 55 level gameplay and the fun that was available to be had. You're welcome. Ok, this is my first mmo, but even I have figured out how they work, so I'll summerize for those who don't. 1. content is released. 2. QQing ensues about how every aspect of it is too hard/unfair, generally by people who don't actually want to put in the gameplay to accomplish it, either by gearing or improving their gameplay. 3. nerfs happen. 4. Repeat QQing, now with added epeen rage. 5. Content is released. Repeat process.
  10. Yep, it's already easy. In fact, wasn't that the complaint in the forums when Manaan and Rakata Prime were released? That they were way too easy? Yes. Yes, it was. I suspect there are people who can solo it now, since I can 2 man it on characters who aren't even in full 180. Once the level cap it raised and you get some new gear, it should be stupidly easy, so there ya go.
  11. They did that on Oricon too and managed to make it satisfying. There were also some nice choices and dialogue that were unique to your character. I thought it worked better than Makeb, myself. Sure, completely different stories would be nice, but it doesn't have to happen everytime. In this story, it makes sense, just as it did in Oricon. Saying that this means they will always do it this way is pretty much the same as saying there willl never be class content of any kind--an assumption that may be proved false because never is a long time.
  12. Well, it did say it's a mission. I don't think anyone would call a cutscene a mission. Yeah, it's just one but after more than two years of waiting for more class content, I for one am going to be happy in an entirely unreserved way, lol I really like the pirate garb.
  13. QFT. No matter how invested we may be in our characters or how much we may want to see class stories continue, slagging people who are just trying to do the best they can to please us while under massive constraints, financial, manpower, and desires of management above them, is way over the top and out of line.
  14. I can think of all kinds of ways, although it llikely wouldn't always be what players wanted. A continuing story has to have twists and turns. The fact it, they were planing to continue the stories. It was said outright, so they had a plan. If people think their characters would always win, they've never played a Bioware single player, though
  15. Look, saying something will never happen is always stupid, anywhere. It's particularly stupid when you know it will royally piss off a lot of people who are handing you money. And it's extra stupid when you can't see into the future, because things change. They said what they are doing currently--focusing on shared content. The class mission in this is a step forward in the right direction and somewhat unexpected. Can we not be happy about that for on freaking day, lol? Yes, they did say at the beginning that there would be new class chapters. That was the plan. Then people whined and bashed endgame content to the point that they almost destroyed the game. Bioware pulled it out of a nosedive and shifted their focus from stories to expanding the game as a whole. I regret that, but they did what they had to do at the time. Personally, I hope that class stories may eventually return, because that was what really made swtor different, the fact that there are high quality stories at all differentiates this game from others and I'm extremely happy for the class mission in the upcoming content.
  16. Well, I stayed for the possibility of any return of class content, so I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that someone might return for it--especially when that return is made so much easier with the massive xp boost.
  17. Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. Hmm. That's somewhat regretable. Those builds were fun. On the other hand, sometimes point were wasted trying to get up to something that , say, gave you a crit buff, and things like that will be easier to get to.
  18. Perhaps I misunderstood, then, but from what I read it sounded like skills from other trees would be more available, not less. I guess it depends on what they consider a 'utility'
  19. No, he said 'mission as part of the storyline' not introduction. That means that it will relate to the rest of the story not previous class content, but be an actual side quest. I don't expect it to be super long, but hey, people thought there'd never be class content again! Give your self a break and be happy, lol. It just goes to show that patience will sometimes be rewarded--and there's no reason to assume this will be the only time they do thi, or that it will always be only one mission.
  20. There's no reason to assume that. It makes sense in this story for it to be the same, but that won't necessarily always be the case. I think the lesson we've hearned here is 'never say never.' I always held out hope for more class content and here some it.
  21. Yes, indeed! We've been waiting a loooong time for this, excellent news!
  22. There's no reason to think this. It's possible that it will be easier to achieve the builds that are currently hybrid not eliminate them.
  23. I understand why you wouldn't want to be too overleveled. I prefer challenging combat, myself. just wear green or empty gear. Oddball's suggestion is a good one. Perhaps do the sidequests first on each planet. they have normal xp. it's only the class missions which are massively boosted
  24. Yep, about 5 seconds after I saw that I could. lol. Didn't even read the announcement contents first
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