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Everything posted by errant_knight

  1. There's nothing wrong with letting your character change. In fact, that makes for a much more interesting playthrough than deciding to be ls or ds, or sticking to a point of view without allowing for character development. That being said, I wouldn't make decisions based on wanting to kill people because they irritate you unless you're playing a sociopath. Realistic reasoning and goals makes characters feel more real and at risk. Joking aside, it sounds like you're thinking about your character in a fairly 'meta' way. You might want to try making some decisions about their past, their beliefs and their feelings, then let them make whatever choices they want to.
  2. While I suspect we'll just be told that a ceasefire exists, at least in practical terms, if not formal ones, I think that would be great. It would be a lot of fun and be an opportunity to get to know some of the leading characters better. Side note: I've always thought that Saresh would be pretty darn darkside if she was a force user. Edit: Theron can prob. get his mother to listen, even while on the run, because mothers are like that, but Lana has been ddisgraced. She might have a harder time getting anyone to listen.
  3. You should put all that in spoilers. A lot of people are playing classes they haven't before and there are quite a few newcomers to the game. You don't have to play just once, and right not it's easy to make a second jedi to make different choices
  4. A certain title which shall remain nameless here was removed due to whining during beta. Please bring it back or make it otherwise available. It was much more suitable for my knight than the title he didn't really earn.
  5. I was just about to say the same thing. The addition of any class content was a very pleasant surprise and not anything that had been mentioned.
  6. We don't know that Revan is the villain. We only know that Revan appears to be the villian so far.
  7. I don't see that happening, but it's kind of sad. I don't know how it happened, but the green armor is often the best looking armor in the game
  8. I think the level of panic is a tad excessive. We know ery little about this yet. Irritation, sure. I'm still irritated about losing pommel strike way back when. I lloved that, lol. But let's wait a tad before ddeciding that this is a bad idea.
  9. the whole reason you can control the number of toolbars and add and subtact things from them is so you can adapt the interface to your personal play style. Sounds like some of you might want to tweak that a little if this is an issue.
  10. Not even slightly. I like having choice, I like paying attention and using the right ability at the right time and I really really hate having things simplified for me, generally in a way that pisses me off.
  11. Of course they don't want to. That's not the system they use. The system in swtor is one of a multitude of adaptable armors with interchangeable inserts which you can acquire in multiple ways. That's not going to change and frankly most wouldn't want it to, not at this late date. and perhaps not at all.
  12. It's your gear, perhaps combined with your skill tree choices. My sniper has almost 39,000 hp just in skill augged 180s (Oriconian) with a dreadforged implant and relic. Run dailies/weeklies for comms. If you pve at all, run hm 55 fps and do the ops you're geared for. If you don't have a guild, join one with a good reputation in your area of interest. They can help you know what's wrong and help you improve.
  13. The spacebar crowd is one of the reasons to have a guild. I spacebar when we really need to go quickly because it's late, we're doing as many as possible for conquest points, or someone has to leave. When there's no pressing need, they accomodate my desire not to spacebar all the time. Guilds are good. Oh, and they'l also do fps with you, lol. So there ya go.
  14. Right now, people are taking in a lot of other information and still focused on other recent new shinies. Some may not know much about the species other than what they've seen in the game--I know I don't. Give them a chance to think about it. I only saw your post polling about it a few minutes ago, for example, and I need to wookiepedia before replying
  15. Oh well, it's not like it really matters. It's just that when you remove the need to even *try* group content, there will be people who would find it fun if they did who just won't. We all lose in the end.
  16. The word 'streamlined' terrifies me as it conjures visions of DA2 skill trees and combat. That's not the kind of streamlined you mean, right? From what people are saying, it sounds like not, but I still have scars, lol.
  17. I know this is dear to your heart, but I wouldn't give up on seeing it. This was a big expansion with some far reaching changes. There's only so much they can do at any given time.
  18. Since they didn't mention it in any of the media, no. That doesn't mean there will never be one, but if there was in 3.0, they would have said so as part of the publicity.
  19. You can outpace that. I had to remove some alacrity from my 55 sniper for that reason. it depends on how much you have and if you also take tree abilities that improve alacrity. Not saying it devalues alacrity, just that it's something to be aware of--although this is only a problem in high level ops, really.
  20. I see no reason to panic at this point. They've always been very responsive to player complaints--if anything, too much so (I'm looking at you, Lost Island).
  21. No, we get what it is--a side quest at best, a sufficiently involved cutscene to be differentiated from Oricon or Makeb intros at worst. it just makes us THIS happy, lol
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