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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. Hey, guys!


    I've been playing full Kinetic Combat since launch, and I love the changes made in patch 2.0. However, I'm having a bit of a problem the past few days.


    It seems that I'm blowing up WAY too fast for a tank. I know stat priorities have changed, although I don't know what they are. I'm finding the biggest problem with Operatives/Scoundrels and Infiltration Shadows/Deception Assassins, particularly the latter.


    Since 2.0 went live, I've had Infil/Decep players literally 3-shotting me and I'm sitting in full Partisan gear with 3 pieces of Conqueror gear.


    Is this supposed to be happening? Why do I feel like a gimped DPS as opposed to a tank? Any help would be appreciated!


    It could be you are running into people exploiting the Augment bug thus they are hitting harder. As for Decep/Inf I tend to think atm we are hitting a little to hard too fast.


    I don't know maybe the burst should be leveled out some bit there are a crap ton of low levels and FoTM sins/shadows showing up maul spamming. I sorta hope they make some changes to add better substained dmg which stops the 5 hit dead instances. Tards are running around thinking they are great right now and giving bad advice not even reading the talents or understanding how the talents work together yet it's so easy to drop someone they don't have to. This is sad IMO. These same players end up with no protection as well.


    I hate playing a FoTM spec/class but look at all the PTs jumping ship since they don't have a sub 10 secs TTK. Sorry for the rant man I know it doesn't answer your question :)


    I love the darkness spec and the hybrid with FiB/DF but I haven't been able to settle on a spec and with the burst Decep has its tough to turn down but I live guarding people! What spec are you using? Are you using DPS gear plus shield offhand? Or tank gear?


    Maybe if we get a good discussion going we can cover something's that might help.

  2. This is exactly why its hard to get communication going with the Dev's/community managers, slandering the Dev staff is useless and a waste of time. As is calling for removal of bolster it is here to stay and they will do what they can to fix it.


    I agree the idea is good, the implementation, response time and communication has been horrible. Never should PvE gear be BiS in PvP in any fracking slot. And imo this is a major issue that requires a patch ASAP regardless of when planned downtime is. The longer they let it go on the more people you have exploiting the Aug bug and people just plan not queueing anymore and even some unsubbing. That is the last fracking thing anyone that likes this game should want.


    Now that its here they need to respond faster, communicate better and fix it ensuring PvE gear is never BiS in an instance as that is a sure fire way to lose PvPers subs and right now its BS that *********** high end raiders can have better gear in PvP then dedicated PvPers it makes me want to piss in dev's shoes but insulting them servers no point. We as a community are better then that.

  3. A lot of the people that leave sound like this WZ yesterday, in NC 1 PT decides to declare he is going to West and to have 1 person come with him. They go west the 2 of them cant take it from 1 person with a rezer following up, we lose mid being out manned. Then as we start to retake mid they take East with no call out of INC.


    The PT heading west tells everyone they suck and leaves, then another 2 guys leave. We get back filled quick down 55ish to 100. Right when we get back to even numbers they 3 cap us for a bit. We end up communicating and 3 capping to win the game.


    Point being more often then not a lot of the people that leave are the reason it seems we are losing in the first place. Not to say good players dont bail and sometimes there are legit reasons or the WZ just suchs donkey balls.


    I bail if I have to due to real life or if we are just getting smoked by pre-mades that queue sync or just getting hammered and people start 1 node guarding within 2 mins in.


    There is generally something fun to do like go mess with the 1 guy guarding snow or grass mind trapping them then running away to watch them tweak out and call for help, then mind trapping him again. Or crashing into a big group just for the hell of it. The little things can make all the difference in a lost in regards to personal enjoyment. Although I only do that when people have given up on my side otherwise its win at all costs, step on their throats and crush them type of mind set and play style.

  4. Yeah, I'm not very fond of the randomness of the Packs. I would much rather just get the items I actually want to have for my characters. Instead of having to constantly put up for sale on the GTN items that I don't want, when they keep coming back.


    Need a part of the Cartel Market for just buying items from the packs individually - because some players put them on the GTN for way too much.


    This will never happen, then the packs wouldnt sell like that do and that is their goal to sell the packs with the Vesh and other rare items as the pull. Maybe putting the chest on the Market for 600 CC or something like that or other pieces would be an interesting idea. But they still need the packs to have something super desired in it so people will buy the crates and then inturn put them out on the market imo.

  5. IT was kinda foreseeable that it will be only temporary enthusiasm... But who'd want to to be active on forums with such a "lovely" community? :D


    This is exactly it. I believe anything they say someone will twist and turn their words and god forbid if they dont meet the exact time or criteria they said people go ballistic and insult the developers and forum speakers personally and call for them to be fired.


    If the community could behave like rational adults it would go a long way to improving communication but sadly that will never happen. I personally think nothing is more important then the community - game devs/managers whatever relationship. As they can alleviate most things by just adding clarity.


    Take the PvP debacle for instance, if they would explain that PvE gear should never in any instance or slot be better then PvP gear within a WZ that would take a way major concern.


    If they stated the Augment exploit is just that an exploit and they are fixing it and will deploy an emergency patch when the fix is in that would alleviate major angst. Instead they remain silent while the community rages around them and people unsub because of it.


    Or if they tell us damage is to high we will tune it once we are satisfied bolster is in a good place.


    Or Sins/Shadows burst is to high or rage or the operative roll, is A) working how we would like it B) Is not working as intended and needs tuned, that solves some issues. All of this could be helped with a little bit of love from them to us.


    Now we as a community need to take what they say and realize it is not set in stone and that you might not like the changes and it might be a nerf to your class or your pissed because you FoTM a class. Oh well we all know that is how MMOs and their balance functions. The reaction of the players on the forums hampers how much they are willing to talk to us and provide input on anything that they cannot provide absolute information on.


    Lets band together and make this a better community. :)

  6. Yes communications would alleviate tons of the angst among the player base, minus the constant ************ on the forums. If they just let us know what is going on, an estimated ETA (I know that hard as any sign of a date and if it isn't met people will bash the dev staff personally and the company in general so I don't blame them here), what the realistic goal is and the PvE gear should never be BiS in PvP.


    I find it hard to believe the goal is a mix of PvE and PvP gear being the best for WZs. That is a death sentence for some PvP subs, I would think as most PvPers dont want to PvE so they can PvP at the highest level. Top level PvE gear should be at least 10% below the lowest level of PvP gear at the time with it bolstered and no combination of PvE & PvP gear should provide better stats. I realize the latter part of that statement may take some fine tuning but it would be nice to hear if that is indeed the goal.


    Also a statement on the Aug crap, people are starting to exploit it more and more because as one of them told me "they cannot compete with the Pubs without it".


    All and all they can alleviate some of this pain with simple communication however we the communicate have to be open to it and not crucify them if they dont meet a timeline or cant complete exactly what they commented on. Which I know is likely to never happen since they forums are like a bunch of catty *****es bashing each other or the company or the game.


    Here's hoping for some information and a fast resolution to this crap situation.

  7. I play deception spec so if you don't need never sap your opponent by "Mind Trap" because this skill give to much resolve for your opponent and then you wont be use to much stuns for control fight.

    1.So usually I start from "spike" and then 1st. maul (with automatically maul proc. --> from deception spec tree);

    2. Immediately after use "low slash" which stun your target for 4sec. "



    Why would you follow with step 2? You lose the proc for Maul from IW using LS immediately after spike plus you just add to the resolve. OP you should NOT follow up with LS right after spike.


    IMO this is what is wrong right now with deception which is causing the FOTMs and the people pulling out their Sin/Shadow. You shouldn't be able to blast people without much resistance not fully understanding the mechanics and utilizing them. Heck in under 30 WZs they are just running around and spamming Maul on people regardless of the lack of force it causes.


    Hopefully there are some QoL changes or the damage is shifted around. I dont want to be nerfed but its annoying to see people blowing others up that dont understand the mechanics and really this translates into the class being OP.


    No offense quoted poster I am sure you are a fine player and I am not picking on you. Just using this as an example as I make mistakes all the time and use LS before the internal CD is up thus wasting the maul proc as some situations call for it. But all and all that is sloppy play and to dominate people you shouldn't be able to play sloppy that is what calls to the FoTM players. Heck look at the threads popping up right now, demanding specs and complete rotations without doing any work themselves. It makes me sad lol. :mad:

  8. Yea the mask is a tough one you can buy blockade runners or buy the new one and enforcers to get the rep and certs to buy the mask. I wish they had back filled the crates with rep and certs that way you could try for the mask but eventually you would get enough rep and certs to buy it.


    That said one day I saw it for sale for 2.9 mill I had to send money from another toon buy the time I did I opened the Market still there click buy and thought I had it, check the mail box and nope just my money in the mail grrrr.


    Good luck!

  9. You're*


    Lol I love that! As for his build its not wrong and the range and AoE on FiB is extremely useful to stop caps. Trying out full Inf I miss that talent the most for the points noted in the OP and I miss guarding people. I will try the build out and see how I like it likely with a few changes.


    That said do you use all DPS gear with a shield OH? Or have you found an effective combo?

  10. BIOWARE DEVELOPERS. What more proof do you need than this? PLEASE acknowledge this issue.


    Exactly communication is the key right now pushing off a patch going silent disheartens the community and pisses us off.


    So now it's wait another 5 days at least for patch and then hope it works. Man this is very very annoying. The naked rumble was better then this. The worst part is they can't freaking make balance changes till they fix this crap.

  11. They didnt fix it before live though, which was what I was saying.


    And what he is saying is the bug reported in the PST was the remove your gear readd your gear giving you monster stats. That was the nude bolster *****ed about on the PST. That was fixed but in turn new bugs were created which we saw at launch. And as someone noted how many people really tested sub 55 WZs on the PST?


    It's semantics in a way that we are arguing but to say these particular bugs were noted on the PST isn't correct I believe that's what's being pointed out anyway. I could be wrong and maybe they didn't do regression testing and one fix introduced a prior bug. At this point it's hard to keep track of them all.


    Anyhow really communication and fast responses and action would alleviate the mob waiting a week each time for a fix and 5 days for a response is the real issue. I know Rift made a similar conversion with their xpac I wonder did they have the same issues? Really they should just replace each slot with a set stats of PvP gear if no expertise is in the gear slot with it being slightly below partisan. That way PvE gear is always worse and aug slots are only counted if there is already expertise on the gear. That might cause other issues idk.

  12. Give it till about 6 PM tonight and the market will be flooded with the new items. Although the Vesh armor and Bastila look to he fairly rare as I only got the Vesh pants and Bastila boots/bracers so they might go for a lot but hey at least it's not the lotto. Although I admit I kinda like the random chance thing.


    I bought a hypercrate plus 1 pack (additional 1 was to max my rep to buy Revans helm finally without dropping 4-5 mill on it) I did get both sabers for my sin plus the 2 new mounts that aren't skiffs in additions to 3 silver-blue crystals and the red blade helm/chest/gloves. I thought I actually made out well this time around. At least the rifle and sniper rifle are much cooler then the prior packs as well. The thul crap and jawa and the I can't recall the name starts with an ma set I got a crap load of they will probably end up like the organa loyalist and state set that are worth nothing.


    Also got 2 relaxed uni shirts and covert gloves I think they will be all over the place as well. The only thing I would've liked I didn't get was the Thes boots and chest and Triumvent chest. Oh and the new ship pet! But oh well better then other crates I bought. I just wish we could vendor the crap like genteel and covert stuff and organa I just end up destroying it and that makes those packs feel sorta like a waste but I never regret it. I love Star Wars and I know what I am buying a random crap shoot!

  13. Is it fair that a player with the ball in the opponnents pit can jump and land near the opponents goal line? As an operative, I cannot roll from my opponents pit to the goal line ..


    Can we please nerf this outrageous jump ability ..


    lol its the tards that stand on the ledge or the top playform allowing players to jump to them that needs a nerf.

  14. I agree with the trading in the rep. tokens. But I wouldn't want to see the certs. on the GTN since it would definitely devalue the items. Who knows, I don't open those packs, like I said, I just sell them for credits so whatever they do it won't be affecting me.


    Exactly this I agree the rep kinda sucks being capped but I think BW probably looks at it as an additional bonus. While some of us look at it as motivation to buy the packs for the certs so we can get older items from the vendor. I however dont want to see everyone with Revan's mask or whatever else is in there so the certs for sure should remain bound to legacy.


    I think the trade in idea is the best one, that way we can still get some value out of the rep even if the trade in is at a low exchange rate.

  15. This post sums up exactly how I feel, nothing bugs me more then 5 tools in huttball attacking 2 people off to the side, instead of helping the ball carrier through support and getting ahead for a pass or going for the enemy ball carrier instead of the enemy running into their own pit with a sliver of health left.


    There is no better feeling then capping the enemy pylon with 20 secs left before the last nuke or pulling the enemy call carrier into the pit or better yet into the fire to win a tie game. No one gives MVP votes for that. I try to vote for the guy that guards the node in CW or NC or HG as they are doing their part to win. I rarely vote for the top DPS, protection and heals get my vote if there isnt someone I noticed doing the little things it takes to win.


    Really though people PvP for different reasons, I PvP to win. Others PvP for the scoreboard. Its frustrating for sure at times. I need to find other like minded people like the OP.


    Good day and great post.

  16. Also to the point if you arent a stealther dont run over there prior to 30-40 secs on the clock. You draw more on defense or if they dont leave a guard you ensure that they do by running over there.


    Lulu them into comfortableness then have a stealther hit it before the timer, in PuGs there is often not a guard. The only advisable idea is to draw the guard away and let a stealther creep in and cap it.


    I will say playing a stealth class its awesome to cap the pylon with 15 secs left in the game essentially winning it for your team :)

  17. TBH it's hard to take this guy seriously when he's been on a crusade for 2 weeks about Sins but when has he ever gone on a balance rage like this about other classes? If you are really concerned about balance which should be what we all hope for even though it will never occur, attacking 1 class isn't the way to achieve it.


    And constantly bringing up OPs in the comparison really doesn't add strength they are different classes with different strengths and weaknesses.


    I don't think any class should drop another with no time to react or respond and since the last patch I haven't seen it maybe its happening under the right circumstances or a lucky string of crits idk. Lets see what changes for bolster on Tuesday and hopefully some tuning for TTK will be done after that or with it.


    Continue raging good Sir.

  18. Well I use to wear all dps gear and use a standard darkness spec. Now I am not sure what gear to get, ive tried out a couple of things like full tank gear and full dps gear. It feels like I am taking too much damage and not dealing out enough damage. Maybe i should try full dps gear with a sheild and put dps mods in the sheild? I just dont know what to do -cry-


    Just curious did you ever find a spec that worked well for you? I have been trying to find something comparable to the old 23/1/17. I was wondering what others have found affective for running the darkness charge? Most people I see are Deception due to the great burst. And while it is fun I like to guard people and generally play to win, I should've have to say that but a lot of people do not really its more scoreboard and death match :)

  19. Well, you seem to have a good rotation down for killing enemies.


    But it seemed like you were playing team deathmatch. At first I thought maybe you were trying to control mid- though I wouldn't consider a sorc best suited for that- but you ignored the ball and repeatedly let the enemy team grab it without even taking note of them.


    When your team is on the offensive, I'd suggest getting to your end- you have great tools to do so when nobody's attention is on you. Using extricate, overload, force speed you can rush there, clear an area, and pull a carrier from the pit for an easy score- often in a matter of seconds which will leave little for the enemy team to respond to. You can often then make it back to middle faster than anyone else too, though not fast enough to stop them from picking the ball up- you will be fast enough to snare up the carrier's allies.


    You seemed to do fine with keeping alive/killing others- though, it'd be more telling if the other team had some geared mara/sins/ops always on you, or a decent attempt to keep you under control- they did not do a good job there. You do keep a good distance and make good use of escapes when those situations arise- but overall, there weren't many times where you seemed to be under great pressure to survive.



    For suggestions- post a video or two where you had more difficulty, if you want criticism you aren't going to get much for a game where you do very well. And, more attention on objectives- sorcs are a fast moving support class, take advantage of that and leave central positions to snipers who are well equipped to hunker down and control a spot.


    You won't do as much damage, but you'll help your team win.


    Agree with all this, in this video this is the type of player I hate playing Huttball with. At one point you teammate has the ball under attack, toss out a bubble, WW one of the attackers, electro the other and move forward or pull the ball carrier to the catwalk. It is frustrating to play with players who don't care or pay attention when all you want to do is win.


    I am a different type of player winning is all that matters as such this video is tough to watch lol. But thanks for uploading it I love watching PvP videos so I appreciate the time and effort to make it and put it up. Although I do like the game sounds too :)

  20. Wow. There is no need to post a soap opera about your feelings regarding the game. You are analyzing everything way too much. Seriously though, you are over analyzing everything. It's a video game, not a funeral.


    If you aren't having fun go play something else. No need to write a 15 page thesis on your feelings. If you took this much time to write about all the things you are struggling with, I think its time you man up and make an adult decision.


    And if it means anything , there is more to do in the game than ever before. No one slapped you in the face. No one insulted your family. Changes to the game are inevitable. Stop being so dramatic and make a choice.


    Exactly all of this is so f'n minor as well.


    Open a ticket they will fix your names for you but also pay attention and you would've noticed how the names were gonna work. Also you stated you prepared to move to the Red eclipse, you mean you created toons with the names you wanted? That is how I prepared, if you did so when you came back your toons would still be there with that name no? Just curious how "you prepared"?


    The rest really is minor can I get you a maxi pad?


    Be easy

  21. With all the TTK threads and conflicting info maybe it would be easier if we discuss what you should wear in WZs for everyone to be optimal ATM. I know this info is scattered amongst other threads but I don't know wave others have found the most effective.


    So for 30-54 what are people equipping or not?

    55 WZs?


    This hopefully will clear confusion.



  22. Why can't you emergency patch it?


    A week is a long time to have a broken and exploitable system in warzones.


    This. I understand it takes time but leaving PvP in a exploitable state for week intervals is not a good idea at least the prior patch most everyone was on even footing going nude or stripping off certain items but now it is worse. Yes people hate server down time but having an enjoyable PvP experience should weigh as more important.

  23. I am simply amazed at the amount of people that think level 50 PvP gear would be used at 55. It was announced a new gear set was coming out which is essentially a gear reset of they would've made the partisan gear an ilevel higher it would've resolved this issue.


    I get why they didn't but they have caused multiple issues by doing this one if which is PvE hilts/barrels being BiS which is BS if it turns out that is the case.


    I can't imagine they would force us PvPers to raid to get equal level gear for PvP. If so I sign that petition get it fixed ASAP.


    Also *** is up with the WZ training dummy set it back to character level I know it's not a huge deal but even at 50 it's about unhittable.


    The urge to win is hardcoded in our genes. We want to win and winning in itself is a reward, much greater than any item or points could ever be.


    Exactly I play to win period, f the coms, f the scoreboard win it all costs. This is how I approach everything when you got them down step on their throats and force choke them!


    I find it sad the community thinks you need something idk but I play for the nail bitters and the heart crushing loses and last second wins!

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