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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. You misunderstood what I said. I LOVE that there is so much diversity.


    What I do not love is, is that if you are a new player; there is no way you can ever learn all of the classes and specs well enough to know exactly what an enemy player is so you can predict the moves he will make and how to counter them. There are like 9 trees per class and not to mention unlimited 'hybrid' specs.


    Interesting point, what I didnt like was the simplicity of making a few macros for a warrior and just spamming them in order (yes i know it wasnt the best route but the class was strong and simple). I felt it dumbed the game down as well as a few other things. I loved the multiple trees and spec options (which I think WoW removing the trees in that manner was a huge mistake).


    Rift did a lot of things right but it couldn't hold the MMO crowd either. They have added a lot of good enhancements to the game for leveling, cross server group finder, allowing you to adjust your level down to the area ect, but PvPers there feel ignored as well and want more just like here. But I guess that will always be the case in any game that is PvE centered.


    Personally I just didnt find the PvP as engaging and the fact that it isnt Star Wars.

  2. I have been curious about this as well but atm there are no 31 resolve hilts I have seen available on my server. I have seen another Sin using the Might one though made me wonder if the willpower trade off is worth it in that instance.
  3. good to know while they can't fix issues with programming or put out content other than re-skinning old armor or datamining KOTOR for Cartel Market charging the subscribers, they've still got time to go on vacations, drink and party and make up jokes about the content they're not going to add to the game but they promised.


    What a F'ing joke


    Who put the crabs in your panties? The Cantina visits are a good idea, it lets the player base interact personally with people that work on the game. The fact you don't like the direction or w/e doesn't mean you should come be a ******e in this thread go to one of the already started negative threads and cry in there.

  4. First of all, this issue needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.


    However, I'm not sure Bolster (despite all it's other problems) is the source of the issue here. The other day, I inspected the gear of a guildmate on the Fleet (so no bolster involved) who was using a pair of purple 54 implants, and the implants only showed up as green items in the inspection screen.


    That seems to imply that Bolster is not the source of the problem. Level 54 green items are most likely getting bolstered exactly as intended. However, something else in the game's code is incorrectly identifying purple items as green items, and this incorrect data then gets passed to the Bolster system.


    tl;dr: for all of Bolster's issues, it is most likely working as intended in this case, and this issue is probably caused by a bug in a different piece of code.



    To add to this I craft and sell the 54 implants and when I go to get the returned ones out of the mail when you view them, they are still purple, but they don't display all the stats there is typically 1 secondary stat gone from them. However when they are in my bag you can see all the stats again. Maybe this is a known issue just something to add to the issue with them.

  5. When guarding an objective in VS, NC, ACW, or AH, be sure to stand at least 15 yards away from the node you're defending. This ensures that a player will not have time to sap you and make it to the node and capture it in time before you are free from the sleep effect. And if they sap again when you stop them, then you can safely use your CC breaker to stop him again, as your resolve bar will be full.


    Expanding on this if you are guarding a node open the ops chat and type in "inc (node location)" leave it open or click off it so you can quickly enter the # coming.


    When in battle title your camera to so you can see the objective and don't chase them. I can't count the number of times I have capped while people chase the other sin around or when I have baited them to chase me on CW then phase walk to the other side of the node to cap it. Your job is really to stall and delay until help comes not kill.


    Sorry that's more then 1 and stuff most that come to these forums know its the people that don't this stuff helps.

  6. I spent close to $60.00 on cartel coins buying only the paks with this cannon in. Nothing.

    I got sniper rifles, pistols, staff, swords of the same make but not the cannon, Luck of the draw I guess.

    Consolation to this is that I got all of the new mounts, and a couple of full sets of the new armor.

    But all I really wanted was the cannon.

    Murphy's law.


    I didn't get one either so I sold the other stuff and waited for the market to flood with them but as they are rare there isn't as many like the other items but I bought it yesterday at a market low of 350k (up to this point). If you wait it out likely will find one cheaper then that.


    Them I started to level my commando who was level 6 yesterday lol.

  7. At launch when I leveled a Mar I never used Quinn then towards the end of the class story his portion of it reenforced that choice. I used Vette most of the way and had little problems. If you understand your class and keep your companions gear up to level it's no problem. Heck just buy greens of you level for Vette, they are cheap and easy to get or use shells and use your extra coms for her.
  8. That makes no sense at all. The items are still around. The packs are even still around. The only thing that changed is that they aren't for sale. Speculating that this was done to save "database" space... only seems logical if you don't understand how databases (in the most generic sense) work.


    Lol exactly I love when people spew **** to sound like they know which makes no sense if you actually "know" how software works.

  9. OP mentions the devs as if they are the ones who have total control over the pricing of such things. Remember the developers are the ones with the original vision for the game and would probably love nothing more than to let players more easily transfer characters. EA is the culprit when it comes to money.


    Also, the fact that transferring in this game is cheaper than in other games is a very valid point. There will always be someone who feels they can't afford something at a given price. When something is already set below the "market value," affordability complaints are going to fall on deaf ears.


    Both if these are good points, the first one in particular. I work in Dev for accounting software, I create it, fix the DBs, test it. I have no input on cost of yearly maintenance or product cost, this is all decided by people way up the food chain and no not the support staff lol. A lot of people have trouble recognizing the separation in companies that exist. A customer might tell me yearly maintenance or the 225 an hour they pay for me to fix **** us too much but I have nothing I can do about it as I don't set the costs.


    Just a little perspective :)

  10. I kinda feel like normal this is an over reaction much like the reaction to the Cartel Rep out cry. Which turned into nothing important really. Now if this leads to actual content through just CM packs - or buying them from the Market afterwards.


    All indications are these are pretty common thus they will be dirt cheap on the Trade Market likely what BW figured would occur.

  11. Hmm, well I would purchase the MK-1 implants/earring(Shield/Absorb) first, followed by the healing relic. After I would probably get the legs, head, and body since they also have all shield/absorb/defense. Then bracers/belt and defense relic because of the low comm price. Then saber, then after that the pieces that have other stats like alacrity or accuracy on them come last(Head, Gloves, Shield.)

    Thanks, I appreciate the straight answer. Most people answer with a lack of thought or ***** about bolster :)

  12. This is REALLY getting old.. I went through this a couple months ago, but now the problem of spending money to buy Cartel Points through the link in the game or website is so-o-o frustrating... I called customer servive 3 days ago..have the service/ticket number... told try again in 24 hours... did so, got the error message again... knew there was a maintainance patch being done, so waited 48 hours to attempt to spend my money again... credit card is good... but AGAIN get the error message... call back to customer service...wait 10 minutes... and get told the "specialized team" I need to speak to is unavailable at this time (6pm central/USA time zone), but I'm told they can tell me when I can call AGAIN in 24 hours to speak to the "right" people... then I'm put on hold and loa and behold... I get disconnected .. I call AGAIN and then I'm told there is a system problem so I can try aAGAIN in another 24 hours, but should call prior to attempting to buy the d**m coins again... This is getting really old... as I already said... if there is a system problem, fix it.. if your staff available to fix the problem is unavailable...hire more staff... totally disgusted here in Fargo...


    This is very similar to my roommates experience you would think they'd be on this ****.

  13. Yeah, this is a really BAD time to be removing them with all the trouble people are having right now buying Cartel Coins....


    Yes this needs to be addressed, the CS reps are clueless if you call and you have no option but to not buy anything which is the opposite of what the CM is there for one would think. It's shocking they haven't addressed this for months. My friend has been locked out for weeks, Best Buy and Game Stop in Seattle have no clue about buying CC cards but that is besides the point he shouldn't have to go that route just cause he was buying to many small purchases of coins at once, since he and I had no clue it locks you out. The FAQ says 24 hours but it looks more like hundreds of hours. Another excellent job, I know EA games have this issue as a whole but its a bit ridiculous.

  14. I want more buffs that turn you into trees and crates and stuff, those things are awesome.

    I'd really like to see a buff that turns you into a jawa or an ewok and you're running around smashing people for 10k as this little tiny creature for lulz


    Agree was thinking about this the other day, like the pits in WiW that turn you into Skeleton or a Dwarf. Would be pretty cool and people would love it.

  15. I bought the 2012 one abit ago and I use W7. I had to set the mouse on the bottom to NUM, make sure the number pad is turned on, set the Synapse software - Go to side view - NUM. This allowed me to use it as I did with the old naga razor.


    I gave my old Naga to a friend whom has W8, he didn't need the software for it to work but without it he couldn't get it to display numbers when key binding the keys to quick bars. I set his to 123 and I believe the NUM Pad to be turned on as well (in one of the setups this was required I can't recall if it was W8 or W7 now)


    It is really a matter messing with the option till you get it function how you want. Good luck

  16. 1. Mainhand

    2. Offhand - MH/OH give the biggest stat boosts overall

    3. Relics - because the PvE ones you're probably still using are crap

    4. Earpiece

    5. Implants - Ear/Imps are cheap to get and have decent Expertise

    6. Armor


    Thanks for taking the time to add this.

  17. Just curious what the most effective gear order people have found to be upon hitting 55 with max coms? With bolster in effect is buying the main hand really the best route to go for your first purchase? Or is conq relic + part main hand/offhand or going for the 4 piece set bonus the best?


    Right now it looks like buying implants and ear can wait as you can use level 53/54 pieces with bolster with min expertise lose.


    Anyway just curious if anyone has a consensus as to the best route to go?


    Thanks for the input.

  18. I'll see what I can do, but videos are not going to be coming from me anytime soon, I don't have the resources currently, and I'm pretty sure my computer couldn't handle it either way :( I am going to be looking into it, but I wouldn't get any hopes up. Having said that, Xinika has a lot of small scale and 1v1 encounters in her videos, especially the older ones. Wakalord also did some dueling video guides for some classes back in the day.




    Most of this content is pre 2.0, but 99% of it is still applicable. The key thing for countering any class is to learn them, and to know that there is no set blueprint. As much as I would love to give you a secret formula to do X then Y then Z, I simply can't. Such is the nature of PvP. I can give tips, but not formulas. I will do my best to give you those tips, I'll write up the big things when I get the time.


    The ones from Waka are pretty good anyone can really learn or pick something up from them on how to counter certain classes 1v1. I applaud him for taking the time to put that together.

  19. I really think it should be capped at below max level as it can create issues as noted in this thread. Capping it at 30 or 40 and make it x2 per toon or something. That way you can play the class if you don't like it swap. This will help with FoTM swapping or stacking certain classes in raids ect. Probably make it cost CC as well, not that I agree with it but with a f2p game or make it subs only.



    That is how I would see it being a compromise more or less.

  20. /sign

    Should've been annoyance a long time ago. The facts are rateds aren't that popular because really premades use them to win trade for gear then queue to smash pugs then gloat. If the real problem is getting 8 vs 4 then a premades only queue should easily match 2 groups of 4 to play with. **a bit of sarcasm I know some guilds love the competition and that's what they play for but some that claim to be good not so much.


    Although once they really have to play against other organized groups how many will stop and start solo queuing? If it is only about playing with your friends this change is no problem but likely it will high light that only a small percentage want a fun close fight.


    They should be able to do this as originally there was suppose to be a solo queue for ranked and maybe that is what they need to do is put that in place my guess is it would have queues popping.

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