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Posts posted by Avicii


    Why bother? Lol... Show some SS of you being at cap with PvE gear on...


    Expertise isn't the only thing that matters in PVP either. What is you HP? My guess around 24K.... If you are a casual, fine, but if you actually want to have the best performance you need PVP gear...


    This... People are saying bolster is too complicated but really it looks like part of the community isn't too bright and actually having to think about secondary stats, main stats and expertise is just too much work. They are getting close to having it all sorted out, it will be PvP gear > PvE gear and you can trade in certain PvE piece to augment secondary stats at am expertise and like endurance trade off.


    Now maybe they could make a bolster stats screen or something so you don't have to enter a WZ to see how it is altering your stats but right now just join a WZ and switch pieces around as many have done in this thread. Have a good weekend everyone!

  2. Meh, I'm still a little annoyed that the mask that was heavily advertised as a single item for collections, cannot be changed to such. It's not like they'd have to redo everything, just the item they pretty much blatantly used as a way to make Blockade Runners packs seem desireable again.


    Exactly Eradicators' mask is a single item, it would be simple enough to add Revan's mask as a single item as well. However imagine the anger from the people that spent 2-4 mill to buy the gloves and sash to complete the set if that happened. Although I think more people would be happy if they did add it by itself to make up for their false advertisement of the system itself.

  3. If you get him at level 1 and just give him a gun you fly through the starter planet. He comes with all his level 50 skills making him a huge asset leveling up and you can send your other comps out in missions and just use him. If I could decide what I was gonna level I would unlock him for them lol.
  4. i agree i used to love arena and am realy glad swtor is geting it :) if you dont like it dont play it.

    i think this will bring alot of new players to the game

    Just to caution as no one verified its going to be arenas like WoW. As someone pointed out maybe the new Huttball Away/Home armor means an away HB "arena" is coming. Or arenas like Wildstar who knows.


    We don't know and getting your hopes up will surely lead to a wave of QQ.



    Unless there has been absolute verification? If so just ignore me.

  5. Worked on an operative for the last legacy buff 16-27, rolled a new commando to use the new cannon 1-15, leveled my shadow through a few FPs, 17-21, leveled my Sorc in FPs 17-22. Low level FPs were popping!


    Not much but still good to boost through some areas. Played my main Sin working on Conq gear and trying to get the the Trisa Elite speeder. It dropped but I lost the roll with only 3 of us rolling grrr lol.

  6. There's a huge thread in general about this same request. Only way I see it is a high CC cost, hell names cost $10 this should be much higher and have a restriction of 1 time at level 30 max. I don't want them to implement it for all the reasons noted but if they do I can't see it being max level. The FoTM classes will be out of frackin control.
  7. From what I can tell reviewing this issue it isn't just a SWTOR issue it's all EA games that have a cash shop. When I googled it one of the threads from a few months back had an error code that that changed it said. If you search on that you find a crapload of threads about it and no response from EA or in this case BW anywhere.


    My friend has been locked out for 2 weeks although I think every couple days he tries to buy CCs to see if it works which might be resetting his time to wait people have speculated.

    Good luck

  8. Best bet is to post in the jug forums for specifics with the class. I know there are some great jug vids posted there from PvP as well.


    Are you asking for WZ tips? There are a few threads around here about what basic things people should do and don't around here that would seem to be common sense. Take a look for those threads as there is a lot of good info in there.

  9. what is so complicated about this?


    it doesnt matter what controller you are using, what keyboard, whether or not you have rebound keys, etc.


    one button press = one ability performed. its not rocket science.........

    This.. Not sure what's so hard to understand although you cen tell in this thread who is inclined to use macros that violate the ToS by there comments.

  10. I have just this past week began to experience this in WZs as well not sure *** is going but it's annoying as all hell. I haven't gone through my PC to the extent you have yet but I am going to update my drivers again and see of that helps. Of you figure out what resolves it would be nice to know.
  11. I feel ya, the Jedi animation holding the lightsabre like a baseball bat doesn't compare to how a Jug holds it IMO. I wish we could change that its not like I am waiting for a Rivera cutter but it looks like it.
  12. Moving Infiltration Tactics up in the tree changed what you can do when leveling with a Shadow now. Previously you could sink 3 points or at least 1 to get the proc making leveling a little easier I thought and opening up more option. Now at low levels SS can sink your force fast and make the process of killing things slow.


    One thing to note, make sure your gear is up to date and get your companions gear up to date as well this should make leveling easier.

  13. Nope not really you are the type of player bolster was put in place for. Just make your ilevel isn't too high. Check out the threads about min/max bolster on here for a better explanation. You will be put on a fairly level playing field if you augment the gear you use and just grab the daily and weekly and start amassing WZ/RWZ coms.
  14. First, i had written a massive reply but managed to crash chrome and lose it:P


    We were having a current-state-of-play in general chat just before server downtime and people were moaning that the game had a lack of arenas etc....do they realise it took blizz almost 3 years to release arenas? with the amount of money and dev team sizes at their disposal it took that long.


    I both love and hate WoW...best game i ever played (but id prefer to poke my own eyes out with a fork after 7 years of playing it) and the reason I hate it...it has pretty much killed the MMO genre....Nobody can possibly, apart from blizz with the money they made out of WoW, afford to release an MMO with a feature set comparable to WoW...i truly believe WoW has killed the market cause every new game people (and i have been guilty in the past, heck i stopped playing SWTOR after i got to 50 and the lack of a LFG tool) will try it and it hasnt the same polish and features current WoW has so they end up slagging it off and going back to sit in Ogrimmar wondering what to do! The only real winners are those the persevere and watch the new game blossom.


    I think too many people look at this game subjectively rather than objectively....heck at any game other than WoW.


    It is the general attitude of a lot of people these days....like how on earth can a F2P seriously justify slagging the game off...yet they do. Is like giving some begger in WoW a 100g and them telling you 100g is an insult!.


    People want everything and they want it now...look no further for proof than the state of the world's economy or the £50,000 car parked outside the £100,000 house.


    Please OP ask yourself what other game, measured by the same yard-stick, was any better at the same point?


    This isn't a flame/troll....I just don't get what people expect or rather why they expect it and expect it immediately.


    How can any new MMO ever succeed under these conditions...especially with the way finances are.


    This is exactly how I feel. People expect it all immediately and if its not there they jump ship. An MMO needs time to mature and grow but now people are spoiled and if it doesn't have x, y,z they get their panties in a bunch. WoW took years to get the features it has and people stuck without through all the **** allowing it to mature however no new MMO will have that due to how wow changed the MMO market and expectations. Kinda sad really

  15. Yeah I'd like to give the sin a positive nod but it just seems lackluster compared to the other classes in 55 even with the deception buff, and I predict that deception actually gets nerfed in the future on top of it.


    The one thing I CAN do really well with this class is change an entire warzone with a ninja cap and then be a stealth tank who can hold it for stupid amounts of time after taking it. If you do this, prepare to finish with stupidly low numbers, get 0 votes, and be the only person on your team actually contributing anything towards victory.


    So yeah, it's decent if you like solo play and depending on your style you might like it. But I think op healer or marauder/sniper or jugg/pt tank is just better in mainfights. Sorc can do good too if you're very aware.


    This. I love the ability to turn a Hypergate by myself or CW or VS. however it's typically lackluster MVP voting as what it takes to win isn't what most people look at. If you play team death match you can put up good looking numbers but that rally isn't what WZs are about. Also you excel at node guarding which can be fun and rewarding at times or extremely boring.


    As for PvE I don't have much to add but from what I understand our substained dmg is on the low end and I wouldn't be surprised if we aren't in high demand for ops runs.


    It's a fun class for sure but it isn't all rosey at high end PvE/PvP.

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