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Posts posted by Avicii

  1. How do you optimize gear? As far as I can tell, the only thing you can really do is add MK-9 augments to gear. Is that what you mean by optimizing?

    No they mean replacing the mods that have junk stats for your spec or class. Such as Alacrity ones for Sins to optimize it with power and surge. As well as Augs of course aiming for certain stat break points.

  2. KBN seems to be only one in this thread focusing on community aspect of Class Representative rather than personal issues/questions about class :rolleyes:


    Concur look at his post history vs some of the others. He's not a dbag to people or screaming about crap he doesn't like and demanding ****. The rep needs to be someone that loves the class and the game and treats everyone with respect as a lot of this is being a facilitator.


    So we have to play the cards that were dealt with. The elected representative doesn't necessarily need to be an expert in all aspects of the AC, what's important is the rep be the 'voice of the community' and represent the most common questions the community puts forth. And although they can & should participate in discussions, their primary role should be to 'listen' and when it comes to selecting the questions to ask the Devs, it needs to be a completely unbiased decision based on the feedback from everyone.



    I have been trying to convey this thought in other class threads instead of having your guildies mass spam noms for a person or your friends when they are noming a person that belittles others in the forums and slams the game and BW. Is that really the person the community wants reping them? I dont and your post sums up exactly what all classes should hope for as it will be the best for everyone that plays the class.


    You get my vote for recognizing that.

  4. Just to reiterate a good player doesnt always make the best class rep. If they are players that belittle other players or insult the game and the staff of the game how can you expect BW to take them seriously? Or someone that talks down to others on the forums, do you really think they will take into consideration every ones concerns to get to the top 3 issues to bring forth?


    This should be someone you trust to rep the class as a whole and act maturely in deciding what questions to ask and gathering the info from class players. Look at who is active and who contributes to the forums for the class and is willing to help others going out of their way to assist because they love the game and the class. By doing a quick post check you can tell whom is a good fit and who isn't.


    IMHO this is what I am hoping for when the poll goes up. Good luck to all the noms hopefully whomever is selected will actually put the class and players agenda above their own personal one.

  5. There's no reason to see Battlemaster, Centurion, Champion and Mercenary commendations anymore.


    If people haven't cashed in on those yet, then they probably never will or probably won't care if they can't when they're removed.


    Devs - stop being so damn lazy and clean your game up.


    Such a compelling argument as to why they should then to boot you toss in a insult which will surely call them into action. Keep up the good work and great community contributions.

  6. My vote is for Xinika. Have you seen her vids? ;)


    Have you see Waka's? No one node guards and trolls at the same time with such elegance and class :)


    Really though I think the community has spoken and we have the noms put the poll up and let's do this before it evolves into a flame war.


    I would just caution that who ever you vote for make sure they aren't gonna bounce because they don't get their way or if the Devs don't follow what they say or the feedback they bring to the table. I know some people think they are smarter then or know more then the Devs, that attitude does not serve the community well and slandering the staff in these forums makes it less likely they will take someone serious as well as belitting community members. It must be someone mature who won't push their own agenda but push the communities. The person that is the best or knows the most doesn't always make the best rep.


    That said I go with Waka or Shin or Zabuza

  7. /sign


    I think it should also give access to some better gear. Not full gear sets, but Implants, mods and the like. Also, if they ever do give cosmetic boosts for valor, please do not use the same template for Jedi Guardian gear as that armor looks awful.


    This wont happen, they put in bolster for a reason and there is no way they add a statistical advantage for having higher valor. Besides some of us have launch toons where valor fell like rain in Ilum with or without the exploits at the time. Maybe it reduces the cost of the Conq mods though the higher you are making min/maxing easier.


    There should be cosmetic things like mounts or maybe you can get the BM/Champ/WH shells and they are adaptable Bound to Legacy like the Gree armor for instance that would help PvPers say if you roll a Sent you can send the Mar gear to him in the BM shells and he can wear that gear. Maybe @ V100 you get an armor mount (granted there are already items like this, just throwing out ideas).


    I am sure there are plenty of cool ideas the community can think of that dont provide a statistical advantage over new players. Probably should raise the cap as well, **** push it to 999.


    I like the idea of them doing something with it moving forward.

  8. If you don't like the title don't buy it however I wager the whiners will buy it.


    The CCs are simple as discussed in other threads. If you give another pet some wont like it, a speeder samething. Giving CCs allows people to buy or unlock what they want. It's the easiest way to appease a majority. The others who expected more or were all hyped much like the media does, people on the forums did the same they started wishing for wild **** when really reality says that wasnt gonna happen.


    And op you voiced your opinion in a negative tone to let BW and other players know you are disappointed or pissed w/e. that frames the responses you get take out the bitterness and responses might be different. All and all it's a free gift how people can ***** about it just reflects the mentality of society today. I really don't care personally, it's minor and I didn't have expectations I was getting a DeathStar. Additional CC is nice I can use it on whatever I need and it seems most in game are fine with it.


    Thank you Eric for responding to threads on a holiday weekend for most and BW for the CCs.

  9. I got an in-game reward of 500 cartel coins, is that the subscriber appreciation thing?


    Wondering this as well. Too early for my monthly stipend but when I was logged in I saw a notice by the CM that I received CCs. No email yet though likely it's scheduled to go out later if this is the case.

  10. Do something about the 3 or 4 empire premades that run the queue all night and you will see droves of people stay in the WZ even if they are losing.


    A solo only queue would solve much of this. Not all of it, but much of it.


    I love your sig, wish I would've thought of it lol. Per the comment people bail when it's just a pug that is stomping them after 1 cap, **** if its a guild they recognize they bolt ASAP and requeue. That can't really be fun for the other team either.

  11. Last week or so, ive had 3 people claim that i'm using some 3rd party mod or program. Because it must be impossible to do whatever it is im doing without it..


    what sort of bullcrap is that.. and whats worse is the people who are saying this are 100 valor rank. Just absurd.


    I want to know what they are even talking about, what 3rd party program could possibly help?


    these people are just upset because someone bested them, and are looking for any possibly explaination other than the truth.


    Lol they told you not us. I assume they think you are using macros and a mouse or keyboard with that functionality. Either that or actual hacks. Hard to really know without knowing what the specific encounters were.

  12. You really expect someone else to pay attention to what's "great for your character"??


    I feel the same way when I'm wailing on a gold boss so I can get the prize he's guarding and someone else sneaks in behind me and grabs it. But when I complain I'm told to get a life and them's the breaks. He may be a jerk, but there's no rule that says he can't do that.


    So...same rule applies. There may be some conventional wisdom about what ought to happen, but there's no hard and fast rule that says you have to follow it. If I say "greed" and it's for my companion, it's only because I think my companion is more important than you are. Get a life and them's the breaks.


    Classic douche bag response and running 55 HFP for an item drop is nothing like a fracking chest in the open world. And it's not knowing what's next for another's toon. It's that it's an item for his class like a might hilt LS and a Sorc rolls need for Khem or to RE. That isn't cool and most people know that. In the olden days of an MMO you would be blacklisted and called a ninja but most wouldn't do it cause its not proper educate and it can get you g'kicked for being a dbag.


    Continue being a dbag and the ignore lists you are on will grow and Group Finder will take forever for that person.

  13. People will complain about anything and to have the entitlement to think they can "enforce" accountability. This is exactly why they dont release info ahead of time. If they are off on a date or vague or something goes wrong someone complains.


    Happy 4th to the SWTOR Team and Staff we appreciate the game you have put forth for use to play and enjoy on the 4th while we dont have to go to work!.

  14. thought you were talking about tonight. well most teams don't queue on the weekends due to having a life. but Monday-Thursday on pot5 is very active. so we are talking about 2 different things I guess. you should have tuned in tonight. I had 5 different streams going and all of them were in matches. I would have been doing them too but one of our players couldn't make it.


    Awesome so the teams on Pot5 have a life so games only occur 4 days a week. If you are so insistent people transfer why did you move a toon to the Bastion? Is this so when the people that have a life are busy you can queue for 3 days on the Bastion?


    Let us in in the secret streamers so everyone can see the elite action Mon-Thurs of multiple teams the quality of MVP.


    In all seriousness people don't want to transfer to a place that triples their ping of they are west coasters. Really this is all just conjecture and people talking out their *** as there is no concrete proof to substantiate any claims of greatness. Other then watching the streams and seeing the quality of play but without the same measuring stick no one will agree on that either.

  15. If you don't plan on pvping guarding nodes, then the short answer is no.


    Shadow underperformed in every role compared to other classes and are inferior in dps compared to sages. It's a bit depressing playing my shadow now compared to what it used to be pre 2.0. I'm still leveling it to guard nodes and just be a pain in pvp.


    Pretty much this..


    Although some times I like node guarding in particular when I can get a couple stragglers either 1 by 1 or 2 at a time. It's fun to see how long I can hold out sap rotating on them. As well as ninja a node or pylon. The thing I live the best is flipping a pylon with 25 secs left in round 3. Granted in RWZs that doesn't happen but being a regstar can be fun at times. As well as HB trolling with fire pulls and knock backs.


    Despite the burst we are not a preferred class in RWZs for the main fight as we need to exit combat to reset our CDs which doesn't happen often in Rateds other then death or force cloak. Hence go guard your node! :)

  16. Who cares aboot MVP votes. The only stat at the end of a warzone that means anything is the W. And if you honestly think you are good enough to be on a rated team, then do what ADRAAJ did and put yourself out there. Why do they have to ask you.


    Rellik - Jenna'syyde


    I voted for Rellik as MVP before, not cause of stats or anything else but because when I guard a node and call inc he watches chat and responds. After the first time I knew if I sapped them and generally kept them busy long enough he would respond. Do that and people will notice.

  17. After years of MMOs and PvP I think it's time to move into healing for something different. As such I am curious which healing class PvP healers find the most enjoyable to play.


    I am going to give the different ones a whirl as I have an OP at 31, Commando 19, Sorc 21. What are the varying thoughts on the classes from others that have healed with different healers. And around what level can you truely get a feel for how each class operates effectively in WZs. Such as Operatvies get the roll at 51 without that is their surviability much lower then the other 2 healers till 51?


    Besides a constructive thread on the PvP forums never hurts.



    Thanks for the input

  18. Healers appear OP when they have cross healing and/or guard with a good tank and pilers to LoS. Otherwise a good DPS can hound a healer into just healing themselves which is what you want as he is not acting as a force multiplier for the rest of his team. In pugs it sucks when your team of tards won't focus 1 healer to take them out when there's cross healing or they break a stun on the sage while you are trying to down the other healer but that's life in regs.


    Go watch some of MVPs streams of ranked or bodies and you can see how good teams operate or in some cases bad teams if the tank is sitting on the healer a couple if good smashes can do wonders. Anyway regstars would be helped a lot if they watched good players play to get a grasp of tactics. However the 90% of the pop that needs the help doesn't frequent these forums and as such it's tough to help them without a lot of patients in game.

  19. I forget where and how do you get the bowcaster?


    And yes thats what i would imagine will happen. That cannon looks awesome though and once again the rifle equivalent is a flop (visually)


    The new BH event coming with 2.3 has a bowcaster as one if the rewads with a slightly different model I have heard. I missed out last yr so I am excited to pick this one up for my VG.

  20. Guys, this isn't debatable.. It is a fact that they changed medpacs to once per fight because it made raids trivial. It doesn't have to make sense. More so, they aren't going to revert the changes.


    Agree ^ but the overreacters want to come in here and rage at "Biofail" at something very trivial. This is almost as bad as the guy raging cause he walked into a PvP battle on a PvP server.


    Rage on brothers!

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